Online Coins Auction #85

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Results for la category: "Lots and collections"

1463 | Lots and collections

Set of pre-coins, mostly ring type, and one of them decorated ingot type. TO EXAMINE.
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1464 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT GREECE. Pair of 1/4 stater. Both pieces are reproductions (one of them is considered fantasy) in 22-carat gold and with a total weight of 7.24g. Good general condition. TO EXAMINE.
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1465 | Lots and collections

Interesting rest of the collection made up of 46 pieces of Greek influence where we highlight a selection of small and medium Roman-provincial bronzes from various emperors. The collection is completed with various pieces in silver and imitations, both vintage and modern, and two pieces encapsulated by NGC. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1466 | Lots and collections

Magnificent rest of the collection made up of more than 400 pieces from different periods of the Ancient World, reaching coinage from the Middle Ages. In the set, a good number of Iberian bronzes stand out, highlighting the mints of Obulco, Iliberri and Cástulo. Hispano-Roman felus, low imperial bronzes and an interesting selection of Greek silver complete this stupendous set. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1467 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA. Set of 9 bronze coins from different mints, contains some reproduction. TO EXAMINE.
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1468 | Lots and collections

Set of 4 denarii, one of them republican. Of the four denarii, three lined. TO EXAMINE.
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1469 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 4 low imperial bronzes from different emperors. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1470 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 10 small imperial bass coppers. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1471 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set made up of 11 bronzes, 10 of them Roman, among which we find Ases, Sesterces and a Tetradrachm by Antonino Pío. The set is completed with a piece from the old Eastern Mauritania. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1472 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Large set made up of approximately 100 small bronze coins from different emperors of the late Roman Empire. TO EXAMINE.
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1473 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 11 imperial pieces among which we find silver and bronze from various emperors. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1474 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Nice set of 4 denarii from different emperors: Maximinus, Vespasian, Antoninus Pio and Heliogabalus. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1475 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Set of 10 denarii and antoninians from different emperors as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1476 | Lots and collections

HISPANO-ARAB. Interesting set made up of 18 silver coins minted in the Almohad period. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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1477 | Lots and collections

Set of 26 Arab coins, mainly minted in the Ottoman Empire in silver and bronze. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1478 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Set of 10 Spanish coppers and fleeces where a mite from James I of Aragon stands out. Pieces from different mints and reign including Navarrese gored from the period of the Spanish Monarchy. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1479 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Set of 16 Valencian fleeces minted in different periods and with different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1480 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Set of 37 small Catalan medieval coppers minted in various periods. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1481 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Magnificent set of 31 coins, copper and fleece, from different periods, mints (Burgos, Ávila or Toledo) and modules (white, money or crossed). Among the pieces we find copies minted in the name of Alfonso X, Jaime I, Juan II, Enrique III and Enrique IV among others. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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1482 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL ERA AND SPANISH MONARCHY. Set of 10 coins from different kings, both medieval and from the Spanish monarchy, contains a 1/2 Real and two fractional coins. TO EXAMINE.
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1483 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 15 coppers and fleeces minted between the time of the RRCC and the Guerra dels Segadors (S. XVII). Different modules (Blancas, maravedís or horned), mints (Valladolid, Pamplona, ​​Cuenca or Toledo) as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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1484 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set of 8 resealed coppers, with a module of 8 maravedís and from the time of Felipe III. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1485 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set of 8 coppers of different modules and reigns. Includes pieces with reseals. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1486 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 22 pieces of 1/2 real macuquino minted between the reigns of Felipe IV and Carlos III, mainly in the mints of Potosí and Mexico. Different states of conservation. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1487 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 5 silver coins minted during the reigns of Isabel II (4) and Carlos III (1). small modules. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1488 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Interesting set made up of 12 5 Pesetas coins minted in the reigns of Alfonso XII and XIII. Variety of busts and dates. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1489 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY AND THE SPANISH STATE. Set of 35 silver coins with modules of 5 Pesetas (21 Centenary pieces) and 100 Pesetas from 1966 (14 coins from the Spanish State). Variety of dates and busts. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1490 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Nice set made up of dozens of coins of different modules, dates and materials, including a good number of silver pieces. The set is completed with several copies of the 1937 Peseta. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1491 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE (1936-1975). Interesting set of 37 pieces of the modules of 1 Peseta and 25 Centimos from 1937 (Uncirculated). Of the 1 Peseta coins, without any repeats, we highlight a majority of copies in Uncirculated condition and pieces from 1947 (*50 and 56). 1953 (*61, 62 and 63) and 1963 (*63, 64, 65,66,67) and 1966 (*67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74 and 75). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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1492 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE AND JUAN CARLOS I. Interesting lot made up of dozens of coins from both periods, highlighting 12 silver coins of 2000 Ptas, strips, cases and a copy of 2.50 Pesetas from 1953 *71. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1493 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Magnificent set made up of cases, wallets and cartridges, all issued during the reign of Juan Carlos I. A wide and varied representation of Ecus cases in silver, both module 1 and 5, stands out. Magnificent state of conservation. Uncirculated. TO EXAMINE
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1494 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Set made up of 14 cases (6 of 1 ECU and 8 of 5 ECU/EURO) without repetition except for one. Minting dates between 1989 and 1998. FNMT. Madrid. FDC quality. Includes original boxes and certificates of authenticity. TO EXAMINE

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1495 | Lots and collections

JUAN CARLOS I. Magnificent set of more than 60 complete cartridges with a great variety of modules and dates. Includes two cartridges of the Spanish State of the peseta 1966. Uncirculated. TO EXAMINE
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1496 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Set made up of dozens of coins exhibited in albums, sets and complete cases where a good number of silver copies stand out (2000 Pesetas, 10 and 12 Euros...) and a €20 gold piece commemorating the 2010 World Cup in South Africa All Spanish coins are minted by the FNMT. The set is completed with a small collection of foreign coins and two Spanish bills. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1497 | Lots and collections

CONTEMPORARY. Magnificent and extensive set made up of around a hundred cases and sets of Spanish commemorative coins, the vast majority of them in silver with values ​​in Pesetas, Ecu and Euros. Great thematic variety, PROOF endings and very few repeated copies. Most of the cases are in mint condition, complete and including capsules and certificates of authenticity. TO EXAMINE
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1498 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting set of 16 counterfeit vintage coins, mainly from the êseta Centenary period. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1499 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Set made up of hundreds of coins mainly from the Spanish State and the module of 1 and 5 Pesetas. Among them are included some pieces with interesting minting errors, copies of the Centenary of the Peseta and medals. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1500 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting set of 13 coins minted between 1925 and 1937 during the reigns of Alfonso XIII and the Spanish State in different modules and states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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1501 | Lots and collections

Collection made up of hundreds of coins from different countries, including Spanish coins, mainly from the Spanish State and Juan Carlos I, and periods, with a wide chronological range and types (includes coppers from a wide variety of periods, including pieces from the Spanish Monarchy and Old age). Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1502 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Interesting set made up of around 200 coins, mainly from the periods of the Centenary of the Peseta and the Second Republic. Variety of modules, dates and materials including pieces in silver. The set includes 5 modern replica Cinquentines, 5 current replicas of iconic Spanish coins and 3 values ​​(1, 5 and 25 Pesetas) from 1975 in blank silver. The set is completed with a small collection of Chilean and Mexican currency. Different states of conservation, including a good number of high-grade pieces. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1503 | Lots and collections

Interesting and varied rest of the collection made up of hundreds of pieces minted between Roman times and the reign of Juan Carlos I. The set includes pieces from the Spanish Monarchy, Centenary and foreign silver as well as a large representation of coppers from Felipe IV. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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1504 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Varied and extensive collection of more than 200 Spanish coins minted in the periods of the Spanish Monarchy, Centenary of the Peseta and II Republic. Copper, fleece and silver among which numerous pieces with overprints stand out. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1505 | Lots and collections

SPAIN. Magnificent set made up of more than 100 contemporary silver coins and the Centenary of the Peseta, among which stand out: 82 pieces of 2000 Pesetas, 18 centenary duros as well as several cases of Ecus, Pesetas and 10 Euros from the Gaudí series. Magnificent general state of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1506 | Lots and collections

Interesting set made up of dozens of both Spanish (mainly Spanish State) and foreign coins. In the Spanish part, there are a good number of 5 and 10 cent pieces of the Iberian Rider and 25 cent coins minted in the reign of Alfonso XIII and abroad the existence of silver coins from different countries. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1507 | Lots and collections

Interesting set exhibited in an album and made up of around 190 mainly copper coins from both the Roman Empire and the Spanish Monarchy and Centenary of the Peseta. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1508 | Lots and collections

GERMANY. Interesting set of 23 silver coins from the 20th century (one of them is from the 19th century) from different modules (mainly 5 and 10 Marks) and historical periods. Good general state of preservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1509 | Lots and collections

Set of 4 cases from different countries: Austria, Ireland, Portugal and France. Pieces in silver and with official cases and certificates of authenticity (except the Portuguese one). PROOF.
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1510 | Lots and collections

CHINA AND VIETNAM. Set of dozens of old pieces from both countries in different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1511 | Lots and collections

BRITAIN. Collection made up of more than 200 pieces from different periods (19th and 20th centuries), modules and materials, including a good representation of silver specimens. Coins from Jersey, Man or Gibraltar are included. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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1512 | Lots and collections

FOREIGN CURRENCIES. Lot made up of 11 coins from the Arab culture minted in different times and places, it also includes a medieval coin from the kingdom of Cilicia. TO EXAMINE.
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