Online Coins Auction #85

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Results for la category: "Ancient Greek coins"

51 | Ancient Greek coins

PISIDIA, Etennia. Ae14. (Ae. 2.21g/14mm). 1st century BC (SNG von Aulock 5017; SNG Paris 1532). Obv: Two young men advancing to the left carrying a dagger and an axe. Rev: Young man advancing to the right wearing a laurel wreath, between: ET-EN. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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52 | Ancient Greek coins

PISIDIA, Termessos. Ae18. (Ae. 5.23g/18mm). 1st century BC (SNG Paris 2106). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Leaping horse left, in letter field, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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53 | Ancient Greek coins

PISIDIA, Termessos. Ae19. (Ae. 4.24g/19mm). 1st century BC (SNG BnF 2113). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Prancing horse left, above letter A, below monogram TEP. Very Fine.
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54 | Ancient Greek coins

POINTS, friends. Ae22. (Ae. 8.38g/22mm). 85-65 BC (SNG BM Black Sea 1205; HGC 7, 243). Obv: laureate head of Dionysos to right. Rev: Panther skin and thyrsos over mystic cyst, in monogram field, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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55 | Ancient Greek coins

POINTS, friends. Ae22. (Ae. 9.19g/21mm). 85-65 BC (SNG Stancomb 697). Obv: laureate head of Dionysos to right. Rev: Basket and thyrsos, in field Greek monogram, below Greek legend. Good Very Fine.
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56 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Pharnakeia. Ae18. (Ae. 5.71g/18mm). 95-90 BC (HGC 7, 297). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning bolt to right, in monogram field, below Greek legend. Very Fine. Cleaned.
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57 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy II Philadelphos. Hemibolus. (Ae. 5.21g/20mm). 285-246 BC Alexandria. (Svoronos 452). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning to left, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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58 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae39. (Ae. 66.58g/39mm). 222-205/4 BC (Svoronos 992; SNG Copenhagen 205). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing left on lightning, between its legs Greek letter Sigma, in cornucopia field, around Greek legend. Almost Extremely Fine. magnificent specimen
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59 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philipator. Ae41. (Ae. 66.45g/41mm). 221-204 BC (Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle on lightning bolt to left, cornucopia in front, AI between legs, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine. Nice patina. Beautiful specimen, scarce like that.
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60 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae34 (Ae. 31.16g/34mm). 222-205 BC (Svoronos 1127; SNG Copenhagen 201-202). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing left on beam, between its legs AI, in cornucopia field, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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61 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM. Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae37. (Ae. 45.00g/37mm). 211-204 BC (Svoronos 1148; SNG Copenhagen 207–9). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning to the left looking to the right, between the legs Greek letters Sigma and E, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine.
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62 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae38. (Ae. 38.80g/38mm). 211-204 BC (Seaby 7842). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning bolt left looking right, between SE legs, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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63 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae38. (Ae. 42.17g/37mm). 211-204 BC (Seaby 7842). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning bolt left looking right, between SE legs, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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64 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philipator. Ae39 (Ae. 47.38g/39mm). 221-204 BC (Svoronos 1166; SNG Copenhagen 221). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus Annon right. Rev: Eagle standing with head turned to the right over beams and cornucopia to the right. Very Fine.
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65 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy V Epiphanes. Ae29 (Ae. 17.08g/29mm). 204-180 BC (Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247-248). Obv: Crowned head of Isis to the right. Rev: Eagle with open wings standing to the left and on a ray. Very Fine.
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66 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Ae33 (Ae. 27.80g/33mm). 222-205/4 BC Alexandria. (Svoronos 1233; SNG Copenhagen 332). Obv: Head of Isis to the right, with crown of spikes and hair in curls. Rev: Eagle with open wings standing left on lightning, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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67 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy VI Philometor. Ae29 (Ae. 23.91g/29mm). 222-205/4 BC Alexandria. (Svoronos 1424; SNG Copenhagen 308). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right. Rev: Two eagles standing left over lightning bolt and cornucopia left, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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68 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII. Ae19 (Ae. 8.29g/19mm). 170-164 BC Alexandria. (Svoronos 1426). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right. Rev: Two eagles standing left over lightning bolt and cornucopia left, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine. Some authors believe that this piece is from an earlier era.
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69 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy V. Ae23 (Ae. 11.49g/23mm). 204-180 BC Alexandria. (Svoronos 1494; SNG Copenhagen 339-43). Obv: Bearded head of Heracles to the right, with lion skin headdress. Rev: Eagle with closed wings standing left on beam. Very Fine.
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70 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGS OF EGYPT, Ptolemy VI Philometor and Ptolemy VIII Physcon. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 14.07g/25mm). 173-172 BC (Year 9). Paphos. (SNG Copenhagen does not cite; DCA 40). Obv: Head of Ptolemy I laureate right. Rev: Eagle standing left above lightning, between Greek letters, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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71 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IX Soter. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 13.96g/26mm). 116-106 BC Paphos. (Seaby 7921). Obv: Laureate head of Ptolemy to right. Rev: Eagle standing on a beam to the left, between two Greek monograms, before a symbol, around a Greek legend. Very Fine.
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72 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Anonymous. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.02g/23mm). Tpurstan (Tabaristan). Year 132 (738 AD). (Album 73). Obv: bust crowned right inside the graphic, below monograms. Rev: Two guardians front shelves, including altar. Almost Extremely Fine.
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73 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Anonymous. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.03g/25mm). Tpurstan (Tabaristan). Year 132 (738 AD). (Album 73). Obv: bust crowned right inside the graphic, below monograms. Rev: Two guardians front shelves, including altar. Almost Uncirculated. Remains of original shine.
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74 | Ancient Greek coins

LOCAL GOVERNORS IN TABARISTÁN, ´UMAR B. AL-´ALA. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.94g/23mm). (Album 57; Malek-77). Obv: Sasanian style crowned bust to right, legend in Pahlavi on the field, ´UMAR IBN AL´AL´ in Arabic around. Rev: Altar of fire flanked by two wardens. Uncirculated. Magnificent specimen, with all the original shine.
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75 | Ancient Greek coins

SELEUCID KINGDOM, Antiochos VII Euregetes. Ae18. (Ae. 7.63g/18mm). 138-129 BC (HGC 9, 1087). Obv: winged bust of Eros to right. Rev: Headdress to the right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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76 | Ancient Greek coins

THESSALY, Larissa. Mite. (Ar. 0.91g/11mm). 356-337 BC (BCD Thessaly 328). Obv: Head of the nymph Larissa facing left. Rev: Horse eating right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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77 | Ancient Greek coins

THESSALY, Larissa. Drachm. (Ar. 5.55g/19mm). 356-342 BC (HGC 4, 454). Obv: Head of the nymph Larissa facing left. Rev: Horse eating to the right, between two Greek legends. Almost Very Fine.
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78 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACIA, Mesembria. Ae21. (Ae. 7.01g/21mm). 170-100 BC (SNG Stancomb 265; HGC 3.2, 1575). Obv: Diademed female head right. Rev: Athens advancing left carrying spear and shield, around Greek legend. Very Fine. green patina
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79 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACIA, Maroneia. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.27g/13mm). 398-386 BC (Maroneia 234). Obv: Front of horse to left around Greek letters. Rev: Bunch of grapes within a square dotted graph, between: MA. Almost Very Fine.
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80 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACIA, Thasos. Tetradrachm (Ar. 16.72g/31mm). 168-148 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1039). Obv: Head of Dionysus to right with ivy crown. Rev: Hercules standing left holding mace and lion skin, M in the field and around Greek legend. Very Fine. cleaned up.
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81 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACIA, Koson. Stater. (Au. 8.44g/20mm). 44-42 BC (HGC 3.2, 2049). Obv: Roman consul, L. Junnius Brutus, accompanied by two lictors on the left, in exergue Greek legend. Rev: Eagle with laurel wreath on scepter to left. Extremely Fine. Scarce and beautiful specimen.
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82 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF THRACIA, Lysimachos. Ae18. (Ae. 4.86g/18mm). 305-281 BC (Sng Copenhagen 1135-4; Müller 76). Obv: Head of Athens with Attic helmet to right. Rev: Leaping lion right, below arrowhead, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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83 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF THRACIA, Rhoimetalkes I and Pythodoris with Augustus. Ae22. (Ae. 6.67g/21mm). 11 BC-AD 12 (RPC 1711; SNG Copenhagen 1188-9). Obv: Diademed heads of Rhoimetalkes I and Pythodoris to right, around Greek legend. Rev: head of Augustus right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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84 | Ancient Greek coins

CELTS OF THE DANUBE. Drachm. (Ar. 4.10g/17mm). 2nd century-1st century BC Obv: male head to right of degraded art. Rev: Knight to left of degraded art. Very Fine. Missed flan.
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85 | Ancient Greek coins

JUDAEA, First Jewish War. Prutah. (Ae. 2.66g/17mm). Year 2 (67-68 AD). Jerusalem. (Hendin 1360). Obv: Leaf on branch. Rev: Amphora, above number, around legend. Very Fine.
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