Online Banknotes Auction #83
Thursday, 18 May 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST
1 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 Reales. April 12, 1823. Debt in cash for the maintenance of the Army and other consequent attentions (not cataloged in the work Titles of the Public Debt of the General Directorate of the Treasury, undoubtedly the most important work of this period). Extraordinarily rare. Almost Extremely Fine.
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2 | Spanish Banknotes
BANK OF CADIZ. Issue I. 500 Reales. August 1, 1857 (dated by hand). Three signatures and dry seal. (Edifil 2021: 72). Very rare and common erosions that accompany the folds. Almost Very Fine.
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3 | Spanish Banknotes
BANK OF CADIZ. 100 Reales. Without date. Issue III. (Edifil 2021: 78). Usual erosions that accompany the folds. Very Fine.
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4 | Spanish Banknotes
BANK OF CADIZ. Issue III. 500 Reales (undated). Four signatures and dry seal. (Edifil 2021: 80). Moisture stain in the upper right corner. Almost Extremely Fine.
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5 | Spanish Banknotes
100 Reales. May 14, 1857. Correlative couple. Zaragoza Bank. Series A and with matrix. (Edifil 2021: 126B). original sizing Almost Uncirculated.
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6 | Spanish Banknotes
200 Reales. May 14, 1857. Correlative couple. Zaragoza Bank. Series B and with matrix. (Edifil 2021: 127B). original sizing Almost Uncirculated.
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7 | Spanish Banknotes
500 Reales. May 14, 1857. Bank of Zaragoza. Series C, with hole and with signatures. (Edifil 2021: 128A). Unusual. Good Very Fine.
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8 | Spanish Banknotes
500 Reales. May 14, 1857. Correlative couple. Zaragoza Bank. Series C and with matrix. (Edifil 2021: 128B). original sizing Almost Uncirculated.
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9 | Spanish Banknotes
2000 Reales. May 14, 1857. Bank of Zaragoza. Series E. With perforation, with signatures and very low numbering. (Edifil 2021: 130A). Rare. Good Very Fine.
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10 | Spanish Banknotes
4000 Reales. August 21, 1857. Banco de Bilbao. Series A. Without signatures and with numbering. (Edifil 2021: 148). original sizing Uncirculated.
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11 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. July 1, 1911. Bank of Valls. Series A, with numbering, without signatures and with matrix. (Ruiz and Alentorn: not listed). Almost Uncirculated.
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12 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. October 1, 1921. Bank of Valls. Series A, with numbering, without signatures and with matrix. (Ruiz and Alentorn: not listed). Almost Uncirculated.
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13 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. (1892ca). Valls Bank. Printing Test, with matrix on the left and without text, only black printing. Series B. (Ruiz and Alentorn: 931). Almost Uncirculated.
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14 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. January 1, 1922. Bank of Valls. Series C, without numbering, without signatures and with matrix. (Ruiz and Alentorn: not listed). Almost Uncirculated.
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15 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. (1892ca). Valls Bank. Print Test, with matrix on the left and without text. Series C. (Ruíz and Alentorn: 932). Uncirculated.
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16 | Spanish Banknotes
200 pesetas. (1892ca). Valls Bank. Printing Test, with matrix on the left and without text, only black printing. Series D. (Ruiz and Alentorn: 933). Almost Uncirculated.
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17 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. (1892ca). Valls Bank. Printing Test, with matrix on the left and without text, only black printing. Series E. (Ruiz and Alentorn: 934). Almost Uncirculated.
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18 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. June 1, 1889. Series A. (Edifil 2021: 297, Pick: 39). Very rare, especially without repairs and in this quality, light blemishes. Almost Extremely Fine. PMG40 encapsulation (stains).
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19 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. June 1, 1889. Series A. (Edifil 2021: 298, Pick: 40). Very rare especially without repairs and in this quality. Good Very Fine. PMG30 package.
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20 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. July 24, 1893. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 300, Pick: 42). Rare especially in this high quality and without any repair. Extremely Fine. PMG50 package. (to give us an idea of the rarity, as of April 1, 2023, this bill is the second highest rated along with another bill in PMG)
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21 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. July 24, 1893. Without series. (Edifil 2017: 302). Rare, especially without any repair. Almost Very Fine.
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22 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. January 2, 1898. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 304, Pick 47). Rare, especially without repairs, light spots in the upper right corner. Very Fine. PMG35 encapsulation (paper pulls).
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23 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. June 24, 1898. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 305). Rare, especially without any repair. Almost Very Fine.
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24 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. November 30, 1902. No series. (Edifil 2021: 309, Pick: 52). Rare and fixed in the upper left corner. Good Very Fine. PMG35 package (repaired).
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25 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. July 1, 1903. Obverse proof, without numbering and vertical pair. (Edifil 2021: 310P). Unusual, corner spread. Uncirculated.
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26 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. March 19, 1905. No series. (Edifil 2021: 312, Pick: 56). Very rare especially in this exceptional quality. Extremely Fine. PMG45 package.
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27 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. June 30, 1906. Series B. (Edifil 2021: 313a, Pick: 59a). EBC++. PMG58 encapsulation.
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28 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. September 24, 1906. Series A. (Edifil 2021: 315a, Pick: 58a). Rare in this quality. EBC++. PMG58 encapsulation.
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29 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. January 28, 1907. Without serial and on the back private brand of commercial origin "Mejores Cafes / SM Belmonte". (Edifil 2021: 316). Rare, especially without any repairs, most of the copies have been restored, staple dots. Good Very Fine.
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30 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. July 15, 1907. No series. (Edifil 2021: 320, Pick: 64a). Rare, especially in this quality. Uncirculated. PMG64 encapsulation.
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31 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. July 15, 1907. No series. (Edifil 2021: 321, Pick: 65a). Rare and minimally repaired. Almost Extremely Fine. PMG45 package (minor repairs).
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32 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 323, Pick: 69a). Very rare in this exceptional quality, original sizing. EBC+++. PMG58EPQ package.
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33 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 323, Pick: 69a). Rare in this quality. Extremely Fine. PMG50 package.
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34 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series and numbering prior to 3646000 (this numbering is rarer, especially in these qualities). (Edifil 2021: 324, Pick: 70c). Very rare in this quality. Extremely Fine. PMG50 package.
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35 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. October 12, 1926. Series B, last series issued. (Edifil 2021: 325a, Pick: 71a). Rare in this quality. Good Extremely Fine. PMG55 package.
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36 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. May 17, 1927. No series. (Edifil 2021: 326, Pick: 72a). Very rare in this exceptional quality, original sizing and staple dots on top. Uncirculated. PMG66EPQ package. (to give us an idea of its rarity, as of April 1, 2023, this bill is the best rated along with another bill in PMG)
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37 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. May 17, 1927. Without series. (Edifil 2021: 326, Pick: 72a). Rare in this quality, it retains part of its original sizing. Extremely Fine.
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38 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. August 15, 1928. Series A and numbering prior to 7,780,000. (Edifil 2021: 328a, Pick: 74a). Extremely Fine. PMG50 package.
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39 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. August 15, 1928. Series A and numbering prior to 7,780,000. (Edifil 2021: 329a, Pick: 75a). Extremely Fine. PMG53 package.
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40 | Spanish Banknotes
25 pesetas. October 12, 1926. Series A and dry stamp PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC / APRIL 14, 1931. (Edifil 2021: 335, Pick: 71b). Very rare in this quality and original sizing. Uncirculated. PMG64EPQ package.
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41 | Spanish Banknotes
50 pesetas. July 15, 1907. Dry stamp "Provisional Government of the Republic / April 14, 1931". (Edifil 2021: 338, Pick: 63b). Extremely Fine. PMG53 package.
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42 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series, numbering prior to 1602000 and with the PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC stamp / APRIL 14, 1931. (Edifil 2021: 349, Pick: 70b). Almost Extremely Fine. PMG40 package.
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43 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series and numbering after 3646000. (Edifil 2021: 351, Pick: 70c). Very rare in this exceptional quality. Uncirculated. PMG64 encapsulation. (to give us an idea of the rarity, as of April 1, 2023, this bill is the third highest rated along with another bill in PMG)
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44 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series and numbering after 3646000. (Edifil 2021: 351, Pick: 70c). Rare in this quality. EBC++. PMG58 encapsulation.
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45 | Spanish Banknotes
1000 pesetas. July 1, 1925. Without series and numbering greater than 3646000. (Edifil 2021: 351). Unusual presenting much of its original sizing. Extremely Fine.
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46 | Spanish Banknotes
100 pesetas. June 1, 1925. Series F. (Edifil 2021: 350, Pick: 69c). Rare in this exceptional quality, original Uncirculated sizing. NCV66TQP package.
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47 | Spanish Banknotes
Set of 10 1000 Pesetas bills issued on July 1, 1925, series after 3646000 (Edifil 2017: 351). Almost Extremely Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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48 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. July 24, 1927. Without series and subsequent numbering 1602000. (Edifil 2021: 352, Pick: 73c). Rare in this quality. Good Extremely Fine. PMG55 package.
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49 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. July 24, 1927. Without series and after 1602000. (Edifil 2021: 352, Pick: 73c). Extremely Fine. PMG50 package.
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50 | Spanish Banknotes
500 pesetas. July 24, 1927. Without series and numbering after 1602000. (Edifil 2021: 352). It retains part of the original sizing. Extremely Fine.
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