Online Coin Auction #80

Wednesday, 22 March 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1091
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1092 to 2287

451 | Roman Republic

GENS SERVILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.77g/20mm). 100 BC Northern Italy. (FFC 1118; Crawford 328/1). Obv: Head of Minerva to the left, behind legend: RVLLI. Rev: Victoria with biga palm to the right, letter below, in exergue: P SERVILI M F. Almost Very Fine.
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452 | Roman Republic

GENS SERVILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.00g/18mm). 57 BC Rome. (Crawford 423/1; FFC 1122). Obv: Laureate head of Flora to the right, lituo behind, legend around: FLORAL PRIMVS. Rev: Two warriors facing each other with spears and shields, in field: CF, in exergue: C SERVEIL. Almost Extremely Fine. Scarce example like this.
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453 | Roman Republic

GENS SULPICE. Denarius. (Ar. 3.77g/19mm). 69 BC Rome. (Crawford 406/1; FFC 1135). Obv: Veiled head of Vesta right, Uncirculated behind. Rev: Sacrificial knife, simulus and priestly ax adorned with a lion's head, between: AE-CVR, in exergue: P GALB. Very Fine/ Almost Extremely Fine. Nice reverse.
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454 | Roman Republic

GENS THORIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.69/20mm). 105 BC Northern Italy. (FFC 1141; Crawford 316/1). Obv: head of Juno Sospita with goatskin to the right, behind legend: ISMR. Rev: Bull to right, above letter: E, below legend: L THORIVS, in exergue: BALBVS. Very Fine.
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455 | Roman Republic

GENS TITURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.66g/19mm). 89 BC Rome. (Crawford 344/3; FFC 1147). Obv: Head of Tatius to the right, legend to the right: SABIN. Rev: Victory leading biga to the right with a laurel wreath, below legend: L TITVRI, in exergue: bunch of grapes. Very Fine.
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456 | Roman Republic

GENS TITURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.84g/17mm). 89 BC Rome. (Crawford 344/1b; FFC 1154). Obv: Head of Tatius to the right, palm in front, legend behind: SABIN. Rev: Two warriors with two junipers in their arms, in exergue: L TITVRI. Very Fine. Minting vanes. Countermark on obverse.
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457 | Roman Republic

GENS VALERIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.92g/20mm). 108-107 BC Southern Italy. (Crawford 306/1; FFC 1165). Obv: Winged bust of Victoria to the right, star in front. Rev: Mars advancing to the left carrying a trophy and labza to the left, in front of a flamenco cap and behind a spike, in the field legend: L VALERI/FLACCI. Very Fine.
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458 | Roman Republic

GENS VALERIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.21g/20mm). 45 BC Rome. (Crawford 474/2; FFC 1179). Obv: laureate head of Apollo to the right, star above, hammer behind and legend: ACISCVLVS. Rev: Siren with the body of an eagle and the head of Minerva with a helmet on the right, carrying a shield and two spears, in exergue: L VALERIVS, all within a laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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459 | Roman Republic

GENS VARGUNTEIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/21mm). 130 BC Rome. (FFC 1183; Crawford 257/1). Obv: Head of Rome to right, star in front, legend behind: M VARG. Rev: Jupiter in chariot to right with palm branch and beam of rays, in exergue: ROME. Almost Very Fine.
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460 | Roman Republic

GENS VETURIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.98g/20mm). 137 BC central Italy. (Crawford 234/1; FFC 1186). Obv: Head of Mars to the right, behind X and legend: TI VET. Rev: Pig in the arms of a priest kneeling between two soldiers with spears and swords, above legend: ROME. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen, scarce and more so.
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461 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.81g/18mm). 90 BC Auxiliary workshop in Rome. (Crawford 342/5b; FFC 1194). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo to the right, deer's head in front, legend: PANSA behind. Rev: Minerva with spear and trophy leading chariot to right, in exergue: C VIBIVS CF. Very Fine.
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462 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.97g/18mm). 48 BC Rome. (Crawford 440/2; FFC 1216). Obv: Head of Bacchus to the right, behind legend: PANSA. Rev: Ceres advancing right carrying two torches, plow in front, legend in back: C VIBIVS CFC N. Good Very Fine. Nice dark patina and slight iridescent tone.
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463 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.86g/18mm). 48 BC Rome. (Crawford 440/2; FFC 1216). Obv: Head of Bacchus to the right, behind legend: PANSA. Rev: Ceres advancing right carrying two torches, plow in front, legend in back: C VIBIVS CFC N. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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464 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 4.11g/19mm). 48 BC Rome. (Crawford 449/1a; FFC 1219). Obv: Head of bread to the right, below legend: PANSA. Rev: Jupiter seated left with patera and scepter, around legend: IOVIS AXVR C VIBIVS CFCN. Very Fine.
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465 | Roman Republic

GENS VIBIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.60g/19mm). 48 BC Rome. (Crawford 449/1a; FFC 1219). Obv: Pan's mask to the right, below legend: PANSA. Rev: Jupiter Axur seated to the left carrying a patera and scepter, around legend: IOVIS AXVR C VIBIVS CFCN. Very Fine.
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466 | Roman Republic

GENS VOLTEIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.93g/18mm). 78 BC Rome. (Crawford 385/1; FFC 1234). Obv: laureate head of Jupiter right. Rev: Tetrastyle Temple of Jupiter, on the pediment: beam of rays, in exergue: M VOLTEI MF. Almost Very Fine.
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467 | Roman Republic

Set of 4 republican bronze coins, among which are 3 Semis and 1 Triente. TO EXAMINE.
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468 | Roman Republic

Set of 5 Imitation Republican Semis, includes a follis of Constantine I. TO EXAMINE.
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469 | Roman Republic

Interesting set of 6 Republican Aces from different series, highlighting the VAL series or the Victoria series, among others. TO EXAMINE.
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470 | Roman Republic

POMPEY the Great. As. (Ae. 23.77g/34mm). 45 BC (Crawford 471/1). Obv: Double-faced head of Janus, above I. Rev: Prow to right, below legend: IMP, above: CN MAG. Almost Very Fine.
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471 | Roman Republic

Set of two Ases minted under Pompey the Great. TO EXAMINE.
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472 | Roman Republic

POMPEY the Great. Denarius. (Ar. 3.96g/22mm). 46-45 BC Hispania. (Crawford 469/1a; FFC 1). Obv: Head of Pallas to the right, around it legend: M POBLICI LEG PRO PR, all within a graphic of dots and dashes. Rev: Pompey standing to the left, with one foot on the prow of the ship, giving a palm to Baetica standing to the right with a shield and two javelins, around the legend: CN MAGNVS IMP. Extremely Fine. Slight traces of original shine.
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473 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Lined denarius. (Ar-Ae. 2.65g/19mm). 44 BC Rome. (Crawford 480/5). Obv: laureate head of Julius Caesar to the right, in front legend: CAESAR IMP, behind star. Rev: Venus standing to left carrying scepter and Victoria with laurel wreath, around legend: P SEPVLLIVS MACER. Good Fine. Perforation repaired.
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474 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 4.02g/18mm). 54-51 BC Mobile military mint. (Crawford 443/1; FFC 50). Obv: Elephant advancing to the right, before serpent, below legend: CAESAR. Rev: Simpule, sprinkler, ax and apex. Extremely Fine. Remains of original shine. Beautiful and rare specimen.
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475 | Roman Republic

JULIUS CAESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 3.18g/17mm). 49-48 BC Mobile military mint. (Crawford 443/1). Obv: Elephant advancing to the right, in front of a snake, below legend: CAESAR. Rev: Emblems of the pontificate: simpulum, aspergilum, securis (crowned by wolf's head) and apex. Almost Very Fine.
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476 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONIO and JULIO CESAR. Denarius. (Ar. 3.70g/19mm). 43 BC Mobile military mint in Cisalpine Gaul. (Crawford 488/1; FFC 1). Obv: Head of Marco Antonio to the right, behind lituo, in front legend: M ANTON IMP. Rev: Laureate head of Julius Caesar to right, behind praephericulum, in front legend: CAESAR DIC. Almost Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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477 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.44g/17mm). 32-31 BC Flying mint. (Crawford 544/14; FFC 32). Obv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-II. Good Very Fine.
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478 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.44g/17mm). 32-31 BC Flying mint. (Crawford 544/20; FFC 38). Obv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-VII. Good Very Fine.
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479 | Roman Republic

MARCO ANTONY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.44g/17mm). 32-31 BC Flying mint. (Crawford 544/30; FFC 50). Obv: Praetorian Galley to the right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two banners, among them: LEG-XV. Very Fine.
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480 | Roman Republic

Set of 19 republican denarii from different families. TO EXAMINE.
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481 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS and JULIUS CAESAR. Ae20. (Ae. 6.56g/20mm). 14 AD Thessalonica. (RPC 5421). Obv: Head of Julius Caesar to right, around legend. Rev: Head of Augustus right, legend around. Almost Extremely Fine. green patina
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482 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Dupondio. (Ae. 12.51g/28mm). 17 BC Rome. (RIC 342). Obv: legend: AVGVSTVS/TRIBVNIC/POTEST, within a laurel wreath. Rev: Uncirculated, around legend: C PLOTIVS RVFVS III VIR AAA FF. Very Fine.
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483 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Cistóforo. (Ar. 11.16g/28mm). 28-20 AD Ephesus, Ionia. (ICR 476). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus to right, around legend: IMP CAESAR DIVI F COS VI LIBERTATIS PR VINDEX. Rev: Pax standing to left carrying caduceus, behind basket from which snake comes out, in front: PAX, all within a laurel wreath. Good Very Fine. Beautiful and rare specimen.

Of Greek origin, the cistóforo takes its name from the main element on its back, the cist or basket, that is, a cylindrical container from which a snake emerges. This iconography, and specifically the appearance of the snakes, has been interpreted as the representation of the god Dionysus or Bacchus, a god honored as patron of nature and as a dispenser of life and wine to men. The cult of this divinity and the cistóforo follow practically parallel lives: both are born around 200 BC in Asia Minor and spread rapidly through Mysia, Phrygia or Lydia until they reach Rome through Anatolia. At first, these coins did not bear any other epigraphic indication than the name of Filetero, the founder of the Pergamon dynasty, but over time their iconography evolved to the point that, on Roman coins, the name does not always appear. mystic cist (they appear in specimens like this from the time of Augustus only to tend to disappear in later mintings). The main centers of production of the cistophores were Pergamon and Ephesus.
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484 | Celtiberian coins

AUGUSTUS. Quinary. (Ar. 1.51g/12mm). 25-23 BC Emérita Augusta. (ICR 1a). Obv: Head of Augustus to the left, behind legend: AVGVSTVS. Rev: Victory standing to right crowning trophy, around legend: P CARISI LEG. Good Very Fine
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485 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/18mm). 19-18 BC Caesaraugusta. (ICR 37a). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus to right, legend around: CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rev: Eight-pointed star, with a flame in one of them, between legend: DIVVS IVLIVS. Very Fine. Irregular blank.
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486 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.12g/20mm). 19-18 BC Caesaraugusta Colony. (ICR 42b). Obv: Head of Augustus left, legend around: CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rev: Escudo with inscription: SPQR/CL V. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned. Scarce specimen.
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487 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.44g/19mm). 19 BC Colonia Patricia. (ICR 86a). Obv: Head of Augustus to right, legend around: AVGVSTVS CAESAR. Rev: Escudo with inscription: CLV, between two banners with eagles, around letters: SPQR, around legend: SIGNIS RECEPTIS. Very Fine.
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488 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/20mm). 17-16 BC Colonia Patricia. (ICR 130). Obv: Head of Augustus left. Rev: Capricorn right with globe and rudder, above cornucopia. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine. Scarce.
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489 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.80g/19mm). 15-13 BC Lugdunum. (ICR 171a). Obv: Head of Augustus to right, around legend: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Apollo standing left holding plectrum and lyre, between: IMP-X, in exergue: ACT. Extremely Fine. Banker's mark on obverse. Nice specimen, scarce and more so.
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490 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.42g/19mm). 15-13 BC Lugdunum. (ICR 171a). Obv: Head of Augustus right. Rev: Apollo Citharoedus of Actium standing left holding plectrum and lyre, between: IMP-X, in exergue: ACT. Almost Very Fine.
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491 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.73g/14mm). 8-7 BC Lugdunum. (RIC 199). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus to right, legend around: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Caius galloping to the right carrying spear and shield, above legend: C CAES, in exergue: AVGVS F. Good Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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492 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.35g/20mm). 7-6 BC (RIC 207). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus to right, legend around: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Gaius and Lucius shelves facing each other, including shield and spears, in simpulus and lituum field, in exergue: CL CAESARES, around legend: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
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493 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.21g/21mm). 29-27 BC Rome. (RIC 266). Obv: Head of Augustus right. Rev: Temple with inscription: IMP CAESAR, Victory over a balloon on the roof between two soldiers. Almost Very Fine.
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494 | Roman Empire

AUGUSTUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.32g/21mm). 19-4 BC Rome. (ICR 318). Obv: Head of Augustus, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Rev: Lion attacking stag left, around legend: M DVRMIVS III VIR. Good Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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495 | Roman Empire

DIVO AUGUSTUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.81g/22mm). 250-251 AD (Coined under the name of Trajan Decius). Rome. (ICR 78). Obv: Radiate head of Augustus to right, legend around: DIVO AVGVSTO. Rev: Altar lit, around legend: CONSECRATIO. Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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496 | Roman Empire

JUDAEA, Agrippa I. Prutah. (Ae. 1.64g/16mm). 37-44 AD Jerusalem. (Seaby 5567). Obv: Canopy in the shape of an umbrella, around legend. Rev: Three spikes, around legend. Almost Very Fine.
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497 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.88g/17mm). 14-37 AD Lugdunum. (ICR 30). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right holding a scepter, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated right, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Good Very Fine.
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498 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.60g/18mm). 36-37 AD Lugdunum. (ICR 30). Obv: Head of Tiberius to right, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated right with branch and scepter, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Good Very Fine.
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499 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 2.52g/18mm). 36-37 AD Lugdunum. (ICR 26). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius to right, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated to the right carrying a branch and scepter, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Almost Very Fine.
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500 | Roman Empire

TIBERIUS. Lined denarius. (Ar-Ae. 3.03g/19mm). 14-37 AD Lugdunum. (ICR 30). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius to the right holding a scepter, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTVS. Rev: Livia seated right, around legend: MAXIM PONTIF. Almost Very Fine.
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