Online Coin Auction #80

Wednesday, 22 March 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1091
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1092 to 2287

951 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, anonymous on behalf of Imam Al-Mahdi. dirham. (Ar. 1.53g/14mm). Bugia. (Vives 2100; Hazard 1085). Good Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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952 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, anonymous on behalf of Imam Al-Mahdi. dirham. (Ar. 1.51g/14mm). Fas (Fez). (Vives 2107; Hazard 1095). Almost Very Fine.
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953 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. dirham. (Ar. 1.50g/14mm). Wagda, Oujda? (Vives does not cite; Hazard does not cite; Hohertz (2018), 607). Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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954 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. dirham. (Ar. 1.56g/15mm). Tinmal or Tin-Mellal. (Vives does not quote; Hazard 1082). Good Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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955 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, anonymous on behalf of Imam Al-Mahdi. dirham. (Ar. 1.44g/15mm). Tinmal. (Vives does not quote; Hazard 1082). Almost Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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956 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. dirham. (Ar. 1.49g/15mm). Difficult to read mint. (Vives does not quote; Hazard does not quote). Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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957 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

PILLOWS. Abu Hafs Omar al-Murtada. dirham. (Ar. 1.51g/15mm). Al-Hadrat al-Muminiya al-Murtadiya (Sejilmesa). (Gaspariño, Jarique IV pp. 213-226; Hohertz (2018) 563). Extremely Fine. Magnificent and extremely rare specimen with the Kufic epigraphy very well maintained and maintaining its original shine.
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958 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. dirham. (Ar. 1.29g/15mm). Millarés (Christian imitation of an Almohad Dirham). (Medina 201-bis). Very Fine.
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959 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADES, Anonymous. dirham. (Ar. 1.46g/15mm). Millarés (Christian imitation of an Almohad Dirham). (Hohertz 652). Kufic script variant. Good Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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960 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CHRISTIAN IMITATION OF ALMOHADE DÍRHAM (Ar. 1.42g/16mm). anonymous. millares. No mint. (Medina Type 201-bis). Good Very Fine.
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961 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CHRISTIAN IMITATION OF THE ALMOHADE DÍRHAM (Ar. 1.31g/18mm). anonymous. millares. No mint. (Medina type 201-bis). Good Very Fine.
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962 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHADS, Abu Hafs `Umar Al-Murtada. Dinar. (Au. 4.61g/29mm). 646-665 H. Without mint. (Vives 2079; Hazard 532). Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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963 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ALMOHAD TAIFAS. Anonymous. 1/3 Dirham. (Ar. 0.41g/12mm). (Vives does not cite; Hazard does not cite ; Hohertz (2018) 662). Obverse legend: "al-hamdu lillah rubb al-'alamaiyn". Very Fine. very rare
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964 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ANTI-ALMOHADS, Anonymous in the name of the Koran. dirham. (Ar. 0.90/14mm). Sabta (Ceuta). (Hohertz 837). Very Fine. Strange.
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965 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

Umayyad period. Monetiform amulet from al-Andalus. (Pb. 1.49/14mm). Archaic Kufic script. Legend in IA and symbol in II.A. (Gaspariño type B.III). Good Very Fine.
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966 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

UMAYYAD GOVERNORS PERIOD IN AL-ANDALUS. Felus (Ae. 3.55g/15mm). Without mintmark or date. (Thousands 26). Very Fine.
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967 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

UMAYYAD GOVERNORS OF AL-ANDALUS. Felus of the helmeted warrior head type. (Ae. 1.01g/11mm). (Frochoso XIV-a). Good Very Fine.
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968 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ABASID CALIPHATE. Harun al-Rashid. Dirham (Ar. 2.39g/24mm). 17(1) H. Al-Abbasiya (Baghdad). (Lowick 202). Fine.
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969 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ABASID CALIPHATE. Harun al-Rashid. Dirham (Ar. 2.96g/24mm).188 H. Madinat Al-Salam. (Album 219.2). Extremely Fine.
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970 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ABASID CALIPHATE. Harun al-Rashid. Dirham (Ar. 2.94g/23mm). 188 H. Madinat Al-Salam. (Album 219.2). Good Extremely Fine.
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971 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ABASID CALIPHATE. Harun al-Rashid. Dirham (Ar. 2.96g/22mm). 190 H. Al-Muhammadiya. (Album 219.2). Extremely Fine. Limited.
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972 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

NORTH IDRISIES. Felus. (Ae. 1.91g/20mm). 212H. No mint. (Perez/French/Rodriguez 31). Ali at the bottom of II.A. and in the upper part symbol two palm trees. Good Very Fine.
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973 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

MERENIES, Anonymous in the name of the Koran. 2/3 Dirham. (Ar. 0.88g/16mm). Tilimsan (Tlemcen, Ma Aqraba Faraj Aallah). (Hazard 1147D; Hohertz 846). Very Fine.
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974 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

FATIMI CALIPHATE. Al Hakim. 1/4 Dinar (Au.1.05g/12mm).Siqilliyah type. (40)5 H. (Album 710, Nicol 1333). Good Very Fine.
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975 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ARTUQUIDAS OF MARDIN. Najm al-Din Alpi. Copper dirham (Ae. 13.10g/26mm). 547-572 H. (Album 1827.2). Very Fine.
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976 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

QARAHANIDS OF PERSIA. Muhammad ibn Masud. Dirham (See. 5.61g/35mm). 566-574 H. Samarkand. (Album 3401). Strange. Very Fine.
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977 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ZENGIDS OF MOSUL. Badr al-Din Lu'Lu' Copper Dirham (Ae. 6.65g/27mm). Al-Mawsil. 631 H. (Album 1874.1). Good Very Fine.
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978 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

RASULIDS OF YEMEN. Al-Muzaffar Yusuf. Muzafari dirham (Ar. 1.93g/25mm). 667 H. Zabid. (Album 1102). Almost Extremely Fine.
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979 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.57g/27mm). 986-1012H. Hadrat Marrakesh, 989H?. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Very Fine. Strange.
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980 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.57g/29mm). 986-1012H. Marrakesh, 994H?. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Good Very Fine. Strange.
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981 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.44g/27mm). 986-1012H. Hadrat Marrakesh, 1008H. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Very Fine.
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982 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.63g/27mm). 986-1012H. Marrakesh. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Very Fine. Strange.
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983 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.58g/28mm). 986-1012H. Marrakesh. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Good Very Fine. Strange.
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984 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 4.61g/28mm). 986-1012H. Hadrat Marrakesh. (Album 564; Brethes 1490). Good Very Fine.
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985 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

SA'ADIAN SHARIFS, Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad. Dinar. (Au. 3.83g/29mm). 986-1012H. Hadrat Marrakesh. (Album 564; Brethes Type 1490). Good Very Fine. Strange.
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986 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

ILKHANIDS, Hulagu (1256-1265). dirham. (Ar. 1.86g/23mm). Mardin al-Mahrusa. (Album 2122.2; SICA IX, 1369). Good Very Fine. Minting vanes.
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987 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

KINGDOM OF AL-HIJAZ. Al-Husayn ibn Ali. Qurush (Ae. 4.45g/22mm). 1334-1342 H. Makka al - Mukarrama (Mecca). (Km#24). Almost Extremely Fine.
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988 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

Set of 3 anonymous Almohades Dirhams without mintmark. TO EXAMINE.
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989 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

HISPANIC ARAB. Set of 8 pieces of silver minted in different periods. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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990 | Medieval coins

JAMES I (1213-1276). Precious set of 11 Aragonese Money. rich fleece Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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991 | Medieval coins

JAMES II (1291-1327). Money (Ve. 1.14g/17mm). Barcelona. (Cru.VS 340). Obv: crowned effigy of James II to the left, legend around: BARQVINONA. Rev: Cross with three points in 1st and 4th quadrant, and rings in 2nd and 3rd quadrant, around legend: IACOB REX. Very Fine.
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992 | Medieval coins

JAMES II (1291-1327). Money. (See 0.43g/13mm). Barcelona. (Cru-344.1). Obv: crowned effigy of James II to the left, legend around: IACOBUS REX. Rev: Through cross with rings and dots, around legend: BAQINONA. Very Fine.
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993 | Medieval coins

ALFONSO II (1285-1291). Croat (Ve. 2.74g/23mm). Barcelona. (Cru.VS.331). Obv: crowned effigy left, legend around: ALFONSVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Through cross with rings in the first and cuarto quadrant and three points in the second and third, around legend: CIVI TAS BACH NONA. Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned. Limited.
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994 | Medieval coins

JAMES III (1324-1343). doubler. (Ae. 1.56g/21mm). Majorca. (Cru VS 557). Obv: Crowned bust of Jaime III from the front, between two flowers, around legend: REX MAIORICARVM. Rev: Cross inside a graphic, around it legend: IACOBVS DEI GRACIA. Good Very Fine.
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995 | Medieval coins

PETER III (1336-1387). Obol (Ve. 0.31g/13mm). Barcelona. (Cru-VS-423). Obv: effigy crowned left with different ornaments, legend: PETRVS REX. Rev: Through cross with rings and groups of three points, BA in three points. Legend: BAQINONA. Good Fine.
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996 | Medieval coins

PETER III (1336-1387). doubler. (See 1.62g/22mm). Majorca. (Cru. VS 453). Obv: Crowned bust of Pedro III from the front, between two flowers, around legend: P DEI GRA ARAGON. Rev: Cross inside graphite, around legend: ET MAIORICAR REX. Good Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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997 | Medieval coins

PETER III OF ARAGON (1336-1387). Money. (See. 0.82g/17mm). Aragon. (Cru. VS 463). Obv: Crowned bust of Pedro III to the left, around legend: ARAGON. Rev: Patriarchal cross within grafila, around legend: PETRVS DI GRA REX. Good Very Fine. rich fleece
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998 | Medieval coins

ALFONSO IV (1416-1458). doubler. (See. 1.08g/19mm). Majorca. (Cru. VS 845). Obv: Crowned bust of Alfonso IV, between two fleurs-de-lys on a mount, around legend: ALFONSVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Cross inside graphite, around legend: ARAGONVM ET MAIORICARVM. Good Fine.
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999 | Medieval coins

ALFONSO IV (1416-1458). doubler. (See 1.05g/19mm). Majorca. (Cru. VS 854). Obv: Crowned bust of Alfonso IV, between two dogs, around legend: ALFONSVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Cross inside graphite, around legend: ARAGONVM ET MAIORICARVM. Good Fine.
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1000 | Medieval coins

ALFONSO IV (1416-1458). doubler. (See 1.25g/20mm). Majorca. (Cru.VS 856). Obv: Crowned bust of Alfonso IV from the front between two Catalan shields, around legend: ALFONSVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Cross within dotted graph, around legend: ARAGONVM ET MAIORICARVM. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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