Online Coin Auction #80

Wednesday, 22 March 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1091
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1092 to 2287

801 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Follis. (Ae. 8.34g/27mm). 305 AD Ticinum. (ICR 57a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Diocletian to the right holding mappa and olive branch, around legend: DN DIOCLETIANO FELICISSIMO SEN AVG. Rev: Providentia standing to the left carrying branch and sceptre, in front Quies standing to the right, in exergue: PT, around legend: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG. Good Very Fine.
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802 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Follis. (Ae. 8.48g/28mm). 303-305 AD Rome. (ICR 111a). Obv: Laureate head of Diocletian to right, legend around: IMP C DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Moneta standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, in exergue: AP, between crescent, around legend: SAC MON VRB AVGG ER CAES NN. Good Very Fine.
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803 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.89g/22mm). 286 AD Ticinum. (ICR 223). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Diocletian to right, around legend: IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing to left carrying thunderbolt and sceptre, in exergue: TXXIT, around legend: IOVI CONSERVAT. Almost Very Fine.
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804 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.50g/21mm). 284-294 AD Cycicus. (RIC 306). Obv: radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Diocletian to right, around legend: IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS AVG. Rev: Diocletian standing to right receiving Victory with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing to left with sceptre, including A, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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805 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. Follis. (Ae. 9.40g/27mm). 300-301 AD Thessalonica. (ICR 21b). Obv: Laureate head of Maximian Herculeo to right, around legend: IMP C MA MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia with drapery, in exergue: TSA, around legend: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Almost Very Fine.
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806 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN HERCULIUS. Follis. (Ae. 12.44g/29mm). 302-303 AD Thessalonica. (ICR 25b). Obv: Laureate head of Maximian Herculius to the right, around legend: IMP C MA MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in field r, in exergue: TS, around legend: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Very Fine.
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807 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 5.98g/25mm). 311 AD Heracleia. (ICR 61). Obv: Laureate head of Maximian II to right, around legend: IMP C GAL VAAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in star and crescent field, in exergue: HTA, around legend: GENIO IMPERATORIS. Almost Very Fine.
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808 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS II. Follis. (Ae. 6.20g/26mm). 311 AD Heracleia. (ICR 62). Obv: Laureate head of Maximinus II to the right, around legend: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in exergue: HTA, around legend: GENIO IMPERATORI. Very Fine.
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809 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. 1/4 Follis. (Ae. 2.12g/20mm). 305 AD Siscia. (ICR 146). Obv: Laureate head of Maximian to the right, around legend: MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in exergue: SIS, around legend: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Good Very Fine.
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810 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN I. Antoninianus. (Ae. 3.36g/22mm). 285-295 AD Antioch. (RIC 622). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Maximian to the right, around legend: IMP CM AVR VAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing right holding globe and spear, in front Hercules standing left holding mallet and Victoria with laurel wreath, among them: Crescent/E, in exergue: XXI, around legend: IOVI ET HERCVLI CONSER AVGG. Very Fine.
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811 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. Antoninian. (H. 4.28g/22mm). 293-294 AD Cycicus. (RIC 607). Obv: radiated and draped bust with cuirass of Maximian right, around legend: IMP CMA MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rev: Maximiano standing to right receiving Victory with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing to left by lance, including E, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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812 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN I. Antoninianus. (See 3.62g/23mm). 287-289 AD Lugdunum. (RIC does not quote). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Maximian I on the right, around legend: IMP C VAL MAXIMIANVS AVG. Rev: Hercules standing left holding Victory with a laurel wreath and leaning on a mallet, in field S, around legend: HERCVLI INVICTO. Almost Extremely Fine.
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813 | Roman Empire

CARAUSIUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 6.06g/23mm). 286-293 AD Colchester. (RIC 2; Bourne 68). Obv: radiated and cuirassed busts of Carausius, Diocletian and Maximian, around legend: CARAVSIVS ET FRATES SVI. Rev: Pax standing to left carrying branch and scepter, between: SP, in exergue: C, around legend: PAX AVGGG. Very Fine. Oxidations cleaned.
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814 | Roman Empire

CARAUSIUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.51g/21mm). 287-293 AD London. (RIC 98). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Carausius to the right, around legend: IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Pax standing to left carrying branch and scepter, between: SP, in exergue: MLXXI, around legend: PAC AVG. Good Very Fine.
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815 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS I Antoninian. (Ae. 3.09g/23mm). 296-299 AD Cycicus. (ICR 19a). Obv: Radiated and cuirassed bust of Constantius I to right, around legend: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Rev: Constantius I receiving Victory with a laurel wreath from Jupiter, among them: KB, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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816 | Roman Empire

HELENA. Follis. (Ae. 2.02g/16mm). 330 AD Constantinople. (RIC 33). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Helena right, around legend: FL IVL HELENAE AVG. Rev: Pax standing to left carrying branch and sceptre, in exergue: CONSE, around legend: PAX PVBLICA. Very Fine.
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817 | Roman Empire

HELENA. Follis. (Ae. 1.74g/15mm). 327-329 AD Heracleia. (ICR 95). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right, around legend: FL HELENA AVGVSTA. Rev: Securitas standing to left carrying branch, in exergue: SMHE, around legend: SECVRITAS REI PVBLICE. Almost Very Fine.
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818 | Roman Empire

ELENA. Follis. (Ae. 3.42g/21mm). 326 AD Treveri. (ICR 481). Obv: Diademed and cuirassed bust of Elena to the right, around legend: FL HELENA AVGVSTA. Rev: Securitas standing to the left carrying tenons, in exergue: STR crescent, around legend: SECVRITAS REI PVBLICE. Very Fine.
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819 | Roman Empire

GALERIUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.26g/21mm). 295-299 AD Cycicus. (ICR 18b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Galerius to right, around legend: GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES. Rev: Galerio standing on the right holding a scepter and receiving Victory with a laurel wreath from Jupiter standing on the left holding a spear, among them: KB, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Good Very Fine. green patina
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820 | Roman Empire

GALERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 5.56g/24mm). 308-309 AD Cycicus. (RIC 47). Obv: Laureate head of Galerius to right, legend around: GAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Virtus advancing to the right carrying spear and shield, in field: A and star, in exergue: MKV, around legend: VIRTVTI EXERCITVS. Almost Very Fine.
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821 | Roman Empire

GALERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 8.96g/30mm). 300-301 AD Rome. (ICR 102b). Obv: Laureate head of Galerius to right, legend around: MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES. Rev: Moneta standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, in exergue: Q and ray, around legend: SACRA MON VRB AVGG ET CAESS NN. Good Very Fine.
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822 | Roman Empire

VALERIA GALLERY. Follis. (H. 6.42g/25mm). 309-310 AD Cycicus. (ICR 58). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Galeria Valeria to the right, around legend: GAL VALERIA AVG. Rev: Venus standing to left carrying globe and sceptre, in field: A-star, in exergue: KMV, around legend: VENERI VICTRICI. Good Very Fine.
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823 | Roman Empire

VALERIA GALLERY. Follis. (Ae. 6.18g/26mm). 311 AD Alexandria. (ICR 128a). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Galeria Valeria to the right, around legend: GAL VALERIA AVG. Rev: Venus standing to left carrying globe, in field: crescent-r/KP, in exergue: ALE, around legend: VENERI VICTRICI. Very Fine.
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824 | Roman Empire

SEVERUS II. 1/4 Follis. (Ae. 2.48g/19mm). 305-306 AD Siscia. (ICR 170a). Obv: Laureate head of Severus II to right, legend around: FL VAL SEVERVS NOB C. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, exergue: SIS, legend around: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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825 | Roman Empire

SEVERUS II. 1/4 Numbers. (Ae. 2.33g/19mm). 305-306 AD Sisicia. (ICR 171a). Anv. Laureate head of Severus II to the right, around legend: SEVERVS NOB C. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in exergue: SIS, around legend: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Good Very Fine.
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826 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS II. Follis. (Ae. 6.70g/23mm). 310-311 AD Nicomedia. (ICR 66c). Obv: Laureate head of Maximinus II to the right, around legend: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: GENIO AVGVSTI CMH. Almost Very Fine.
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827 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 5.25g/24mm). 311 AD Cycicus. (ICR 70). Obv: Laureate head of Maximian II to right, legend around: GAL VAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in field r and three dots, in exergue: MKV, around legend: GENIO IMPERATORIS. Almost Very Fine.
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828 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS II. Follis. (Ae. 7.12g/25mm). 308-310 AD Alexandria. (ICR 107). Obv: Laureate head of Maximinus II to the right, around legend: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in field: B/KP, in exergue: ALE, around legend: GENIO IMPERATORIS. Very Fine.
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829 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN II. Follis. (H. 6.87g/24mm). 310-311 AD Antioch. (ICR 147). Obv: Laureate bust of Maximin II to the right, around legend: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying globe on altar and cornucopia, in crescent field and H, in exergue: ANT, around legend: GENIO EXERCITVS. Very Fine.
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830 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS II. Follis. (Ae. 8.33g/28mm). 305-309 AD Lugdunum. (ICR 214a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Maximin II to right, around legend: GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NC. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying boat on altar, in field N, in exergue: PLC, around legend: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Good Very Fine.
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831 | Roman Empire

MAXENTIUS. Follis. (Ae. 6.69g/26mm). 307-310 AD Aquileia. (ICR 121). Obv: Laureate head of Maxentius to right, around legend: IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated left carrying spear and globe inside hexastyle temple, in exergue: AQS, around legend: CONSERV VRBS SVAE. Extremely Fine/ Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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832 | Roman Empire

MAXENTIUS. Follis. (Ae. 7.20g/26mm). 308-311 AD Rome. (ICR 210). Obv: Laureate head of Maxentius to right, around legend: IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated to the left carrying a spear and globe, behind her shield, inside a hexastyle temple, below: RBT, around legend: CONSERV VRB SVAED. Good Very Fine.
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833 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Nummus. (Ae. 3.21g/20mm). 317 AD Aquileia. (RIC 6). Obv: Laureated and cuirassed bust of Licinius I to the right, around legend: IMP LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing to left carrying thunderbolt and sceptre, in exergue: AQS, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Very Fine.
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834 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.01g/22mm). 313-315 AD Siscia. (RIC 7). Obv: Laureate head of Licinius I to right, legend around: IMP LIC LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Júìter standing to left carrying scepter and Victoria with laurel wreath, in exergue: SIS, in field E, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Very Fine.
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835 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.69g/23mm). 312-313 AD Aquileia. (ICR 131). Obv: Laureate head of Licinius I to the right, around legend: IMP LIC LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera on altar and cornucopia, in exergue: AQR, around legend: GENIUS AVGVSTI. Extremely Fine.
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836 | Roman Empire

BRAVE. nummus. (Ae. 1.92g/17mm). 364-367 AD Thessalonica. (ICR 16b). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valens to right, around legend: DN VALENS PF AVG. Rev: Valente standing to right facing left carrying globe and banner, behind captive, in exergue: TESr, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Good Very Fine.
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837 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 3.45g/19mm). 321-324 AD Alexandria. (ICR 30). Obv: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Licinius II to the left carrying shield and spear, around legend: DN VAL LICIN LICINIVS NOB C. Rev: Jupiter standing to left carrying spear and Victoria with laurel wreath, at her feet eagle with laurel wreath and captive seated to the left, in field X/IIr, in exergue: SMALB, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Almost Extremely Fine.
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838 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.99g/18mm). 325-326 AD Cycicus. (RIC 34 var). Obv: laureate head of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Camp gate, above two turrets, including a star, in exergue: SMKS, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE AVGG. Very Fine.
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839 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 1.41g/15mm). 333-335 AD Alexandria. (ICR 63). Obv: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Rome to the left, around legend: VRBS ROMA. Rev: Wolf to the left feeding Romulus and Remus, in exergue: SMALA. Very Fine.
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840 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 1.65g/15mm). 306-337 AD Antioch. (ICR 86). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Two soldiers standing facing each other with spears and shields, including banners, in exergue: SMANr, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Very Fine.
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841 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.06g/17mm). 335 AD Antioch. (ICR 87). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Two soldiers standing facing each other carrying a spear and shield, including a banner, in exergue: SMANZ, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Almost Uncirculated/ Good Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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842 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 4.40g/22mm). 312-313 AD Ticinum. (ICR 124a). Obv: Laureated and cuirassed bust of Constantine I to the right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rev: Mars standing to right carrying spear and shield, in exergue: PT, around legend: MARTI CONSERVATORI. Good Very Fine.
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843 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.69g/19mm). 322-325 AD Ticinum. (ICR 140). Obv: laureate head of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: legend: VOT/XX, inside laurel wreath, below: TT, around legend: DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG. Good Very Fine.
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844 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 1.84g/16mm). 337 AD Alexandria. (RIC 188). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Two standing soldiers carrying spear and shield facing each other, including two banners, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Very Fine.
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845 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.04g/17mm). 326-327 AD Siscia. (RIC 200). Obv: laureate head of Constantine I to right, legend around: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Camp gate, above two turrets, including star, below: rSIS, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE AVGG. Good Very Fine.
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846 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.13g/17mm). 334-335 AD Siscia. (ICR 241). Obv: Bust with cuirass and helmet of Constantinopolis to the left holding a scepter, around legend: CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Rev: Victoria standing to left carrying scepter and shield with foot on prow, in exergue: BSIS. Good Very Fine.
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847 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 3.75g/19mm). 312-313 AD Rome. (RIC 323). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Constantine I to right, around legend: IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rev: Sol standing to left raising right hand and holding globe, in exergue: PR, around legend: SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Almost Extremely Fine.
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848 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 2.93g/19mm). 317-318 AD Ticinum. (RIC 77). Obv: Laureated and cuirassed bust of Crispo to the right, around legend: CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Crispo standing to left carrying spear and shield, in field P, in exergue: TT, around legend: PRINCIPIA IVVENTVTIS. Very Fine.
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849 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 3.11g/19mm). 317-326 AD Siscia. (ICR 153). Obv: Laureate head of Crispus right, around legend: IVL CRISPVS NOB C. Rev: legend: VOT/V, inside laurel wreath, in exergue: rSIS, around legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver.
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850 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 3.63g/20mm). 322-323 AD Trier. (RIC 372). Obv: laureate and cuirassed bust of Crispus to the left holding a spear and shield, around legend: IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Altar with globe above with inscription: VO/TIS/XX, below: STR, around legend: BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. Very Fine.
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