Online Coin Auction #80

Wednesday, 22 March 2023 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1091
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1092 to 2287

751 | Roman Empire

VALERIAN II. Antoninian. (See 3.89g/22mm). 258-260 AD Antioch. (ICR 54). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Valeriano II to the right, around legend: P LIC COR VALERIANVS CAES. Rev: Victoria standing on the right crowning Valeriano II standing on the left carrying globe and scepter, around legend: VICTORIA PART. Almost Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver.
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752 | Roman Empire

MACRIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.81g/22mm). 260-261 AD Samosata. (ICR 11). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Macriano to the right, legend around: IMP C FVL MACRIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated to the left carrying a spear and Victoria with a laurel crown, behind a shield, around the legend: ROMAE AETERNAE. Very Fine
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753 | Roman Empire

QUIETUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.41g/21mm). 260-261 AD Samosata. (RIC 9). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Quieto to right, around legend: IMP C FVL QVIETVS PF AVG. Rev: Rome seated to the left carrying a scepter and Victoria with a laurel wreath, around legend: ROMAE AETERNAE. Good Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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754 | Roman Empire

AUREOLUS, in the name of Posthumus. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.21g/20mm). 260-269 AD Mediolanum. (RIC 388). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP POSTVMVS AVG. Rev: Mars advancing to the right carrying shield and spear, around legend: VIRTVS EQVIT. Very Fine.
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755 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS II. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.38g/19mm). 268-270 AD Mediolanum. (ICR 14). Obv: Claudio II radiated and draped busro to right, around legend: IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG. Rev: Aequitas standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVG. Almost Extremely Fine.
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756 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS II. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.60g/20mm). 269-270 AD Mediolanum. (ICR 157). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Claudius II to right, around legend: IMP CLAVDIVS PF AVG. Rev: Pax advancing left carrying branch and sceptre, in exergue: T, around legend: PAX AVG. Good Very Fine.
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757 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS II. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.42g/22mm). 268-269 AD Mediolanum. (ICR 171). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Claudius II to right, around legend: IMP CLAVDIVS PF AVG. Rev: Victoria with laurel wreath advancing to the right, in exergue: S, around legend: VICTORIA AVG. Good Very Fine. Crack.
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758 | Roman Empire

CLAUDIUS II. Antoninian. (See 3.59g/22mm). 270 AD Cycicus. (RIC 254). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Claudius II to right, around legend: IMP CLAVDIVS PF AVG. Rev: Virtus standing to left holding spear and shield, around legend: VIRTVS AVG. Good Very Fine.
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759 | Roman Empire

QUINTILLUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.12g/21mm). 270 AD Rome. (ICR 26). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Quintillus, around legend: IMP CM AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG. Rev: Pax standing to left carrying scepter and branch, in field A, around legend: PAX AVGVSTI. Almost Very Fine.
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760 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.92g/22mm). 261 AD Treveri. (ICR 54). Obv: radiated and draped bust with cuirass of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Posthumous standing to left carrying globe and spear, around legend: PM TR P COS II P P. Almost Extremely Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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761 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.35g/21mm). 266-267 AD Treveri. (ICR 60). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Fortuna standing to left carrying rudder and cornucopia, around legend, around legend: FORTVNA AVG. Very Fine.
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762 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.45g/25mm). 260-261 AD Treveri. (ICR 64). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Hercules standing right leaning on a mallet and carrying a bow and a lion's skin, around legend: HERC DEVSONIENSI. Good Very Fine.
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763 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.71g/22mm). 262-263 AD Treveri. (ICR 75). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Moneta standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, around legend: MONETA AVG. Extremely Fine/ Very Fine. Missed flan.
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764 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.68g/23mm). 262-263 AD Cologne. (ICR 75). Obv: radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Moneta standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, around legend: MONETA AVG. Very Fine.
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765 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.96g/24mm). 262-263 AD Treveri. (ICR 75). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Moneta standing to left carrying scales and cornucopia, around legend: MONETA AVG. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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766 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.39g/22mm). 268 AD Treveri. (RIC 316). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Sun advancing to the left, raising his right hand and holding a scepter, in P field, around legend: ORIENS AVG. Good Very Fine.
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767 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.16g/21mm). 268 AD Treveri. (RIC 316). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Sun advancing to the left, raising his right hand and holding a scepter, in P field, around legend: ORIENS AVG. Very Fine.
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768 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (See 2.90g/20mm). 268 AD Treveri. (ICR 318). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Pax standing to left holding branch and scepter, in field: P, around legend: PAX AVG. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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769 | Roman Empire

POSTUMO. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.91g/20mm). 266-267 AD Treveri. (ICR 330). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Posthumus to right, around legend: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG. Rev: Uberitas standing to left carrying sack of coins and cornucopia, around legend: VBERTAS AVG. Good Very Fine.
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770 | Roman Empire

VICTORINUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.45g/21mm). 269-270 AD Treveri. (ICR 118). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Victorino to the right, around legend: IMP C VICTORINVS PF AVG. Rev: Pex standing to left carrying signature and scepter, in field V and star, around legend: PAX AVG. Good Very Fine.
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771 | Roman Empire

LAELIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.51g/20mm). 269 AD Cologne. (RIC 9). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Laelian to right, around legend: IMP C LAELIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Victoria advancing right holding palm and cornucopia, around legend: VICTORIA AVG. Almost Very Fine. Scarce specimen.
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772 | Roman Empire

DISMAL. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.39g/19mm). 272-273 AD Treveri. (ICR 126). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Tétrico to right, around legend: IMP C TETRICVS PF AVG. Rev: Salus standing left holding helm and feeding patera serpent on altar, around legend: SALVS AVGG. Extremely Fine.
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773 | Roman Empire

AURELIAN. As. (Ae. 7.47g/24mm). 275 AD Rome. (ICR 80). Obv: Laureate bust with cuirass of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Empress standing to right shaking hands with Aureliano standing to left carrying scepter, among them Radiated Bust of Sol, in exergue: A, around legend: CONCORDIA AVG. Very Fine.
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774 | Roman Empire

AURELIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.86g/21mm). 271-272 AD Mediolanum. (ICR 128). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Fortuna seated left carrying cornucopia and rudder, in exergue: P, around legend: FORTVNA REDVX. Almost Extremely Fine.
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775 | Roman Empire

AURELIAN. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.15g/24mm). 271 AD Mediolanum. (ICR 140). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Female figure crowning Aureliano, standing to the left carrying a spear, in exergue: P, around legend: RESTITVT ORIENTIS. Good Very Fine. Remains of original silver.
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776 | Roman Empire

AURELIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.65g/22mm). 270-275 AD Cycicus. (RIC 366). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Aureliano standing to the right carrying a spear and receiving a globe from Mars standing to the left holding a spear, in exergue: XXI, around legend: RESTITVTOR EXERCITI. Almost Very Fine.
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777 | Roman Empire

AURELIAN and VABALATO. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.63g/21mm). 270-272 AD Antioch. (RIC 381). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Aureliano to the right, around legend: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG. Rev: Laureate and draped bust of Vabalato to right, around legend: VABALATHVS VCR IM D R. Very Fine.
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778 | Roman Empire

SEVERINE. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.48g/22mm). 274-275 AD Antioch. (RIC 4). Obv: draped and diademed bust of Severina above right crescent, around legend: SEVERINAE AVG. Rev: Concordia standing to the left carrying two banners, in field S, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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779 | Roman Empire

TACITUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.18g/21mm). 275 AD Ticinum. (ICR 163). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Tacitus to right, around legend: IMP CM CL TACITVS AVG. Rev: Securitas standing on the left leaning on a column, around legend: SECVRIT PERP, in exergue: letter. Very Fine.
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780 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.94g/22mm). Lugdunum. (RIC 38). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP C PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Mars advancing to the right carrying spear and trophy, in exergue: III, around legend: MARS VICTORI. Encapsulated by NCV XF40. Remains of original silver.
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781 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (See 4.36g/22mm). 281 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 93). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP C PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Pietas standing to left carrying patera and altar, in exergue: III, around legend: PIETAS AVG. Good Very Fine. Remains of original silver.
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782 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (See 3.82g/21mm). 279 AD Rome. (ICR 158). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP C PROBVS AVG. Rev: Tried to step on horseback to the left holding a scepter and raising his right hand, captive at his feet, in exergue: A fulmen yr, around legend: ADVENTVS AVG. Very Fine.
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783 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.81g/22mm). 276-282 AD Rome. (ICR 220). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Trophy of arms between two captives, in exergue: Fúlmen between A and r, around legend: VICTORIA GERM. Very Fine.
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784 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.28g/23mm). 282 AD Rome. (ICR 223). Obv: Radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Probus to right, around legend: PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Trophy between two seated captives, in exergue: RAA, around legend: VICTORIA GERM. Very Fine.
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785 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.93g/24mm). 280 AD Siscia. (RIC 814 obverse variant). Obv: Radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBS AVG. Rev: Virtus advancing to the right carrying trophy and spear, in field S, in exergue: XXI, around legend: VIRTVS PROBI AVG. Very Fine.
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786 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (See 3.76g/24mm). 276-282 AD Serdica. (RIC 845). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Probus to the left, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBVS AVG. Rev: Providentia standing to the right carrying two banners, in front Sun standing to the left carrying a globe, among them a star, in exergue: KAr, around legend: PROVIDEN DEOR. Extremely Fine.
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787 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.42g/22mm). 277 AD Cycicus. (RIC 904). Obv: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Probus to the left holding a spear, around legend: VIRTVS PROBI AVG. Rev: Probus on horseback to the left, raising his right hand and carrying a scepter, at his feet captive to the left, in exergue: r, around legend: ADVENTVS PROBI AVG. Almost Extremely Fine.
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788 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.81g/23mm). 281 AD Cycicus. (RIC 911). Obv: Crowned and cuirassed bust of Probus to the left holding an eagle on a banner, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Sun on chariot facing left, raising right hand and carrying whip, below: CM/XXI, around legend: SOLI UNVICTOS. Almost Extremely Fine.
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789 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.41g/22mm). 280 AD Antioch. (RIC 922): Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Probus to the right, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Probo standing to right carrying scepter and receiving Victory with laurel wreath on globe of Jupiter standing to left carrying scepter, including A, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CLEMENTIA TEMP. Almost Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver.
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790 | Roman Empire

PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.90g/22mm). 280 AD Antioch. (RIC 922). Obv: radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Probus to right, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBVS PF AVG. Rev: Probo standing to right receiving Vicotria with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing to right carrying scepter, among them A, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CLEMENTIA TEMP. Good Very Fine. Remains of original silver.
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791 | Roman Empire

CARUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.22g/22mm). 282 AD Ticinum. (ICR 82). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Caro to the right, around legend: IMP CARVS PF AVG. Rev: Spes advancing to the left carrying a flower, in exergue: SXXI, around legend: SPES PVBLICA. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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792 | Roman Empire

CARUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.91g/22mm). 282-283 AD Tripoli. (ICR 128). Obv: Radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Caro to right, around legend: IMP CM AVR CARVS PF AVG. Rev: Caro standing on the right carrying a scepter and receiving a globe of Jupiter standing on the left holding a scepter, among them: TR, in exergue: XXI, around legend: VIRTVS AVGG. Very Fine. Remains of original silver.
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793 | Roman Empire

CARUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 5.03g/24mm). 282-283 AD Lugdunum. (RIC Does not quote). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Caro to the right, around legend: IMP CM AVR CARVS AVG. Rev: Victoria advancing to the left wearing a laurel wreath and palm, in field A, around legend: VICTORIA AVGG. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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794 | Roman Empire

NUMERIAN. Antoninian. (See 3.63g/23mm). 283-284 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 386). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Numerian right, around legend: IMP CM AVR NVMERIANVS AVG. Rev: Mars advancing to right carrying spear and trophy, in inverted C field, around legend: MARS VICTOR. Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver.
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795 | Roman Empire

NUMERIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.16g/21mm). cycicus (RIC 473). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Numerian to right, around legend: IMP C NVMERIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Numerian standing to right receiving Victory with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing to left carrying scepter, including A, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CLEMENTIA TEMP. Very Fine.
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796 | Roman Empire

CARINUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.14g/21mm). 282-283 AD Rome. (ICR 156). Obv: Radiated, draped and cuirassed bust of Carino to the right, around legend: M AVR CARINVS CAES. Religious elements: symbol, scepter, jug and aspergillus, in exergue: KAZ, around legend: PIETAS AVGG. Very Fine.
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797 | Roman Empire

CARINUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.81g/22mm). 282-283 AD Cycicus. (ICR 195). Obv: radiated and cuirassed bust of Carino to the right, around legend: M AVR CARINVS NOB CAES. Rev: Fides standing to the right carrying banners, in field P, in exergue: XXI, around legend: FIDES MILITVM. Good Very Fine.
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798 | Roman Empire

CARINUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.69g/21mm). 283-285 AD Cycicus. (RIC 324). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Carino to the right, around legend: IMP CM AVR CARINVS PF AVG. Rev: Carino standing to right carrying spear and receiving Victory with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing to left with sceptre, among them r, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CLEMENTIA TEMP. Very Fine.
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799 | Roman Empire

URBAN MAGNIFY. Antoninian. (See 3.41g/22mm). 283 AD Ticinum. (RIC 345). Obv: Diademed and cuirassed bust of Magnia Urbica to right, legend around: MAGNIA VRBICA AVG. Rev: Venus standing to left carrying globe and sceptre, in exergue: SXXI, around legend: VENVS CELEST. Good Very Fine. Remains of original silver. Scarce specimen.
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800 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Follis. (Ae. 9.90g/29mm). 296-297 AD Heracleia. (ICR 19a). Obv: Laureate head of Diocletian to right, around legend: IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing to left carrying patera and cornucopia, in exergue: HTA, around legend: GENIUS POPVLI ROMANI. Very Fine.
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