Online Coin Auction #75

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1017
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1018 to 2608

801 | Roman Empire

DECENT. Follis. (Ae. 4.56g/21mm). 351-353 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 137). Obv: Breastplate bust of Decencio right, legend around: DN DECENTIVS NOB CAES. Rev: Two Victorias standing facing each other carrying shield with inscription: VOT/V/MVLT/X, among them SP, in exergue: RSLC, around legend: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAES. Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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802 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Double Majorin. (Ae. 6.99g/28mm). 362-363 AD Constantinople. (RIC 163). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Julian II right, around legend: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: standing bull to right, star in field, in exergue: ACONS, around legend: SECVRITAS REI PVB. Good Fine.
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803 | Roman Empire

VALENS. Be18. (Ae. 2.64g/18mm). 364-367 AD Siscia. (IQR 7b). Obv: Diademed and draped bust with Valens cuirass right, around legend: DN VALENS PF AVG. Rev: Victoria advancing to the left wearing a laurel and palm crown, in exergue: ASISC, around legend: SCVRITAS REIPVBLICAE. Good Very Fine. Green patina.
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804 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 1.88g/16mm). 392-395 AD Cyzicus. (IQR29b.3). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Teodosio I advancing on horseback to the right, raising right hand, in exergue: SMKr, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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805 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.73g/22mm). 392-394 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 46). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Teodosio standing right holding banner and globe, in exergue: standing , around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Almost Very Fine.
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806 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 2.53g/18mm). 378-383 AD Antioch. (IQR 47c var). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Constantinopolis sitting facing right, holding scepter, two Greek letters and K in the field, in exergue: ANTB, around legend: CONCORDIA AVGGG. Very Fine.
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807 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Ae18. (Ae. 2.53g/19mm). 379-395 AD Constantinople. (RIC 57a.1). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Constantinopolis sitting right holding scepter and globe with foot on prow, between banners, in field O, in exergue: CONSA, around legend: CONCORDIA AVGGG. Good Very Fine.
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808 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Nummus. (Ae. 1.22g/13mm). 379-395 AD Constantinople. (RIC 86b). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Victoria advancing left carrying trophy and dragging captive, Christogram in field, exergue: CONSA, around legend: SALVS REI PVBLICAE. Very Fine.
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809 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.72g/22mm). 379-395 AD Mintmark illegible. (RIC?). Obv: Draped bust with cuirass and helmet of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Teodosio standing right, raising right hand and carrying branch, behind Victoria, all on bow, around legend: GLORIA standing . Almost Very Fine.
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810 | Roman Empire

AELIA FLACILLA. Follis. (Ae. 6.24g/22mm). 379-386 AD Constantinople. (RIC 82). Obv: diademed and draped bust of Aelia Flacilla right, around legend: AEL FLACILLA AVG. Rev: Skinny front standing with arms crossed, in Christogram field, in exergue: CONSE, around legend: SALVS REI PVBLICAE. Almost Very Fine.
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811 | Roman Empire

ARCADIUS. Follis. (Ae. 1.04g/14mm). 378-383 AD Cyzicus. (IQR 20d). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Arcadio right, around legend: DN ARCADIVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/V, within laurel wreath, below: SMKA. Very Fine.
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812 | Roman Empire

ARCADIUS. Follis. (Ae. 4.79g/23mm). 378-383 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 25c). Obv: Diademed, draped and armored bust of Arcadius right, legend around: DN ARCADIVS PF AVG. Rev: Arcadio standing right carrying labarum and globe with foot on captive, exergue: SMKA, around legend: VIRTVS EXERCITI. Almost Very Fine.
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813 | Roman Empire

AELIA EUDOXIA. Be17. (Ae. 2.82g/17mm). 395-404 AD Mintmark Illegible. (RIC?). Obv: Draped and diademed bust of Aelia Eudoxia right, around legend: AEL EVDOXIA AVG. Rev: Aelia Eudoxia seated facing forward, in cross field, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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814 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Be11. (Ae. 1.65g/11mm). 392-395 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 29c). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Honorius right, around legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius on horse walking to the right, in exergue: SMKA, around legend: GLORA ROMANORVM. Very Fine.
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815 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Be20. (Ae. 5.21g/21mm). 392-395 AD Constantinople. (RIC 88c). Obv: Diademed, draped and breastplate bust right, legend around: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right carrying banner, in exergue: standing , between him two crosses, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Good Very Fine.
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816 | Roman Empire

HONORIUS. Solid. (Aug. 4.45g/20mm). 393-395 AD Sirmium. (IQR 15d). Obv: Diademed, draped and armored bust of Honorius right, around legend: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Rev: Honorius standing right standing on captive on ground left bearing standard and Victoria with laurel wreath on globe, between SM, exergue: CONOB, around legend: VICTORIA AVGGG Z. Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine. Nice specimen, rare like this.
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817 | Roman Empire

MARTIAN. nummus. (Ae. 1.19g/11mm). 450-457 AD Constantinople. (RIC 541). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Marciano right, around legend: DN MARCIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Monogram within laurel wreath, below: CON. Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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818 | Roman Empire

ROMAN EMPIRE. Magnificent set made up of hundreds of lower imperial bronzes with a huge variety of emperors represented and very few repeated pieces. Among the copies we highlight pieces minted in the name of Constantine I, Tetricus, Claudius II, Gallienus or Licinius among others. Different states of conservation, prevailing the average quality in the whole set. The set is presented in two albums. TO EXAMINE.
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819 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTINE I. Follis. (Ae. 17.81g/33mm). 512-522 AD Constantinopolis. (Seaby 62). Obv: Draped and diademed bust of Justin I right, around legend: DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVC. Rev: Large M, between two stars, cross above, letter below, in exergue: CON. Almost Very Fine.
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820 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II and SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 12.43g/37mm). 569-570 AD Constantinopolis. (Seaby 360). Obv: Justin II and Sofia seated facing each other holding a cruciferous globe, around legend: DN IVSTINVS PP SVG. Rev: large M, above cross, below A, left: ANNO, right: CI, exergue: CON. Almost Very Fine.
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821 | Byzantine Empire

JUSTIN II and SOPHIA. Follis. (Ae. 13.55g/30mm). 565-578 AD Nicomedia. (Seaby 369). Obv: Justin II and Sofia seated facing each other. Rev: Large M, above Latin cross, below: NIKO. Almost Very Fine.
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822 | Byzantine Empire

MAURITIUS TIBERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 11.40g/30mm). 596-597 AD Theupolis. (Seaby 533). Obv: Crowned and draped bust of Mauricio Tiberio from the front, legend around. Rev: large M, above cross, below r, left: ANNO, right: X/CI, exergue: THEUP. Good Very Fine.
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823 | Byzantine Empire

ROMAN IV. Follis. (Ae. 5.73g/27mm). 1068-1071 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1866). Obv: Bust of Christ facing forward carrying gospel, between: IC-XC/NI-KA. Rev: Cross with legend: CRPA. Good Very Fine.
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824 | Byzantine Empire

ANONYMOUS, in the name of Nicephorus III. Follis. (Ae. 4.78g/24mm). 1075-1080 AD Constantinople. (Seaby 1889). Obv: Bust of Christ from the front with nimbus cruciger, canopy and colobium. Rev: Decorated Latin cross. Very Fine.
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825 | Byzantine Empire

Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine. Follis minted on a Nummus of Phocas. (Ae. 11.90g/33mm). standing : Heraclius standing and Heraclius Constantine facing front, legend around. Rev: Large M, around legend. Very Fine.
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826 | Byzantine Empire

BYZANTINE EMPIRE. Set of three pieces of different Byzantine emperors. TO EXAMINE.
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827 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE. Felus. (Ae. 4.61g/17mm). Al Andalus. (Vives 44; Frochoso XVIIa). Almost Very Fine.
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828 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd Al-Rahman I. Dirham. (Ar. 1.98g/25mm). 153H. Al Andalus. (Vives 51; Miles 44). Very Fine. Limited. Something cropped.
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829 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE. Abd al-Rahman I. Dirham (Ar. 2.52g/27mm). 154 H. Al-Andalus. (Vives 52, Miles 45, Frochoso 154.1). Good Very Fine. edge breaks
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830 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE. Al-Hakam I. Dirham (Ar. 1.75g/22mm). 197 H. Al-Andalus. (Vives 101, Frochoso 197.12). Good Very Fine. Edge trim.
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831 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE. Abd al-Rahman II. Dirham (Ar. 1.80g/22mm). 232 H. Al-Andalus. (Vives 201, Frochoso 232.5). Very Fine.
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832 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

INDEPENDENT EMIRATE, Abd Allah with Husain Ibn Isam. Felus. (Ae. 1.96g/23mm). Al Andalus. (Vives 333; Frochoso I-72). Very Fine.
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833 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.92g/25mm). 323 H. Al-Andalus. With Said in AI (Vives 384, Frochoso 323.7d). Good Very Fine. Limited.
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834 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.50g/24mm). 330 H. Al-Andalus. With Qasim in AI (Vives 396, Frochoso 330.10d). Very Fine.
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835 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.74g/23mm). 330 H. Al-Andalus. With Qasim in AI (Vives 396, Frochoso 330.10d). Very Fine. Brands.
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836 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.95g/24mm). 332 H. Al-Andalus. With Qasim in AI (Vives 398, Frochoso 332.12d). Very Fine.
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837 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 3.14g/25mm). 333 H. Al-Andalus. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 404, Frochoso 333.12d). Very Fine.
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838 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.98g/23mm). 337 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 417, Frochoso 337.27d). Almost Very Fine.
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839 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.86g/25mm). 337 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 417, Frochoso 337.133d). Very Fine.
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840 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.77g/24mm).338 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 418, Frochoso338.9d vte). Good Very Fine.

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841 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 3.41g/23mm). 341 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 422, Frochoso 341.31). Very Fine.
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842 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.46g/23mm). 43 H.Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 425, IA Frochoso 343.7d). Good Very Fine.
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843 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.36g/22mm). 343 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 425, IA Frochoso 343.26d). Good Very Fine. Hardbound date unit.
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844 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar.2.37g/22mm). 344 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 427, Frochoso 344.22d). Very Fine.
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845 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.36g/23mm). 345 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 428, Frochoso 345.8d). Good Very Fine.
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846 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.77g/23mm). 346 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Muhammad in IA (Vives 429, Frochoso 346.6d). Good Very Fine.
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847 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 2.64g/22mm). 348 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Ahmad in IA (Vives 443, IA Frochoso 348.7d). Very Fine.
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848 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA . Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir. Dirham (Ar. 1.76g/22mm). 349 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Ahmad in IA (Vives 444 , IA Frochoso 349.5d). Good Very Fine.
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849 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Al-Hakam II al-Mustansir. Dirham (Ar. 3.21g/25mm). 352 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Abd al-Rahman in II.A. (Vives 450, Foliage 352.64d). Very Fine.
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850 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA. Al-Hakam II al-Mustansir. Dirham (Ar. 2.32g/24mm). 353 H. Madinat al-Zahra. With Abd al-Rahman in II.A. (Vives 451, Frochoso 353.55d). Almost Very Fine. Fold and marks.
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