Online Coin Auction #75

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1017
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1018 to 2608

151 | Celtiberian coins

ARSAOS (Navarra area). Ace. (Ae. 16.04/28mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-144). Obv: bearded male head to right, between two dolphins. Rev: Horseman with dart to right, below Iberian legend: ARSAOS. Very Fine.
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152 | Celtiberian coins

BAITOLO (Badalona, Barcelona). Sextant. (Ae. 2.54g/15mm). 120-20 BC (FAB does not cite; ACIP 1375). Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Iberian legend: BAITOLO, below dolphin to right, above: II. Almost Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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153 | Celtiberian coins

BAITOLO (Badalona, Barcelona). As. (Ae. 11.68g/26mm). 50 BC (FAB-190). Obv: Male head right, rudder behind? Rev: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend: BAITOLO. Almost Very Fine. Scarce.
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154 | Celtiberian coins

BELIGIOM (Belchite, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 9.11g/24mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-243). Obv: Bearded male head to right, behind Iberian letter: Be. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BeLIGiOM. Very Fine.
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155 | Celtiberian coins

BELIGIOM (Belchite, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 10.40g/25mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-243). Obv: Bearded male head to right, behind Iberian letter: Be. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BeLIGiOM. Very Fine.
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156 | Celtiberian coins

BELIGIOM (Belchite, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 8.34g/23mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-243). Obv: Bearded male head to right, behind Iberian letter: Be. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BeLIGiOM. Very Fine.
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157 | Celtiberian coins

BELIGIOM (Belchite, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 8.21g/23mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-243). Obv: Bearded male head to right, behind Iberian letter: Be. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BeLIGiOM. Very Fine.
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158 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 10.42g/27mm). 120-30 BC (FAB-254). Obv: Male head to right, letter S behind, dolphin in front. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend on line: BILBILIS. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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159 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 16.82g/229mm). 120-30 BC (FAB-254). Obv: Male head to right, letter S behind, dolphin in front. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend on line: BILBILIS. Good Very Fine. Countermark on obverse.
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160 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.90g/29mm). 120-30 BC (FAB-258). Obv: Male head to right with ornaments on the neck, behind Iberian letter: Bi, before dolphin. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BiLBiLIS. Almost Very Fine. Profiled.
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161 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 14.54g/28mm). 120-30 BC (FAB-263). Obv: Male head to right, dolphin in front and Iberian behind: Bi. Rev: horseman with lance right, below Iberian legend: BILBIN. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine. Scarce and beautiful specimen.
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162 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 10.37g/29mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-276). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Horseman with lance right, below legend: BILBILIS. Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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163 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 11.77g/27mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-278). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Rev: Laurel wreath, inside: II VIR, around legend: MVN AVGVSTA BILBILIS M SEMP TIBERI L LICI VARO. Very Fine. Green patina.
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164 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca). As. (Ae. 7.32g/23mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Obv: Male bearded head to right, dolphin behind. Rev: Horseman with lance right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Almost Very Fine.
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165 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca). As. (Ae. 7.90g/21mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Obv: Male bearded head to right, dolphin behind. Rev: Horseman with lance right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Very Fine.
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166 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca). As. (Ae. 7.19g/22mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Obv: Male bearded head to right, dolphin behind. Rev: Horseman with lance right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Very Fine.
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167 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca). As. (Ae. 10.23g/25mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Obv: Male bearded head to right, dolphin behind. Rev: Horseman with lance right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Good Very Fine.
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168 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca). Ace. (Ae. 6.88g/23mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Obv: Male bearded head to right, dolphin behind. Rev: Horseman with lance right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Good Very Fine. Green patina.
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169 | Celtiberian coins

BOLSCAN (Huesca, Aragon). Quadrant. (Ae. 4.14g/17mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1922). Obv: Diademed head right, Iberian letter Bo behind. Rev: Horse jumping to the right, above three points and below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Almost Extremely Fine. Green patina. Nice specimen, rare like this.
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170 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

BORA (Martos, Jaen). As. (Ae. 9.98g/27mm). 100-50 BC (FAB-291). Obv: Female bust to left, scepter in front. Rev: Bull to left, above legend: BORA. Almost Very Fine. Missing blank.
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171 | Celtiberian coins

BORNESCON (Area of Aragon). As. (Ae. 11.26g/26mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-294var). Obv: Male head between two dolphins. Rev: Horseman with spear right, below Iberian legend: BORNESCoN. Good Fine.
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172 | Celtiberian coins

CAESARAUGUSTA (Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 5.68g/21mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-332). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus left, around legend: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Banner, between II VIR, around legend: CAESAR AVGVSTA L CASSIO C VAL FEN. Almost Very Fine.
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173 | Celtiberian coins

CAESARAUGUSTA (Zaragoza). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.67g/15mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-338). Obv: Head of Augustus left, around legend: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Rev: Legend: L CASSIO C VALERIO II VIR, within laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine.
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174 | Celtiberian coins

CAESARAUGUSTA (Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 4.55g/20mm). 14-36 BC (FAB-379). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS AVGVSTI F. Rev: CCA, around legend: C CARR AQVIL L FVNI VET F II VIR. Very Fine. Scarce.
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175 | Celtiberian coins

CALAGURRIS (Calahorra, La Rioja). As. (Ae. 12.39g/30mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-406). Obv: Head of Augustus right, around legend: MVN CAL IVL. Rev: Bull to right, around legend: II VIR L CRANIO. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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176 | Celtiberian coins

CALAGURRIS (Calahorra, La Rioja). As. (Ae. 10.83g/28mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-416). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: MVN CL IVLIA AVGVSTVS. Rev: Bull to right, around legend: II VIR L BAEB PRISCUS C GRAV BROC. Almost Very Fine.
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177 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARBULA (Almodóvar del Río, Córdoba). As. (Ae. 17.46g/32mm). 80 BC (FAB-440). Obv: Head of Apollo to right, behind Iberian letter: Ta, before snake?. Rev: Lira, below legend: CARBVLA. Very Fine. Irregular blank. Cleaned.
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178 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARBULA (Almodóvar del Río, Córdoba). As. (Ae. 23.15g/33mm). 80 BC (FAB-440). Obv: Head of Apollo to right, behind Iberian letter: Ta, before snake?. Rev: Lira, below legend: CARBVLA. Very Fine.
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179 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARBULA (Almodóvar del Río, Córdoba). As. (Ae. 9.57g/27mm). 80 BC (FAB-441). Obv: Head of Apollo right, behind Iberian Ta, before snake?. Rev: Lira, below legend: CARBVLA, all within laurel. Very Fine.
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180 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARISA (Bornos, Cadiz). Semis. (Ae. 4.75g/21mm). 50 BC (FAB-446). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion skin left. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield left, below legend: CARISSA. Very Fine.
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181 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARISA (near Bornos, Cádiz). Semis. (Ae. 5.71g/19mm). 50 BC (FAB-448). Obv: Diademed male head right. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield right, below inverted legend: CARIS. Very Fine. Missing blank.
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182 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARISA (Bornos, Cadiz). Semis. (Ae. 4.21g/18mm). 50 BC (FAB-451). Obv: Helmeted male head left. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield left, below legend: CARIS. Almost Very Fine.
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183 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARISA (Bornos, Cadiz). Semis. (Ae. 5.37g/19mm). 50 BC (FAB-451). Obv: Helmeted male head left. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield left, below legend: CARIS. Very Fine.
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184 | Celtiberian coins

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 19.82g/31mm). 80 BC (FAB-454). Obv: Helmeted male head right, within laurel wreath. Rev: Two spikes to the right, between them legend: CARMO. Almost Very Fine. Green patina.
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185 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 21.09g/33mm). 80 BC (FAB-454). Obv: Helmeted male head right, within laurel wreath. Rev: Two spikes to the right, between them legend: CARMO. Good Very Fine.
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186 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 16.10g/24mm). 80 BC (FAB-466). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion skin right. Rev: Legend: CARMO, between two spikes to the right. Very Fine.
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187 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). Semis. (Ae. 13.40g/26mm). 80 BC (FAB-468). Obv: Male head right with lion skin. Rev: Legend: CARMO, between two spikes on the left. Very Fine.
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188 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.40g/17mm). 80 BC (FAB-473). Obv: Head of Mercury right. Rev: Caduceus. Almost Very Fine.
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189 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). Quadrant. (Ae. 1.75g/16mm). 80 BC (FAB-473). Obv: Head of Mercury right. Rev: Caduceus. Very Fine.
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190 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/4 Shekel. (Ar. 1.51g/13mm). 235-220 BC (FAB-487). Obv: Laureate head of Melkart-Heracles left with club. Rev: Elephant to right. Almost Very Fine. Drilling.
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191 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/2 Shekel. (Ar. 3.51g/17mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-500). Obv: Diademed head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse standing to the right looking to the left, points between the legs. Good Very Fine. Minting vain.
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192 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/2 Trace. (Ae. 3.08g/17mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-507). Obv: Head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse standing right, behind palm tree. Good Very Fine.
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193 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Tracing. (Ae. 8.72g/20mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-511). Obv: diademed head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse's head to right, before letter bet. Very Fine.
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194 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Tracing. (Ae. 5.67g/20mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-512). Obv: diademed head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse's head to the right, before letter yod. Very Fine.
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195 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/4 Trace. (Ae. 1.95g/14mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-521). Obv: Head of Tanit left. Rev: Hull to left. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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196 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Tracing. (Ae. 6.53g/25mm). 220-215 BC(FAB-525). Obv: head of Athena with crested helmet left. Rev: Horse standing right. Very Fine.
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197 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Tracing. (Ae. 9.69g/29mm). 220-215 BC(FAB-526). Obv: head of Athens with crested helmet left, before letter yod. Rev: Horse standing right. Good Very Fine.
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198 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/2 Trace. (Ae. 4.19g/19mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-532). Obv: Head of Athena with crested helmet left. Rev: Palm tree. Very Fine.
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199 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Shekel. (Ar. 5.78g/20mm). 220-205 BC (FAB-540). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Horse standing right behind palm tree, letter Zayin between front legs and palm tree. Almost Very Fine.
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200 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/2 Shekel. (Ar. 3.53g/18mm). 220-205 BC (FAB-542). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Horse standing right, behind palm tree. Very Fine.
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