Online Coin Auction #75

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1017
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1018 to 2608

101 | Ancient Greek coins

PISIDIA, Selge. Mite. (Ar. 0.88g/10mm). 350-300 BC (SNG BN 1933). Obv: Frontal head of Gorgon. Rev: Helmeted head of Athena right, spear point behind. Good Very Fine.
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102 | Ancient Greek coins

PISIDIA, Selge. Mite. (Ar. 0.86g/9mm). 350-300 BC (SNG BN 1933). Obv: Frontal head of Gorgon. Rev: Helmeted head of Athena right, spear point behind. Good Very Fine.
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103 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be22. (Ae. 6.70g/22mm). 120-63 BC (HGC 7, 237; SNG Stancomb 674). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning to right, in star field, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine.
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104 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amaseia. Be17. (Ae. 4.19g/17mm). AD 120-111 (SNG Black Sea 1129-23; HGC 7, 249). Obv: Draped male bust to right. Rev: Cornucopia between two helmets of Dioscuros and Greek legend. Very Fine.
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105 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be21. (Ae. 7.71g/21mm). 85-65 BC (SNG Stancomb 697). Obv: Laureate head of Dionysos right. Rev: Basket and thyrsos, in Greek monogram field, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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106 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amaseia. Be20. (Ae. 7.22g/20mm). 85-65 BC (HGC 7, 223). Obv: Head of Ares right with Corinthian helmet. Rev: Sword in scabbard among Greek legend. Very Fine.
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107 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy III Euergetes. Mite. (Ae. 14.20g/28mm). 246-222 BC (SNG Copenhagen 495). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on lightning to left, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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108 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II. Be30. (Ae. 23.20g/30mm). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus right. Rev: Two eagles standing left on lightning bolt, around Greek legend. Very Fine. Drill attempt.
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109 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II. Drachm. (Ae. 27.27g/34mm). 145-116 BC Alexandria. (SNG Copenhagen 308-10). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus right. Rev: Two eagles standing on lightning to the left, in cornucopia field, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine. Drill attempt.
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110 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Al-Rhasid. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.88g/26mm). 170H. Tabaristan. (Album 73). Obv: Crowned bust of Al-Rhasid right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Good Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine.
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111 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Al-Rhasid. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.97g/26mm). 171H. Tabaristan. (Album 73). Obv: Obv: Crowned bust of Al-Rhasid right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Extremely Fine.
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112 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Al-Rhasid. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 1.97g/26mm). 171H. Tabaristan. (Album 73). Obv: Obv: Crowned bust of Al-Rhasid right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Extremely Fine.
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113 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Khusro II. Drachm. (Ar. 2.90g/27mm). Year 27. RD (Ray). (Göbl II,3). Obv: Crowned bust of Al-Rhasid right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Very Fine.
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114 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Khusro II. Drachm. (Ar. 4.13g/32mm). 619 AD (Year 29). AB (Abrashahr). (Mitchiner 1203var). Obv: Crowned bust of Kavad I right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Good Very Fine.
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115 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Khusro II. Drachm. (Ar. 2.90g/27mm). Year 33. MR (Merw). (Göbl II,3). Obv: Crowned bust of Al-Rhasid right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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116 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

Seleucid Kingdom, Demetrios I Soter. Be16. (Ae. 3.70g/16mm). 162-150 BC (HGC 9, 821). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Tripod between two Greek legends. Very Fine.
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117 | Ancient Greek coins

SELUCIDA KINGDOM, Demetrios I. Be17. (Ae. 4.71g/17mm). 162-150 BC Antioch. (Seaby 1646). Obv: Horse's head left. Rev: Elephant head to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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118 | Ancient Greek coins

Seleucid Kingdom, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Be20. (Ae. 6.44g/20mm). AD 144-142 (Seaby 2023; SNG Spaer 1781). Obv: Head radiated and diademed to right. Rev: Apollo standing left holding an arrow and leaning his left arm on a column, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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119 | Ancient Greek coins

Seleucid Kingdom, Diodotos Tryphon. Be18. (Ae. 5.99g/18mm). 142-138 BC Antioch. (Seaby 2034; HGC 9, 1061). Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Macedonian helmet, goat's horn behind, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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120 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

Seleucid Kingdom, Antiochos VII Euregetes. Be18. (Ae. 7.63g/18mm). 138-129 BC (HGC 9, 1087). Obv: Winged bust of Eros right. Rev: Headdress from hair to right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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121 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

Seleucid Empire, Antiochos VIII Epiphanes. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 13.21g/33mm). 121-114 BC (HGC 9, 1197e). Obv: Laureate male head right. Rev: Zeus standing left holding scepter and star, surrounding Greek legend, within laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine. Large leaf on reverse. Cleaned.
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122 | Ancient Greek coins

SICILY, Hieron II. Be26. (Ae. 18.92g/26mm). 275-215 BC Syracuse. (HGC 2, 1548). Obv: male diademed head left. Rev: Horseman with lance right, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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123 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

SIKYONIA, Sikyon. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.35g/15mm). 330-280 BC (HGC 5, 213). Obv: Chimera advancing left, Greek monogram between legs. Rev: Dove flying left. Very Fine.
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124 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

THESSALY, Larissa. Drachm. (Ar. 5.55g/19mm). 356-342 BC (HGC 4, 454). Obv: Head of the nymph Larissa facing left. Rev: Horse eating right, between two Greek legends. Almost Very Fine.
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125 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

THESSALY, Larissa. Mite. (Ar. 0.91g/11mm). 356-337 BC (BCD Thessaly 328). Obv: Head of the nymph Larissa facing left. Rev: Horse eating right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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126 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Apollonia Pontica. Drachm. (Ar. 2.51g/13mm). 480-450 BC (SNG BM 153). Obv: Head of Gorgon facing forward. Rev: Anchor between Locust and A. Very Fine.
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127 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Apollonia Pontica. Drachm. (Ar. 2.71g/15mm). 480-450 BC (SNG BM 157). Obv: Head of Gorgon facing forward. Rev: Anchor between A and lobster. Very Fine.
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128 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

THRACE, Apollonia Pontika. diobolus (Ar. 1.15g/11mm). 400-350 BC (Seaby 1657). Obv: Head of Apollo from the front. Rev: Anchor between A and lobster. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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129 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.11g/14mm). 400-350 BC (Seaby 1607). Obv: Lion front left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse with point in the first quadrant and palm in the cuarto quadrant. Almost Very Fine.
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130 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.31g/13mm). 400-350 BC (Seaby 1607). Obv: Lion front left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse with point in the first quadrant and palm in the cuarto quadrant. Very Fine.
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131 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.31g/13mm). 400-350 BC (Seaby 1607). Obv: Lion front left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse with point in the first and cuarto quadrant. Very Fine.
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132 | Ancient Greek coins

THRACE, Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. (Ar. 2.31g/13mm). 400-350 BC (Seaby 1607). Obv: Lion front left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse with a dot in the first quadrant and a bunch of grapes in the cuarto quadrant. Good Very Fine.
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133 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF THRACE, Lysimachos. Be21. (Ae. 4.33g/21mm). 306-281 BC Uncertain mint of Macedonia or Thrace. (SNG Copenhagen 1149). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right. Rev: Leaping lion right, below monogram and arrowhead, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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134 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ISLANDS OF THRACE, Thasos. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.72g/32mm). 140-110 BC Obv: Juvenile diademed head of Dionysus right. Reverse: Heracles standing left holding mace and cornucopia, monogram M in front, around Greek legend. (HGC 6, 358). Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
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135 | Ancient Greek coins

CELTS OF THE DANUBE, Imitation of Thasos of Thrace. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 15.81g/30mm). 2nd century-1st century BC (Göbl OTA pl. 46). Obv: Diademed head of Dionysos right. Rev: Heracles standing left holding mace and drapery, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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136 | Ancient Greek coins

TROAS, Birytis. Be11. (Ae. 1.29g/11mm). 350-300 BC (SNG Copenhagen 247-8; SNG von Aulock 1502). Obv: Head of Kabeiros left with conical helmet, above two stars. Rev: Mallet within laurel wreath between Greek letters. Very Fine.
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137 | Ancient Greek coins

TROAS, Skepsis. Be14. (Ae. 2.47g/14mm). 400-200 BC (SNG Copenhagen 478). Obv: Pegasus front left. Rev: Tree inside square. Very Fine.
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138 | Ancient Greek coins

TROAS, Birytis. Be18. (Ae. 4.35g/18mm). 350-300 BC (Seaby 4056). Obv: Helmeted male head left, between two stars. Rev: mallet, between BI/PY, all within a laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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139 | Ancient Greek coins

TROAS, Tenedos. Mite. (Ar. 0.54g/9mm). 450-387 BC (SNG von Aulock 1587; SNG Copenhagen 509). Obv: Janiform head of Hera and Zeus. Rev: Double ax in incuse square, between TE. Very Fine.
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140 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Tracing. (Ae. 6.21g/20mm). 3rd century-2nd century BC (Seaby 6518). Obv: Diademed head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse walking to the right looking to the left. Very Fine.
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141 | Ancient Greek coins

ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Be16. (Ae. 2.75g/16mm). 320-300 BC (Seaby 6444). Obv: diademed head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse to right, behind palm tree. Good Very Fine.
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142 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Shekel. (Ar. 6.61g/21mm). 241-238 AD (SNG Copenhagen 236). Obv: Laureate head of Tanit left. Rev: Horse standing to the right, between its legs Greek letter. Very Fine.
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143 | Celtiberian coins

PRECOIN. shell type. (Ae. 41.73g/29mm). 1st century BC-2nd century BC (FAB-P28). Almost Very Fine.
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144 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ABDERA (Almeria). As. (Ae. 10.75g/26mm). 150-50 BC (FAB-10). Obv: Tetrastyle temple. Rev: Tunas to the left, including Punic legend. Fine.
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145 | Celtiberian coins

ACCI (Guadix, Granada). As. (Ae. 14.31g/29mm). 27 BC-AD 14 (FAB-34). Obv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Two legionary eagles facing each other between two standards, above: CIG, between them legend: LI II/ACCI. Almost Very Fine.
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146 | Celtiberian coins

ALAUN (Alagon, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 16.42g/28mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-62). Obv: Male head right, around three dolphins. Rev: horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend: ALAUN. Very Fine.
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147 | Celtiberian coins

ARATICOS (Arandiga, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 8.49g/23mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-66). Obv: Male head to right, crescent in front, behind Iberian letter: A. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend: ARATiCoS. Almost Extremely Fine. Beautiful specimen, rare like this.
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148 | Celtiberian coins

ARSAOS (Navarra area). Denarius. (Ar. 4.10g/18mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-139). Obv: bearded male head right, dauphin in front, plow behind. Rev: Horseman with dart to right, below Iberian legend on line: ARSAOS. Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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149 | Celtiberian coins

ARSAOS (Navarra area). Ace. (Ae. 7.13/23mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-144). Obv: bearded male head to right, between two dolphins. Rev: Horseman with dart to right, below Iberian legend: ARSAOS. Very Fine.
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150 | Celtiberian coins

ARSAOS (Navarra area). As. (Ae. 10.16g/25mm). 120-80 BC (FAB-144). Obv: bearded male head to right, between two dolphins. Rev: Horseman with dart to right, below Iberian legend: ARSAOS. Very Fine.
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