Online Coin Auction #75

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1017
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1018 to 2608

Results for la category: "Roman Empire"

747 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Follis. (Ae. 7.83g/27mm). 284-305 AD Antioch. (IQR 50a). Obv: Laureate head of Diocletian right, around legend: IMP C DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and cornucopia, in field: Crescent and B, in exergue: ANT, around legend: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Very Fine.
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748 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.34g/21mm). 295-296 AD Heracleia. (RIC 13). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Diocletian right, around legend: IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Diocletian standing right carrying parazonium and receiving Victoria with laurel wreath from Jupiter holding sceptre, among them: HA, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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749 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.97g/21mm). 296-297 AD Rome. (RIC 83). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Diocletian right, legend around: IMP DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/XX/O within laurel. Very Fine. Green patina.
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750 | Roman Empire

DIOCLETIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 2.80g/20mm). 293-294 AD Antioch. (RIC 322). Obv: Rayed, draped and armored bust of Diocletian right, legend around: IMP C VAL DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Diocletian standing right holding scepter and receiving Victoria with laurel wreath from Jupiter holding scepter, among them H, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine. Light traces of original silver.
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751 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. Follis. (Ae. 8.87g/28mm). 305-307 AD Serdica. (IQR 15b). Obv: Laureate bust in consular costume of Maximian with map and branch right, around legend: DN MAXIMIAN FELICISSIMO SEN AVG. Rev: Providentia and Quies facing each other carrying branch and scepter, among them E, in field: SF, in exergue: SMSD, around legend: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG. Good Very Fine. Rare specimen. Artificial patina.
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752 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.76g/23mm). 293-294 AD Antioch. (RIC 621). Obv: Draped and radiated bust of Maximian right, around legend: IMP CMA MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Maximian standing right holding scepter receiving Victoria with laurel wreath from Jupiter standing left holding sceptre, among them I, in exergue: XXI, around legend: CONCORDIA MILITVM. Very Fine.
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753 | Roman Empire

MAXIMIAN. Antoninian. (see 4.13g/23mm). 285 AD Antioch. (RIC 623). Obv: Radiated and armored bust of Maximian right, legend around: IMP CM AVR VAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Maximian standing left holding scepter and receiving Victoria with laurel wreath from Jupiter with scepter, between them: crescent/A, exergue: XXI, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG. Extremely Fine. Remains of original silver.
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754 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS I Follis. (Ae. 10.06g/28mm). 294-295 AD Cyzicus. (IQR 7a). Obv: Laureate head of Constantine I right, around legend: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and draped cornucopia, exergue: KB, around caption: GENIO AVGG ET CAESARVM NN. Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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755 | Roman Empire

HELENA. Follis. (Ae. 1.60g/14mm). 330 AD Constantinople. (RIC 33). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Helen right, around legend: FL IVL HELENAE AVG. Rev: Pax standing left holding branch and sceptre, in exergue: standing , around legend: PAX PVBLICA. Very Fine.
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756 | Roman Empire

GALERIUS. Follis. (Ae. 10.51g/30mm). 302-303 AD Trier. (ICR 530b). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius to right, around legend: MAXIMIANVS standing C. Rev: Standing genius to left carrying patera and cornucopia with draping, between SF, on exergue: ITR, around legend: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Good Extremely Fine. Beautiful specimen, rare like this.
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757 | Roman Empire

SEVERE II. Follis. (Ae. 8.45g/28mm). 306 AD Carthage. (IQR 40a). Obv: Laureate head of Severus II right, around legend: IMP SEVERVS PF AVG. Rev: Carthage standing left carrying fruit in both hands, in field A, in exergue: r, around legend: SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART. Very Fine.
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758 | Roman Empire

MAXENTIO. Follis. (Ae. 5.97g/23mm). 307-312 AD Ostia. (RIC 35). Obv: Laureate head of Maxentius right, around legend: IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Dioscuri facing each other with scepters and holding horses, in exergue: MOSTS, around legend: AETERNITAS AVG N. Almost Very Fine.
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759 | Roman Empire

MAXENTIO. Follis. (Ae. 5.99g/25mm). 310-311 AD Rome. (RIC 258). Obv: Laureate head of Maxentius right, around legend: IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated left holding globe and scepter inside hexastyle temple, in exergue: REP, around legend: CONSERV VRBS SVAE. Very Fine.
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760 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 6.58g/26mm). 308-310 AD Thessalonica. (IQR 30b). Obv: Laureate head of Licinius I right, around legend: VAL LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing left carrying cornucopia and patera, in field star and A, around legend: GENIO AVGVSTI. Very Fine.
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761 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.56g/25mm). 312-313 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 59). Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust of Licinius I right, legend around: IMP LIC LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left holding scepter and Victoria with laurel wreath, at her feet eagle with laurel wreath, exergue: TSA, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN. Good Very Fine.
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762 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.06g/24mm). 312-313 AD Thessalonica. (IQR 60). Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Licinius I right, legend around: IMP LI LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left carrying Victoria with laurel wreath and sceptre, at his feet eagle with laurel wreath, exergue: TSA, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN. Good Very Fine.
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763 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 6.89g/26mm). 311 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 66). Obv: Laureate bust of Licinius I right, around legend: VAL LICINNIANVS LICINNIVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and cornucopia, in field B and three dots, in exergue: MKV, around legend: GENIO IMPERATORIS. Very Fine.
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764 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.16g/24mm). 313 AD Siscia. (RIC 229a). Obv: Laureate head of Licinius I right, around legend: IMP LIC LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left carrying Victoria with laurel wreath on globe and scepter, at his feet eagle right with laurel corna, in field A, exergue: SIS, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN. Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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765 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 4.76g/22mm). 313 AD Rome. (RIC 349c). Obv: Laureate and armored bust of Licinius I right, legend around: IMP LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Three banners above each one, hand, eagle and laurel wreath, below RO, around legend: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Very Fine.
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766 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Follis. (Ae. 3.35g/18mm). 308-324 AD Antioch? (RIC?). Obv: Laureate and draped bust to left holding scepter, around legend: IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left carrying Victoria with laurel wreath and sceptre, in field star yr, in exergue: ANT?, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Very Fine.
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767 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Nummus. (Ae. 2.64g/20mm). 316 AD Treveri. (RIC 120). Obv: Laureate and armored bust of Licinius I right, legend around: IMP LICINIVS PF AVG. Rev: Genius standing left carrying patera and cornucopia, between: TF, in exergue: BTR, around legend: GENIO POP ROM. Very Fine.
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768 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS I. Nummus. (Ae. 1.83g/19mm). 319 AD Arelate. (RIC 196). Obv: Laureate and armored bust of Licinius I right, around legend: IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rev: Licinio I carrying thunderbolt and scepter on eagle standing right facing left, below: PARL, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Very Fine. Remains of original silver.
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769 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS II. nummus. (Ae. 3.25g/20mm). 321-324 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 18). Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Licinius II left holding shield and spear, around legend: DN VAL LICIN standing NOB C. Rev: Jupiter standing left holding scepter and Victoria with laurel wreath, at his feet eagle with laurel wreath and captive, in field: X/IIIr, in exergue: SMKK, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI. Good Very Fine.
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770 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 2.99g/19mm). 318-320 AD Heracleia. (RIC 24). Obv: Laureate bust with breastplate carrying mappa, around legend: IMP LICINIVS AVG. Rev: Camp gate with three turrets above it, in field A, in exergue: SMHB, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE AVGG. Very Fine.
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771 | Roman Empire

LICINIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 3.35g/20mm). 320-321 AD Siscia. (RIC 162). Obv: Laureate head of Licinius II right, around legend: LICINIVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Legend: VOT/V within laurel, below: ASIS star, around legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. Good Very Fine.
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772 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 4.02g/19mm). 324-325 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 24). Obv: Laureate head of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Camp gate with two turrets above it, star above it, in exergue: SMKr, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE AVGG. Good Very Fine.
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773 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 1.50g/16mm). 337 AD Constantinople. (RIC 37). Obv: Veiled bust of Constantine I right, around legend: DN CONSTANTINVS PF AVGG. Rev: Constantine I driving chariot to the right, in exergue: CONS. Very Fine.
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774 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 3.18g/21mm). 315 AD Rome. (RIC 37). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine I right, around legend: IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rev: Sun standing left holding globe and raising right hand, between: SF, in exergue: RP, around legend: SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Very Fine.
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775 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.05g/19mm). 330-335 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 65). Obv: Laureate, draped and breastplate bust of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Two soldiers with spear and shield facing each other, among them two banners, in exergue: SMKA, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Very Fine.
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776 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 4.52g/22mm). 312-313 AD Ostia. (RIC 83). Obv: Laureate and armored bust of Constantine I right, around legend: IMP C CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rev: Sols standing left raising right hand and carrying globe, in exergue: HOSTS, around legend: SOL INVICTO COMITI. Very Fine.
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777 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.80g/18mm). 335 AD Antioch. (RIC 86). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG. Rev: Two standing soldiers facing each other carrying spear and shield, between them two banners, in exergue: SMANr, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Almost Very Fine.
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778 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.73g/19mm). 324 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 101). Obv: Laureate head of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/XX within laurel, below TSEVI, around legend: DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG. Good Very Fine.
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779 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 3.29g/18mm). 322-325 AD (RIC 167). Obv: Laureate head of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/XX/Crciente, within laurel wreath, below: ST, around legend: DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG. Good Very Fine.
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780 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.58g/20mm). 330-330 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 196). Obv: Draped bust with helmet and cuirass of Constantine I carrying standard to left, around legend: CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Rev: Victoria standing on bow to left carrying scepter and shield, in exergue: SMNA. Very Fine.
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781 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.30g/19mm). 321 AD Treveri. (RIC 305). Obv: Laureate and breastplate bust of Constantine I right holding scepter with eagle, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Altar with inscription: VO/TIS/XX, below: STR, around legend: BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. Good Very Fine. Nice and rare specimen.
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782 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.90g/18mm). 321 AD Treveri. (RIC 341). Obv: Bust with helmet and cuirass of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Altar with inscription: VO/TIS/XX, below: STR, around legend: BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. Good Very Fine. Nice and rare specimen.
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783 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 3.30g/18mm). 322 AD Treveri. (RIC 341). Obv: Bust with helmet and crown of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Globe on altar with inscription: VO/TIS/XX, below: STR, around legend: BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. Almost Extremely Fine. Green patina.
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784 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 2.24g/19mm). 327 AD Arles. (RIC 449). Obv: Laureate head of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Camp gate with four turrets above and a star, between SF, below: ARLS, around legend: VIRTVS AVGG. Good Very Fine.
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785 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE I Centennial. (Ae. 2.30g/18mm). 333-335 AD Alexandria. (RIC 64). Obv: Draped bust, with breastplate and helmet of Constantine I left holding sceptre, around legend: CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Rev: Victoria advancing left on bow carrying scepter and shield, in exergue: SMALA. Good Very Fine.
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786 | Roman Empire

Set of 2 small bronzes of the emperors Constans and Constantine I. TO EXAMINE.
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787 | Roman Empire

FAUST. Follis. (Ae. 3.54g/19mm). 326 AD Treveri? (RIC 483). Obv: Draped bust of Fausta right, around legend: FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG. Rev: Salus veiled front standing with two children in her arms, in exergue: STR?, around legend: SALVS REI PVBLICAE. Fine. over gilt
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788 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. nummus. (Ae. 2.40g/18mm). 324 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 118). Obv: Draped and laureate bust of Crispus left, legend around: FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Legend: VOT/V, within laurel wreath, below: TSAVI, around legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. Very Fine.
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789 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 1.56g/17mm). 336-337 AD Aquileia. (RIC 140). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Constantine II right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Two soldiers facing each other with lances, banner between them, on exergue: AQS, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Almost Extremely Fine.
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790 | Roman Empire

DELMACIO. Follis. (ae. 1.25g/17mm). 336-337 AD Constantinople. (RIC 141). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Delmacio to right, around legend: FL DELMATVS NOB C. Rev: Two standing soldiers facing each other carrying spear and leaning on shield, banner between them, on exergue: CONSI, around legend: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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791 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 3.23g/18mm). 324-337 AD Constantinople. (IQR 10). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Constantius II left, around legend: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB. Rev: Camp gate, above turrets between star, left A, below: CONS, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Very Fine.
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792 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS II. Centennial. (Ae. 4.81g/22mm). 351-354 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 96). Obv: Diademed, draped and armored bust of Constantius II right, around legend: DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. standing soldier on the left carrying a shield and attacking a fallen horseman with a spear, in field r, in exergue: SMKA, around legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Good Very Fine.
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793 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 1.85g/17mm). 347-348 AD Treveri. (RIC 185). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constante right, around legend: CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Two Victorias with laurel wreath facing each other, among them: Leaf, in exergue: TRP, around legend: VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN. Very Fine.
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794 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTIUS II. Follis. (Ae. 3.38g/19mm). 326-327 AD Siscia. (RIC 203). Obv: Laureate, draped and armored bust of Constantius II left, around legend: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C. Rev: Camp gate with two turrets above, star among them, exergue: ASIS, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Good Very Fine.
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795 | Roman Empire

CONSTANS. Follis. (Ae. 3.65g/21mm). 348-351 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 70). Obv: Diademed breastplate of Constante left holding globe, around legend: DN CONSTANS PF AVG. Rev: Soldier advancing to the right leading a child by the hand, behind a tree, in exergue: SMNA, around legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Very Fine. Green patina.
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796 | Roman Empire

CONSTANCIO GALO. Follis. (Ae. 5.34g/25mm). 351-354 AD Siscia. (RIC 329). Obv: Draped and breastplate bust of Constans right, behind: A, around legend: DN CONSTANS PF AVG. Rev: standing left holding Victoria with laurel wreath and standard, behind Victoria seated left, below: ASIS, around legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Very Fine. Green patina. Scarce copy.
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