Online Coin Auction #75

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

  • First session. 11:00h CET, from lot 1 to 1017
  • Second session. 16:00h CET, from lot 1018 to 2608

Results for la category: "Cayetano Aníbal Collection"

243 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaen). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.02g/17mm). 180 BC (FAB-740). Obv: Diademed male head to right, between Iberian letters: UE. Rev: Boar to right, above Iberian letter: E, below Iberian legend: CaSTeLE. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Very rare specimen.
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244 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaen). Quadrant. (Ae. 5.26g/17mm). 180 BC (FAB No citation). Obv: Diademed male head to right, letter S in front. Rev: Boar to right, above Iberian letter: S, below Iberian legend: CASTELE. Good Very Fine. Little variant.
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245 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaen). Sextant. (Ae. 1.10g/13mm). 180 BC (FAB-746). Obv: Diademed head right. Rev: Torus to right, above crescent. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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246 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaen). As. (Ae. 13.73g/28mm). 180 BC (FAB-747). Obv: Male head left, around legend: L QVL FO ISC F. Rev: Rape of Europa right, below legend: MCF. Very Fine.
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247 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaen). As. (Ae. 14.33g/28mm). 180 BC (FAB-747). Obv: Male head left, around legend: L QVL FO ISC F. Rev: Rape of Europa right, below legend: MCF. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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267 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). Semis. (Ae. 7.12g/20m). 50 BC (FAB-1984). Obv: Head of Venus right, behind three dots, front legend: CN IVLI LF Q. Rev: Cupid with cornucopia and torch left, front three dots, behind legend: CORDVBA. Almost Very Fine.
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268 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). Semis. (Ae. 11.09g/21m). 50 BC (FAB-1984). Obv: Head of Venus right, behind three dots, front legend: CN IVLI LF Q. Rev: Cupid with cornucopia and torch left, front three dots, behind legend: CORDVBA. Very Fine.
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272 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). As. (Ae. 8.04g/25mm). 27 BC-AD 14 (FAB-1989) Obv: Head of Augustus left, around: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Laúrea, in the center: COLONIA PATRICIA. Good Very Fine.
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273 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). Semis. (Ae. 4.67g/22mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-1992). Obv: Head of Augustus left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Flamboyant hat and symbol, around legend: COLONIA PATRICIA. Almost Very Fine.
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275 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). Semis. (Ae. 3.45g/18mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-1992). Obv: Head of Augustus left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Flamboyant hat and symbol, around legend: COLONIA PATRICIA. Very Fine.
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277 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

PATRICIA COLONY (Cordoba). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.21g/15mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-1993). Obv: Head of Augustus left, around legend: PER CAE AVG. Rev: Aspérgilo, prefericulo, lítuo and patera, around legend: COLO PATR. Good Very Fine.
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279 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ROMULA COLONY (Sevilla). Dupondius. (Ae. 25.59g/35mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-2014). Obv: Radiate head of Augustus right, fulmen before, around: PERM DIVI AVG COL ROM. Rev: Head of Livia left, below globe, above crescent, around: IVLIA AVGVSTA GENETRIX ORBIS. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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280 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ROMULA COLONY (Sevilla). As. (Ae. 11.37g/28mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-2016). Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius left, around legend: PERM DIVI AVG COL ROM. Rev: Heads of Germanicus and Drusus facing each other, around legend: CAESAR GERMANICVS CAESAR DRVSVS. Almost Very Fine.
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281 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ROMULA COLONY (Sevilla). Semis. (Ae. 6.02g/23mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-2017). Obv: Bare head of Germanicus to left, around legend: GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F. Rev: Shield within laurel, around legend: PERM AVG COL ROM. Very Fine.
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287 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

CUNBARIA (between Cabezas de San Juan and Lebrija, Sevilla). Semis. (Ae. 4.36g/18mm). 50 BC (FAB-880). Obv: Male head to right, behind S. Rev: Tuna to left, between legend: CVNBARIA. Almost Very Fine.
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302 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

UNCERTAIN DIVIDER OF THE SECOND PUNIC WAR. Mite. (Ar. 0.72g/10mm). 228-221 BC (FAB No citation; ACIP No citation; MIB 7/11, same issue). Obv: Horse leaping right, crescent above. Rev: Eight-pointed star. Good Very Fine. Very rare and probably unpublished specimen.
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303 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Mite. (Ar. 0.25g/8mm). 5th century BC (ca.). (Villaronga 21). Obv: Ram's head left. Rev: Cross of incuse points. Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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304 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Mite. (Ar. 0.88g/11mm). 440-400 BC (FAB No citation; ACIP No citation; MIB 1/137). Obv: Lion's head right. Rev: Dog to right, above EM. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine. Very rare specimen and probably unpublished specimen.
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305 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.52g/10mm). 220-215 BC (ACIP 512, cataloged as R8). Obv: Female diademed head left. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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306 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.60g/10mm). 220-215 BC (ACIP 512, cataloged as R8). Obv: Female diademed head left. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Good Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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307 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.32g/10mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Very Fine.
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308 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.38g/11mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Very Fine.
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309 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.56g/11mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Very Fine.
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310 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.58g/11mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Very Fine.
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311 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.33g/11mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying to the right. Good Very Fine.
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312 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.43g/10mm). 220-215 BC (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Rev: Pegasus flying right. Good Very Fine.
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314 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORITON (Ampurias, Girona). Drachm. (Ar. 4.16g/19mm). 3rd century-2nd century BC (FAB-1140?). Obv: Female diademed head to right, around three dolphins. Rev: Pegasus flying right, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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315 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

IMITATION MASSALIA DIVIDERS. Triethartemorion. (Ar. 0.58g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1181). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Wheel with four wheels, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA. Very Fine.
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316 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

MASSALIA IMITATION DIVIDERS. Triethartemorion. (Ar. 0.63g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1181). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Wheel with four wheels, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA. Good Very Fine.
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317 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

MASSALIA IMITATION DIVIDERS. Triethartemorion. (Ar. 0.64g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1181). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Wheel with four wheels, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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318 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

IMITATION MASSALIA DIVIDERS. Triethartemorion. (Ar. 0.53g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1185). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Wheel with four spokes, in the 3rd and 4th quadrant letters: MA and crescent in the 2nd quadrant. Very Fine. Drilling.
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319 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

EMPORION (Ampurias, Girona). Hemitrietartemorion. (Ar. 0.62g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1196). Obv: Female head with headdress right. Rev: Pegasus to right, below two roels. Very Fine.
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325 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

GADES (Cadiz). As. (Ae. 10.78g/26mm). 100-20 BC (FAB-1343). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion skin left with club. Rev: Two tuna to left, between them crescent and point and caduceus, above and below Punic legend. Almost Very Fine.
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326 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

GADES (Cadiz). Semis. (Ae. 2.86g/18mm). 100-20 BC (FAB-1347). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion's skin left, nailed to the front. Rev: Two tuna to the left, between them crescent with a dot and Punic letter alef, between both Punic legend. Good Very Fine.
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327 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

GADES (Cadiz). Quadrant (Ae. 2.54g/17mm). 100-20 BC (FAB-1356). Obv: head of Hercules left behind club; Rev: dolphin left, behind trident and Punic legend. Very Fine.
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331 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 19.93g/28mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1496). Obv: Male head right. Rev: Sphinx to right, around Iberian legend: ILDuRIRCeSTIN. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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332 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 18.08g/29mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1498). Obv: Male head right. Rev: Sphinx to left, below Iberian legend: ILBeRI. Good Fine. Scarce copy.
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333 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 13.76g/26mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1501). Obv: Male head right. Rev: Sphinx to right, below line Iberian legend: ILDu. Very Fine.
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334 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 8.91g/27mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1503). Obv: Male head to right, behind Iberian letter Ta. Rev: Sphinx to right, below legend: ILIBE. Very Fine.
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335 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). As. (Ae. 16.07g/29mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1504). Obv: Male head right, palm in front. Rev: Triscela, Iberian legend between legs: ILBeRIR. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Scarce copy.
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336 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIBERRI (Granada). Ace. (Ae. 17.93/28mm). 150-20 BC (FAB-1506). Obv: Male head right, palm in front. Rev: Triscela within dotted graph, below Iberian legend: ILBeRIR. Very Fine. Missing blank. Nice and rare specimen.
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340 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILIPENSE (Alcalá del Río, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 23.64g/32mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-1532). Obv: Tuna right, crescent above, below legend on cartouche: ILIPENSE and A. Almost Very Fine.
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347 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILTIRTA (Lleida). Triethartemorion. (Ar. 0.65g/10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB No citation; ACIP No citation; MIB 67/33, same issue). Obv: Male head left. Rev: Three-spoke wheel with crescent and A in the 1st and 2nd quadrant, wolf to the left in the 3rd quadrant. Very Fine. Very rare specimen and probably unpublished.
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348 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ILURCO (Bridge Pines, Granada). As. (Ae. 17.43g/27mm). 50 BC (FAB-1566). Obv: Male head right, dolphin before. Rev: Male head to right, in front legend: ILVRCON. Good Fine. Scarce.
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349 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

IRIPPO (South area of Sevilla). As. (Ae. 4.52g/24mm). 30 BC (FAB-1581). Obv: Male head right, in front legend: IRIPPO. Rev: female deity seated left holding pineapple and cornucopia. Almost Very Fine/ Good Fine.
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350 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

IRIPPO (South Zone of Sevilla). As. (Ae. 4.60g/23mm). 30 BC (FAB-1582). Obv: Head of Octavio left, in front legend: IRIPPO. Rev: Deida seated left with pineapple and cornucopia. Almost Very Fine/ Good Fine.
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352 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

ITALICA (Santiponce, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 13.48g/30mm). AD 14-36 (FAB-1593). Obv: Head of Tiberius right, around legend: IMP TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PON MAX. Rev: Ara with legend: PROVIDENTIAE AVGVSTI, around legend: PERM DIVI AVG MVNIC ITALIC. Very Fine.
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355 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

IULIA TRANSLATOR (Algeciras, Cádiz). As. (Ae. 11.37g/25mm). 27 BC-14 AD (FAB-1614). Obv: Head of Augustus left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Legend: IVLIA TRAD, within laurel wreath. Very Fine.
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356 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

LAELIA (Olive groves, Sevilla). Semis. (Ae. 6.95g/21mm). 50-20 BC (FAB-1651). Obv: Helmeted male head right. Rev: Palma, below legend: LAELIA. Very Fine.
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357 | Cayetano Aníbal Collection

LASTIGI (Near Aznalcóllar, Sevilla). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.09g/17mm). 150-50 BC (FAB-1680). Obv: Helmeted male head right, within laurel wreath. Rev: Legend between the lines: LAS. Almost Very Fine.
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