Online Coins Auction #70

Thursday, 14 July 2022 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

401 | Roman Empire

JULIA MAESA. Denarius. (Ar. 2.84g/19mm). 218-220 AD Rome. (RIC 268). Obv: Draped bust of Julia Maesa right, around legend: IVLIA MAESA AVG. Rev: Pudicitia seated left holding sceptre, legend around: PVDICITIA. Good Very Fine.
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402 | Roman Empire

JULIA MAESA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.11g/18mm). 218-222 AD Rome. (RIC 272). Obv: Draped bust of Julia Maesa right, around legend: IVLIA MAESA AVG. Rev: Felicitas standing left holding sceptre, star in front, legend around: SAECVLI FELICITAS. Very Fine.
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403 | Roman Empire

JULIA SOAEMIAS. Denarius. (Ar. 2.31g/18mm). 220-222 AD Rome. (RIC 241). Obv: Draped bust of Julia Soaemias right, around legend: IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG. Rev: Venus standing left holding globe and sceptre, in star field, around legend: VENVS CAELESTIS. Almost Extremely Fine.
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404 | Roman Empire

SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Sesterce. (Ae. 28.97g/31mm). 231 AD Rome. (RIC 511). Obv: Laureate bust of Alexander Severus right with draping over left shoulder, around legend: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Rev: Sun standing left holding whip and raising right hand, between Uncirculated, around legend: PM TR PX COS III P P. Very Fine. Green patina.
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405 | Roman Empire

SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Sesterce. (ae. 17.64g/32mm). 232 AD Rome. (RIC 648). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Alexander Severus right, around legend: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Rev: Spes advancing left carrying flower, between: Uncirculated, around legend: SPES PVBLICA. Almost Very Fine. Green patina.
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406 | Roman Empire

SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Denarius. (Ar. 2.56g/17mm). 223 AD Rome. (RIC 19). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Alexander Severus right, around legend: IMP CM AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing left holding scepter and thunderbolt, around legend: PM TR P II COS P P. Very Fine.
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407 | Roman Empire

JULIA MAMAEA. Sesterce. (Ae. 21.78g/32mm). 230 AD Rome. (RIC 679). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Julia Mamaea right, around legend: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA. Rev: Felicitas seated left holding caduceus and cornucopia, below Uncirculated, around legend: FELICITAS PVBLICA. Almost Very Fine.
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408 | Roman Empire

JULIA MAMAEA. Sesterce. (Ae. 22.46g/32mm). 222-235 AD Rome. (RIC 683). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Julia Mamaea right, around legend: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA. Rev: Juno seated left holding flower and child in arms, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: IVNO AVGVSTAE. Very Fine.
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409 | Roman Empire

JULIA MAMAEA. Denarius. (Ar. 2.65g/19mm). 222-235 AD Rome. (RIC 358). Obv: diademed and draped bust of Julia Mamaea right, around legend: IVLIA MAMAEA AVG. Rev: Venus standing right holding helmet and scepter, at her feet shield, around legend: VENVS VICTRIX. Very Fine.
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410 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS I. Sestertius. (Ae. 20.06g/30mm). 235-236 AD Rome. (RIC 61). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Maximin I right, around legend: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG. Rev: Providentia standing left holding cornucopia and rod on globe, between: Uncirculated, around legend: PROVIDENTIA AVG. Very Fine.
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411 | Roman Empire

MAXIMINUS I. Denarius. (Ar. 3.41g/19mm). 236-238 AD Rome. (IQR 5). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Maximin I right, around legend: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM. Rev: Maximin I standing left holding sceptre, between two banners, legend around: PM TR P III COS P P. Very Fine.
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412 | Roman Empire

PUPIENUS. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.20g/23mm). 238 AD Rome. (IQR 9a). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Pupieno right, around legend: IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG. Rev: Intertwined hands, around legend: AMOR MVTVVS AVGG. Very Fine. Lightly cleaned.
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413 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Pentassarion. (Ae. 12.67g/27mm). 238-241 AD Marcianopolis. Obv: Busts of Gordian III and Serapis facing each other, around Greek legend. Rev: standing standing left holding rudder and cornucopia, in field E, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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414 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 15.42g/28mm). 239 AD Rome. (RIC 262). Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Victoria advancing to the right wearing a laurel wreath, between Uncirculated, around legend: VICTORIA AVG. Almost Very Fine.
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415 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 16.96g/30mm). 240 AD Rome. (RIC 302). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Apollo seated left holding branch, below: Uncirculated, around legend: PM TR P IIII COS II P P. Very Fine.
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416 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 18.84g/30mm). 238-244 AD Rome. (RIC 306a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Gordian III standing right holding lance and globe, around legend: PM TR P IIII COS II PP Uncirculated. Good Very Fine.
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417 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 19.50g/31mm). 238-244 AD Rome. (RIC 306a). Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Laureate and draped bust of Gordian III right. Rev: PM TRP IIII COS II PP Uncirculated. Gordian III standing right holding lance and globe. Almost Very Fine.
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418 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.25g/22mm). 238-239 AD Rome. (IQR 3). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Pax standing left holding scepter and palm, legend around: PAX AVGVSTI. Good Very Fine.
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419 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.84g/21mm). 238-244 AD Rome. (IQR 4). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Providentia standing left holding globe and scepter, around legend: PROVIDENTIA AVG. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
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420 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.79g/23mm). 240 AD Rome. (RIC 34). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVG. Good Very Fine.
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421 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.93g/22mm). 239 AD Rome. (RIC 39). Obv: Radiated and draped bust right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Virtus standing left holding shield and spear, around legend: standing AVG. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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422 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.15g/22mm). 240-244 AD Rome. (RIC 82). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Radiated sun standing left holding globe and raising right hand, around legend: standing AVG. Very Fine.
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423 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.99g/22mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 83). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Sun standing left raising hand and carrying globe, around legend: AETERNATI AVG. Good Very Fine.
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424 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.61g/23mm). 240 AD Rome. (RIC 85). Obv: radiated, draped, armored bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Jupiter standing right holding spear and beam of lightning, around legend: IOVIS STATOR. Almost Extremely Fine.
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425 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.25g/24mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 86). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Laetitia standing left holding laurel wreath and scepter, around legend: LAETITIA AVG N. Almost Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine.
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426 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.68g/23mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 86). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, surrounding legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Laetitia standing left holding laurel wreath and sceptre, around legend: LAETITIA AVG N. Almost Very Fine.
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427 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.59g/24mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 86). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, surrounding legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Laetitia standing left holding laurel wreath and scepter, around legend: LAETITIA AVG N. Almost Very Fine.
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428 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.39g/24mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 93). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Gordian III right holding lance and globe, around legend: PM TR PV COS II P P. Very Fine.
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429 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 2.92g/23mm). 241-243 AD Rome. (RIC 95). Obv: radiated, draped and armored bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Hercules standing to right leaning on club, around legend: VIRTVTI AVGVSTI. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine.
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430 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 3.92g/23mm). 243-244 AD Rome. (RIC 140). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Felicitas left standing carrying caduceus and cornucopia, around legend: FELICIT TEMP. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen.
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431 | Roman Empire

GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.21g/23mm). 238-244 AD Rome. (IQR 150). Obv: radiated and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Providentia standing left holding rod and scepter, around legend: PROVIDENTIA AVG. Very Fine.
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432 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Sestertius. (Ae. 18.65g/30mm). 246 AD Rome. (RIC 149a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Felicitas standing left carrying caduceus and cornucopia, between: Uncirculated, around legend: PM TR P III COS P P. Very Fine.
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433 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Sestertius. (Ae. 13.14g/27mm). 248 AD Rome. (RIC 158). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Lion advancing right, below Uncirculated, around legend: SAECVLARES AVGG. Almost Very Fine.
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434 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Sestertius. (Ae. 14.72g/29mm). 244-249 AD Rome. (RIC 172a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Fides standing left carrying two banners, between Uncirculated, around legend: FIDES MILITVM. Almost Very Fine.
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435 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Sestertius. (Ae. 19.49g/30mm). 244-249 AD Rome. (RIC 190). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Securitas seated left holding winged thunderbolt, in exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: SECVRIT ORBIS. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
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436 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Sestertius. (Ae. 18.82g/30mm). 247 AD Rome. (RIC 195a). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Legend in four lines: VOTIS/DECENNA/LIBVS/ Uncirculated, within a laurel wreath. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Cleaned.
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437 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.98g/22mm). 246 AD Rome. (IQR 3). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and cornucopia, around legend: PM TR P III COS P P. Very Fine.
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438 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.62g/23mm). 245 AD Rome. (RIC 26b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Filipo I on horse with scepter to left, around legend: ADVENTVS AVGG. Almost Very Fine.
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439 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.68g/23mm). 245-247 AD Rome. (RIC 27b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: standing left holding scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVGG. Almost Extremely Fine/ Good Very Fine.
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440 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.93g/25mm). 245-247 AD Rome. (RIC 27b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: standing left holding scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVGG. Good Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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441 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.82g/22mm). 245-247 AD Rome. (RIC 27b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: standing left holding scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVGG. Good Very Fine.
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442 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.96g/24mm). 245-247 AD Rome. (RIC 27b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: standing left holding scales and cornucopia, around legend: AEQVITAS AVGG. Very Fine.
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443 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 4.85g/23mm). 247 AD Rome. (RIC 28c). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Annona standing left holding spike on modium and cornucopia, around legend: ANNONA AVG. Very Fine.
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444 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 4.71g/25mm). 247 AD Rome. (RIC 28c). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Annona standing left holding spike on modium and cornucopia, around legend: ANNONA AVG. Very Fine.
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445 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.76g/23mm). 247 AD Rome. (RIC 28c). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Annona standing left holding spike on modus and cornucopia, around legend: ANNONA AVG. Almost Very Fine.
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446 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.38g/24mm). 247 AD Rome. (RIC 28c). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Annona standing left holding spike on modium and cornucopia, around legend: ANNONA AVG. Almost Very Fine.
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447 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 4.11g/22mm). 244-247 AD Rome. (RIC 31). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Felicitas left standing carrying caduceus and cornucopia, around legend: FELICITAS TEMP. Very Fine.
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448 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.76g/23mm). 244-247 AD Rome. (RIC 31). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Felicitas left standing carrying caduceus and cornucopia, around legend: FELICITAS TEMP. Almost Very Fine. Fissure.
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449 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 4.20g/24mm). 244-247 AD Rome. (IQR 38b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Liberalitas standing left holding abacus and cornucopia, around legend: LIBERALITAS AVGG II. Very Fine.
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450 | Roman Empire

PHILIP I. Antoninianus. (Ar. 3.87g/23mm). 244-247 AD Rome. (RIC 44b). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Philip I right, around legend: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG. Rev: Roma seated left holding Victory and scepter, around legend: ROMA AETERNAE. Very Fine.
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