629 | Al Andalus and Islamic coins

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English ALMORAVIDES. Ibrahim Ben Abu Bakr Ben 'Umar. Get off. (Ar. 0.88g/11mm). (Vives does not quote; Hazard does not quote; Benito AB1). Of this character, surely one of the sons of Abu Bakr, little is known through the sources, although a series of dinars minted by him in Segilmesa between the years 462467 H are collected, while the only karat that we know of this ruler is the one published by Benito (Gaspariño 2017) and that has the same characteristics as those issued on behalf of his father. Very Fine. Apparently the second known specimen and the best preserved.

Online Coins Auction #70

Thursday, 14 July 2022 | 15:00

Lot 629

Starting price 450€