Online Coins Auction #65

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 | Madrid, 12:00 CET

2251 | Medals

HE City Council of Granada. (Ae. 65.10g/49mm). City Escudo . Extremely Fine.
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2252 | Medals

Set of 4 medals or tokens from the Europeans Currencies series from the countries of Austria, Germany, France and Croatia minted in cupronickel. High level of general conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2253 | Medals

EGYPT. Nefertitis and Sun between pyramids. (Aug. 1.62g/15mm). 2013 (1434H). Extremely Fine.
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2254 | Medals

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, Empire (1804-1815). Conquest of Silesia, Poland. (Ae. 29.93g/40mm). 1807. Design by Vivant Denon and engraving by Jean-Bertrand Andrieu. (Bramsen 635). Good Very Fine.
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2255 | Medals

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, Empire (1804-1815). Withdrawal of the French Army from Russia. (Ae. 44.99g/40mm). 1812. Engraver: Andrieu and Galle. (Bramsen 1168). Good Very Fine. Scratch.

It is hard to believe that until just one year before, 1811, Russia and France were allies. The cooling of relations between the two nations gave way, after knowing the wishes of Tsar Alexander I to conquer Constantinople and the need to achieve a rapprochement with Great Britain, to a direct confrontation between the two superpowers that ended with a disastrous French defeat on Russian soil. On December 14, 1812, the withdrawal of the barely twenty-two thousand survivors of that “Grande Armée” was completed, leaving almost half a million soldiers between dead and prisoners along the way.
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2256 | Medals

GEORGE IV (1821-1830). Francis Henry Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. At his death. (Ae. 38.48g/41mm). 1828. Engraver: A. Donadio. (Eimer 1209). Good Very Fine.
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2257 | Medals

FRANCE. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Ar.15.88g/33mm). 1822. Signed by: Auguste Jules Patey. Extremely Fine.
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2258 | Medals

FRANCE. Company of Notaries of Paris. 1830-1848. (Ar. 19.01g/33mm). Luis Felipe I. Engraver: Michau. (Lerouge 319). Good Very Fine. Little marks.
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2259 | Medals

NAPOLEON III (1852-1870). Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie. Palace of Industry of the Universal Exhibition of Paris. (Ae. 125.05g/68mm). 1855. Paris. Engraver: Caqué F. (COLLIGNON 1683). Extremely Fine.
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2260 | Medals

FRANCE. Company of Notaries of Paris. S/D (Ar. 19.76g/34mm). S/D Engraver: A. Borrel. (Lerouge 321). Very Fine.
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2261 | Medals

FRANCE. Medal. (Ae. 262.06g/81mm). 1910. Engraver: Ch. Pillet. 25 years of service to Credit Lyonnais awarded to María Angeles Colomer. Very Fine.
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2262 | Medals

FRANCE. Set made up of 16 French tokens from different periods. The set includes original pieces and some modern re-minting. Different materials as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2263 | Tokens

BRITAIN. Token (Ae. 1.55g/17mm). 1669. Robert Churchill. Rochester (Kent County). Good Very Fine. Scarce.
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2264 | Medals

Beautiful set made up of 6 bronze medals from the Museu Nacional Dos Coches. These coins were minted in the last cuarto of the 20th century. High degree of conservation in general. No repeated piece. TO EXAMINE.
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2265 | Medals

Set of 6 pieces, 5 medals, 3 of them from the Visit of Pope John Paul II to Spain in 1982 and 2 commemorating the Wedding of Prince Charles and Diana of Wales and 1 Canadian 1 Dollar coin from 1984. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2266 | Medals

Interesting set made up of 54 medals from different periods, countries, modules and materials. Various states of preservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2267 | Tokens

UNION ANGLESENSE COOPERATIVE. 500 Pesetas (Ae-Silver. 25.50g/41mm). 1930s. Anglés (Gerona). Silver-plated copper test (Lluch-2205). Good Very Fine. Scratch. Strange.

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2268 | Tokens

ANGLES UNION COOPERATIVE. 500 Pesetas (H 10.03g/41mm). 1930s. Anglés (Gerona). Aluminum test. (Lluch-2206). Extremely Fine. Strange.

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2269 | Tokens

ANGLES UNION COOPERATIVE. 500 Pesetas (Fe. 33.14g/41mm). 1930s. Anglés (Gerona). Test on iron with carbon bath. (Lluch-2206 var). Good Extremely Fine. Strange.
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2270 | Tokens

COOPERATIVE UNION ANGLESENSE. Set consisting of 4 tokens with values of 5 (in brass and nickel) and 100 Pesetas. One of the 100 Pesetas with the non-matching reverse variant. Excellent state of general conservation. to EXAMINE.
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2271 | Tokens

SPAIN. Set of 4 tokens or tokens of Catalan cooperatives of different values and materials minted in 1935 in Tarrasa and Palafrugellense Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2272 | Tokens

Set of 5 chips or tokens from mainly Catalan casinos and cooperatives. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2273 | Tokens

UNITED STATES. Token 1/2 Gold California. (Aug. 0.30g/10mm). 1853. Replica. Good Very Fine.
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2274 | Tokens

Set of 8 French trading tokens. TO EXAMINE.
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2275 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT GREECE. Nice set made up of 45 Greek bronze coins from different Greek kingdoms and cities. TO EXAMINE.
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2276 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT SPAIN. Beautiful and interesting set made up of 32 coins from different Iberian mints and from different periods. TO EXAMINE.
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2277 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT SPAIN. Lot made up of 75 bronze coins from different Iberian mints, it contains some reproductions, some pieces with eagle head stamps stand out. TO EXAMINE.
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2278 | Lots and collections

ANCIENT HISPANIA and ROMAN EMPIRE. Lot made up of dozens of coins from different Iberian mints and from different Roman emperors. TO EXAMINE.
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2279 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE and ANCIENT HISPANIA. Lot consisting of 75 mostly bronze coins from different Iberian mints and Roman emperors, includes 2 denarii. TO EXAMINE.
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2280 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set of 12 Roman bronzes and some Iberian pieces. Different modules and states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2281 | Lots and collections

Set of 44 ancient coins, mostly bronze, from different Iberian mints and Roman emperors. TO EXAMINE.
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2282 | Lots and collections

PRECOINS. Lot consisting of 6 ring type coins of different sizes. TO EXAMINE.
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2283 | Lots and collections

REPUBLIC and ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting collection of coppers in different modules and Roman silver from various emperors and periods. 71 pieces in all. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE
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2284 | Lots and collections

ROMAN REPUBLIC and ROMAN EMPIRE.Nice and interesting set made up of 69 Roman silver coins from different emperors and Roman periods, including a Crispina denarius with a Juno reverse and another Domitian denarius with an altar reverse. TO EXAMINE.
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2285 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Nice set made up of 6 small and medium-sized bronzes, among which a dupondium of Trajan and a follis of Aureliano stand out. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2286 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Nice set composed of 9 lower imperial follis and different emperors as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2287 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Lot composed of 11 small bronzes of different emperors, highlighting two Follis of Licinio I. TO EXAMINE.
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2288 | Lots and collections

ROMAN EMPIRE. Interesting set made up of 130 bronze coins of different Roman emperors, most of them Antoninian, some with slight traces of original silvering. TO EXAMINE.
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2289 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Lot made up of 13 coins from different kings and medieval mints, including a Cuartillo from Enrique IV. TO EXAMINE.
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2290 | Lots and collections

MEDIEVAL TIMES. Set of 17 medieval coins of different medieval kings and different Spanish mints. TO EXAMINE.
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2291 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY. Interesting set made up of 10 copper coins minted in the reigns of Carlos IV and Fernando VII. All the pieces are from the Segovia and Jubia mints. Different modules, most of 8 Maravedís, as well as states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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2292 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY AND CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Lot consisting of 8 copper coins of the kings: Felipe IV, Felipe V, Fernando VI, Fernando VII and Alfonso XIII, highlighting 4 coins of Felipe IV, among which there are 2 Ardits from Barcelona, a coin of 8 Maravedís from Madrid and a coin of 16 Maravedís from Córdoba. TO EXAMINE.
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2293 | Lots and collections

SPANISH MONARCHY, CENTENARY OF THE PESETA and II REPUBLIC. Lot made up of 83 coins of different Spanish Monarchs, some of them resealed bronzes, highlighting a Real of the Catholic Monarchs that has been repaired. TO EXAMINE.
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2294 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Set of 13 5 Peseta coins minted during the period of the Provisional Government, Amadeo I and the reigns of Alfonso XII and XIII. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.

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2295 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA. Lot consisting of 14 silver coins minted between the Provisional Government and Alfonso XIII. TO EXAMINE.
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2296 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA AND FOREIGN COINS. Lot consisting of 3 silver coins with settings to be used as brooches, one of them a 1902 medal of Alfonso XIII. TO EXAMINE.
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2297 | Lots and collections

CENTENARY OF THE PESETA and II REPUBLIC. Beautiful set made up of 6 copper coins minted during the reign of Alfonso XIII and the Second Republic. Different modules. Magnificent level of conservation in general. TO EXAMINE.
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2298 | Spanish State

SPANISH STATE (1936-1975). Nice set made up of 9 coins of different modules, between 50 cents and 5 Pesetas and dates. All parts different and in Uncirculated condition. TO EXAMINE.
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2299 | Lots and collections

Interesting set made up of 127 coins from the Spanish State and the reign of Juan Carlos I of various modules and dates. In the set, a nice selection of 24 pieces with errors and/or variants stands out. Different states of conservation including a high number of pieces in Uncirculated. TO EXAMINE.
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2300 | Lots and collections

SPANISH STATE. Lot comprised of two albums made up of Francisco Franco coins of all modules and with different dates, highlighting 6 100 Pesetas coins from 1966 (of which there are two *19-69 with retouched stars). TO EXAMINE.
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