Online Coins Auction #65

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 | Madrid, 12:00 CET

Results for la category: "Roman Empire"

588 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 2.68g/19mm). 317-318 AD Antioch. (RIC 28). Obv: Laureate bust, draped and armored carrying mappa, globe and scepter, around legend: DN FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Jupiter standing left carrying Victoria with laurel wreath and scepter, captive at his feet, in field A, in exergue: SMANT, around legend: IOVI CONSERVATORI CAESS. Very Fine.
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589 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. Follis. (Ae. 3.09g/18mm). 321 AD Aquileia. (RIC 87). Obv: Laureate, draped and breastplate bust of Crispus right, legend around: CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Legend: VOT/V, within laurel, around legend: CAESARVM NASTRORVM, below: AQS. Very Fine.
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590 | Roman Empire

CRISPO. nummus. (Ae. 2.64g/20mm). Arelate. AD 321 (RIC 230). Obv: Laureate head of Crispus right, around legend: CRISPVS NOB CAES. Rev: Legend: VOT/V, within laurel wreath, below: TA, around legend: CAESARVM NOSOTRORVM. Very Fine.
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591 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.46g/19mm). 318-320 AD Heracleia. (RIC 46). Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine II left holding mappa, globe and scepter, around legend: DN FL CL CONSTANTINVS NOB C. Rev: Camp gate with three turrets above, below: SMHA, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS . Good Very Fine.
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592 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.60g/20mm). 324-325 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 47). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine II left, around legend: FL IVL CONSTANTINVS NOB C. Rev: Camp gate with two turrets above it, above star, exergue: SMKA, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Good Very Fine. Remains of original silver on reverse.
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593 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 3.01g/19mm). 325-326 AD Nicomedia. (RIC 123). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Constantine II left bearing legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Camp gate with two turrets above, star above, below: MNr, around legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Almost Extremely Fine.
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594 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE II. Follis. (Ae. 1.54g/17mm). 330-333 AD Siscia. (RIC 262). Obv: Diademed breastplate of Constantine II right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Rev: Two standing soldiers facing each other carrying spears, banner between them, on exergue: ESIS, around legend: GLORIAE EXERCITVS. Almost Extremely Fine. Coinage bays.
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595 | Roman Empire

CONSTANT. Follis. (Ae. 4.07g/22mm). 348-349 AD Cyzicus. (RIC 72). Obv: Diademed, draped and breastplate bust of Constans left holding globe. Rev: Soldier advancing to the right looking at a boy holding hands and carrying a spear, both under a palm tree, in exergue: SMKr, around legend: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Almost Very Fine.
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596 | Roman Empire

MAGNENTIUM. Centennial. (Ae. 4.72g/23mm). 351-353 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 115). Obv: Draped bust with Magnenium cuirass right, legend around: DN MAGNENTIVS PF AVG. Rev: Magnentius on horseback attacking captive with lance to left, under shield horse, in exergue: RPLC, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Good Fine.
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597 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Double maiorina. (Ae. 8.61g/27mm). 362-363 AD Constantinople. (RIC 162). Obv: Diademed, draped and breastplate bust right, legend around: DN FL CL IVLI-ANVS PF AVG. Rev: Two bulls to the right, at their feet eagle, above star, in exergue: SCONST, around legend: SECVRITAS REI PVB. Extremely Fine/ Good Very Fine. Artificial patina.
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598 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 2.89g/21mm). 361-363 AD Antioch. (RIC 220). Obv: Bust with helmet and cuirass carrying spear and shield, around legend: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Láurea, inside legend: VOT X MVLT XX, below legend: ANTr. Almost Very Fine.
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599 | Roman Empire

JULIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 3.08g/21mm). 361-363 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 227). Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Julian II left holding spear and shield, around legend: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOT/X/MVLT/XX, within a laurel wreath, below: TESr, between two laurel branches. Good Very Fine. Nice green patina.
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600 | Roman Empire

VALENTINIAN III. Maiorina. (Ae. 5.17g/25mm). 378-383 AD Siscia. (IQR 26b,2). Obv: Diademed, draped and armored bust of Valentinian II right, around legend: DN VALENTINIANVS IVN PF AVG. Rev: Valentinian standing left wearing Victoria with laurel wreath shaking hands with woman kneeling at his feet, in exergue: ASISC, around legend: REPARATIO REI PVB. Good Fine.
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601 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS I. Maiorina. (Ae. 4.79g/23mm). 392-395 AD Antioch. (IQR 68a). Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Theodosius I right, around legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Rev: Teodosio front standing with banner and globe, in exergue: ANTA, around legend: GLORIA ROMANORVM. Almost Very Fine
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602 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINE III. Silique. (Ar. 0.77g/14mm). 408-409 AD Lugdunum. (RIC 1531). Obv: Diademed and armored bust of Constantine III right, around legend: DN CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. Rev: Roma seated left holding lance and Victoria with laurel wreath, in exergue: SMLD, around legend: VICTORI AAAVGGGG. Very Fine. Very missing coin.
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603 | Roman Empire

THEODOSIUS II. nummus. (Ae. 1.36g/11mm). 435 AD Constantinople. (RIC 457). Obv: Bust of Theodosius II right. Rev: TV/XXX/V, within laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine.
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604 | Roman Empire

ANASTASIO I. Nummus. (Ae. 1.40g/11mm). 491-198 AD Rome. (Seaby 29). Obv: Bust of Anastasius I right. Rev: Monogram of Anastasio I. Almost Very Fine.
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605 | Roman Empire

Nice set of 6 Denarius from different emperors (two of them lined) and 18 Antoninians from different emperors, some of them with remains of the original silver. TO EXAMINE.
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