Online Coins Auction #65

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 | Madrid, 12:00 CET

Results for la category: "Ancient Greek coins"

1 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Aigai. Be17. (Ae. 3.17g/17mm). 300-200 BC (SNG Von Aulock 1596). Obv: Head of Apollo right. Rev: Goat to right, exergue Greek legend. Very Fine.
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2 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Kyme. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.42g/8mm). 480-450 BC (SNG Copenhagen 32). Obv: Head of eagle left, between KY. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Very Fine.
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3 | Ancient Greek coins

AEOLIS, Kyme. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.47g/8mm). 480-450 BC (SNG Copenhagen 32). Obv: Head of eagle left, between KY. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Very Fine.
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4 | Ancient Greek coins

BACTRIA, Philoxenos Aniketos. Drachm. (Ar. 2.45g/15mm). 125-110 BC (Seaby 7664). Obv: Laureate head of Philoxenos right, legend around. Rev: Horseman with spear right, monogram in field, legend around. Almost Very Fine.
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5 | Ancient Greek coins

BITHYNIA, Prussias II. Be18. (Ae. 4.25g/18mm). 182-149 BC Nicomedia. (SNG von Aulock 258; SNG Copenhagen 631). Obv: Laureate head of Prussias II right. Rev: Heracles standing left holding club and drapery, behind Greek monogram, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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6 | Ancient Greek coins

EGYPT, Ptolemy V. Ae28. (Ae. 15.30g/28mm). 204-180 BC (Seaby 7880). Obv: Diademed head of Cleopatra right. Rev: Eagle standing left, monogram in front, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine. Drill attempt.
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7 | Ancient Greek coins

HISTAIA, Euboia. Tetrobolus. (Ar. 1.97g/14mm). 3rd century-1st century BC (HGC 4, 1524). Obv: Diademed female head right. Rev: Histaia seated on bow to right, behind Greek legend. Good Very Fine.
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8 | Ancient Greek coins

PHOENIA, Plows. Be16. (Ae. 3.82g/16mm). RY 11 (Year 149-148 BC). (HGC 10, 88). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus. Rev: Prow to right, below Greek legend, above monograms. Almost Very Fine.
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9 | Ancient Greek coins

SASANID EMPIRE, Khusro II. Drachm. (Ar. 4.05g/31mm). Year 4 (593-594 AD). Yazd. (Mitchiner 1194var). Obv: Crowned bust of Khusro II right within border. Rev: Altar with fire between two guards, between star and crescent. Very Fine.
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10 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Ephesus. Tracing. (Ae. 2.24g/16mm). 202-133 BC (SNG Copenhagen 299). Obv: Bee inside laurel wreath. Rev. standing deer to right, behind palm tree, between Greek letters. Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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11 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Smyrna. Be25. (Ae. 14.42g/25mm). 75-50 BC (Milne 388). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Poet Homer seated left, star in front, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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12 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Miles. diobolus (Ar. 1.10g/10mm). 6th century-5th century BC (SNG Von Aulock 2080). Obv: Front of lion right. Rev: Embossed star design. Very Fine.
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13 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Phokaia. diobolus (Ar. 1.24g/10mm). 521-478 BC (SNG Copenhagen 389/393). Obv: Helmeted head of nymph left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Very Fine.
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14 | Ancient Greek coins

IONIA, Phocaia. diobolus (Ar. 1.17g/10mm). 510-494 BC (SNG Copenhagen 389-94; SNG Kayhan 522). Obv: Archaic head of Athena left. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Very Fine.
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15 | Ancient Greek coins

JUDAEA, Samaria. Mite. (Ar. 0.72g/10mm). 401-365 BC Sidon. (HGC 10,240). Obv: Phoenician galley sailing left. Rev: Persian king standing right with dagger fighting lion. Good Very Fine.
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16 | Ancient Greek coins

LYKIA, Phaselis. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.57g/30mm). 197-196 BC (Price 2864). Obv: Head of Heracles right with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle right, monogram KB in front, Greek letter below throne, Greek legend behind. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, rare like this.

Greek mythology tells that the lion of Nemea was invincible and had all its inhabitants frightened. A lion that seemed indestructible and whose skin was so tough that no weapon could pierce it. After trying unsuccessfully with various weapons, it was finally with his own hands that Hercules ended the life of this lion. With his skin the armor was made that protected him in all his battles and that is the one with which he appears represented on the obverse of this coin. He also used his head as a helmet or helmet

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17 | Ancient Greek coins

MAURITANIA, Lixus. Be14. (Ae. 1.71g/14mm). 51-50 BC (SNG Copenhagen 694/6). Obv: Male head with head decoration to right. Rev: Bunch of grapes down. Good Fine.
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18 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Cycic. Hemiobolus. (Ar. 0.33g/9mm). 450-400 BC (SNG France 375). Obv: Front part of wild boar to left. Rev: Lion's head to the left, star above, all in incuse square. Very Fine.
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19 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Parion. Drachm. (Ar. 3.54g/12mm). 550-520 BC (SNG Copenhagen 256). Obv: Medusa head facing front. Rev: Linear incuse pattern. Almost Very Fine.
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20 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Pergamos. Be16. (Ae. 3.44g/16mm). 200-113 BC (SNG Copenhagen 368). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Serpent coiled around a rod, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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21 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Pergamos. Be18. (Ae. 3.46g/18mm). 200-133 BC (SNG Copenhagen 388). Obv: Head of Athena right. Rev: Front standing owl on palm with open wings, between two monograms, above and below Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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22 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Pergamos. Be21. (Ae. 7.50g/21mm). 200-133 BC (SNG France 1875). Obv: Head of Athena right with Corinthian helmet. Rev: Trophy, below monogram, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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23 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Pergamos. Be21. (Ae. 10.14g/21mm). 200-20 BC (SNG von Aulock 1372; Seaby 3697). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Serpent coiled with omphalos to the right, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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24 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Pergamos. cistophorus. (Ar. 12.72g/29mm). 133-131 BC (SNG Copenhagen 424). Obv: Mystical cist with a serpent, surrounded by a crown of ivy. Rev: Two intertwined serpents around quiver and bow, above and to the left monograms, to the right thyrsus. Good Very Fine.
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25 | Ancient Greek coins

MISIA, Kyzikos. Hekte. (El. 2.61g/12mm). 500-450 BC (Seaby 3822). Obv: Male figure kneeling right holding knife and tuna fish. Rev: Quadripartite incuse. Almost Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, rare like this.

When the Peloponnesian War was coming to an end and the importance of the then preponderant Athens and Miletus was declining, Cyzicus emerged with force. The rapid acquisition of a predominant position, from the commercial point of view, in this city meant that its currency, especially gold, was considered one of the most important and basic of all antiquity. In addition to the cyzicenus, a gold coin worth 28 drachmas, we find the hekté coin in electron equivalent to one sixth of a stater
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26 | Ancient Greek coins

MOESIA, Istros. Arrow coin. (Ae. 5.25g/44mm). 6th century-5th century BC (SNG BM Black Sea 218). Good Very Fine.
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27 | Ancient Greek coins

MOESIA, Istros. diobolus (Ar. 1.26g/11mm). 400-350 BC (SNG Copenhagen 20). Obv: Male heads facing inverted. Rev: Eagle seizing dolphin left above Greek legend, among them Greek monogram. Very Fine.
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28 | Ancient Greek coins

PAPHLAGONIA, Sinope. Be18. (Ae. 4.18g/18mm). 105-90 BC (SNG BM Black Sea 1528-30; HGC 7, 418). Obv: Helmeted head of Ares right. Rev: Sword in sheath, among Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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29 | Ancient Greek coins

PERSIA, Achaemenid Kingdom. Centuries. (Ar. 5.55g/17mm). 485-420 BC Sardis. (BMC Arabia 22-25). Obv: Persian king advancing right. Rev: Even. Very Fine.
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30 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Be23. (Ae. 9.56g/23mm). 100-50 BC (SNG Copenhagen 177). Obv: Head of Zeus right. Rev: Artemides front standing . Very Fine
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31 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Be21. (Ae. 8.12g/21mm). 100-50 BC (SNG Copenhagen 177). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Artemis from the front, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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32 | Ancient Greek coins

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Be22. (Ae. 7.74g/22mm). 88-40 BC (HGC 7, 740). Obv: Bust of Athena with Corinthian helmet right. Rev: Eagle perching on base, on both sides hats of the Dioscuri, above and below legend Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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33 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be21. (Ae. 8.37g/21mm). 111-105 BC (HGC 7,241). Obv: Helmeted head of Ares. Rev: Sword in sheath, among Greek legend. Very Fine.
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34 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be22. (Ae. 8.24g/22mm). 85-65 BC (SNG Stancomb 697). Obv: Laureate head of Dionysos right. Rev: Basket and thyrsos, in Greek monogram field, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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35 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be20. (Ae. 8.76g/20mm). 85-65 BC (SNG Stancom 706; HGC 7, 245). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing on beam of rays to right, in Greek monogram field, below Greek legend. Very Fine.
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36 | Ancient Greek coins

PONTOS, Amisos. Be25. (Ae. 11.72g/25mm). 85-65 BC (SNG BM Black Sea 1212). Obv: Helmeted head of Perseus right. Rev: Horse grazing left, Greek legend below. Almost Very Fine/ Very Fine.
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37 | Ancient Greek coins

SELEUCID KINGDOM, Antiochos VII. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.42g/29mm). 138-129 BC (Seaby 7092). Obv: Laureate head of Antiochos VII right. Rev: Athena standing to left portanod spear and Nike with laurel wreath, behind shield, between OA, around Greek legend, all within laurel. Extremely Fine. Loose coinage in part.

Founded by Seleucus I Nikátor, this dynasty ruled until 69 AD (when it was annexed to Rome by Pompey the Great) a vast territory that included Babylon, Syria and a large part of Asia Minor until it reached, to the east, the present Pakistan and by north to the deserts of the Aral Sea. It was a very heterogeneous state, made up of twenty peoples of different races, languages and religions and that brought together more than thirty million inhabitants. Antioch in Syria and Seleucia in Mesopotamia were his two capitals. Despite being heirs of the Hellenistic culture, the Seleucids ruled more like their predecessors, Syrians, Mesopotamians and Persians, making their kings worship as kings. Antiochos VII was the last great king of the empire, at his death the kingdom entered a sharp decline becoming a second level power.
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38 | Ancient Greek coins

Seleucid Kingdom, Philip I Philadelphia. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 15.41g/27mm). 95-76 BC Antioch on the Orontes. (Uncirculated 2463). Obv: Laureate head of Philip I right. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and Nike with laurel wreath, monogram below throne, around Greek legend. Good Very Fine.
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39 | Ancient Greek coins

PTOLEMAIC KINGDOM, Ptolemy IV Philopator. Drachm. (Ae. 35.37g/40mm). 222-205 BC (SNG Copenhagen 199-200). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Eagle standing left on lightning, between its legs AI, in cornucopia field, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine. Drill attempt.
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40 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes X Eusebes Filadelfos. Be15. (Ae. 4.10g/15mm). 42-36 BC (HGC 7, 856). Obv: Draped bust of Artemis left. Rev: Deer standing left, around Greek legend. Good Fine.
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41 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariobarzanes I. Drachma. (Ar. 4.41g/17mm). RY30 (66 BC). (Simonetta 17a; HGC 7, 850). Obv: Laureate head of Ariobarzanes I right. Rev: Athens standing left wearing Nike with laurel wreath and spear, shield behind, Greek letters below, Greek legend around. Good Very Fine. nice specimen
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42 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, Ariobarzanes II. Drachm. (Ar. 4.27g/16mm). 63-52 BC Eusebeia. (HGC 7, 851). Obv: Laureate head of Ariobarzanes II right. Rev: Athens standing left wearing Nike and spear, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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43 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip II. Be16. (Ae. 5.54g/16mm). 323-315 BC Macedon. (SNG Ans 905). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Rider on horse right, above Greek legend, below Greek letters. Very Fine.
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44 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Be16. (Ae. 3.84g/16mm). 323-317 BC Uncertain mint of western Asia. (Price 2803). Obv: Head of Heracles with lion skin right within Macedonian shield. Rev: Macedonian helmet, left Greek monogram, right caduceus. Very Fine.
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45 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Drachm. (Ar. 4.16g/17mm). 336-323 BC Kolophon. (Price 1817). Obv: Head of Alexander III right with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left holding eagle and scepter, Greek monogram before and below throne, Greek legend behind. Very Fine.
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46 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Drachm. (Ar. 4.04g/17mm). 310-301 BC Colophon. (Price 1534). Obv: Head of Hercules right with lion skin. Reverse: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle, H lying under throne, Greek monogram in front, Greek legend behind. Very Fine.
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47 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.77g/27mm). 311-300 BC Babylon. (Price 3746). Obv: Head of Hercules right with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle, below throne: MI, before Greek monogram within laurel wreath, around Greek legend. Very Fine.
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48 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Alexander III the Great. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.69g/26mm). 325-323 BC Babylon. (Price 3655). Obv: Head of Alexander III right with lion skin. Rev: Zeus seated left holding scepter and eagle, laurel wreath on field, monogram and M below throne, Greek legend behind. Very Fine.
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49 | Ancient Greek coins

KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 15.74g/25mm). 323-317 BC Salamis. (Price P129). Obv: Head of Hercules right with lion skin. Reverse: Zeus seated left with scepter and eagle, behind Greek legend in two lines, before rudder. Good Very Fine.
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50 | Ancient Greek coins

PARTHIAN KINGS, Phraates IV. Tetradrachm. (See. 10.57g/27mm). 26 BC Seleukeia on the Tigris. (Sellwood 51.25). Obv: Diademed bust left. Rev: Phraates IV seated on throne right receiving palm from Tyche holding cornucopia, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
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