1228 | Centenary of the Peseta

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English CANTONAL REVOLUTION (1873-1874). 5 pesetas. (Ar. 29.80g/37mm). 1873. Cartagena. (Cal-2019-7). 80 pearls on the obverse and 85 on the matching reverse. Very Fine.

The first cantonal coins were minted on September 17, 1873 and in the chronicle of the 18th (No. 42 of the Official Gazette of the Federation) we can read: "we have seen the cantonal coins that began to circulate yesterday, snatching them from the hands of those who came to buy them from our coin factory. The duros have an ounce of silver, throwing an excess over those minted by the centralist government of four reales in piece.” On October 20, the Finance Commission of the Canton declares that it has agreed to mint the cantonal currency, giving it weight and grade higher than that conceived by the centralist government, putting into circulation the cantonal currency, whose value is five pesetas in all transactions. The naval industry and its machinery were placed at the service of their manufacture and the promise of amnesty, for all those who were serving a sentence for counterfeiting coins, if they cooperated in the making of dies and in the minting process they provided the labor necessary to bring to light this iconic coin of the Peseta Centenary.

Online Coins Auction #65

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 | 12:00

Lot 1228

Starting price 125€