2455 | Medals

Automatically generated translation

English CARLOS III, the Pretender. Medal. (Tin. 24.42g / 43mm). 1710. Second entry of Carlos III, the Pretender, to Madrid. (VQ 14022). Anv: Carlos III, the Pretender, seated on a throne with royal attributes under the canopy, receiving two Victoria palms, in exergue: CAROLO III HISP ATQVE IND / VICTORI REGI MADRITI / A 1710 INCOME / N, around legend: TESTE PROBAT QVIVS IVSTIVS ARMA SVM SERIT Luc. Rev: Relief map of Spain and the Indies, inside legend: HISP / AN / I / A, MADRID and INDIA, in exergue: BENEDICENTES EI HAERE / DITABVNT TERRAM / PS 36, around legend: EREPTA PROIN RECEPTA. Extremely Fine. Drilling repaired.

Online Coin Auction #60

Tuesday, 21 December 2021 | 15:00

Lot 2455

Starting price 200€