Online Banknotes Auction #59

Thursday, 9 December 2021 | Madrid, 16:00 CET

Results for la category: "Lots and collections"

698 | Lots and collections

Set of 9 banknotes of 1000 Pesetas issued on November 17, 1971 with the 9C series, all correlative (Edifil 2021: 474d), preserving all their original preparation. Almost Uncirculated/ Good Extremely Fine. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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870 | Lots and collections

Interesting set of 5 banknotes of the Bank of Spain in different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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871 | Lots and collections

Set of 12 Spanish banknotes issued between 1928 and 1953 of different values as well as different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
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872 | Lots and collections

Interesting set of 108 Spanish banknotes issued by the Bank of Spain from 1906 to 1971, a wide variety of values and iconographic motifs printed in the Bradbury Wilkinson Company, Calcografía Cartevalori in Milan and the FNMT in Madrid, different states of conservation and some of them in various amounts. TO EXAMINE

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873 | Lots and collections

Set of 163 Bank of Spain notes (including a fake from
time of 50 Pesetas of 1905 in poor condition), different issues, series and quantities, in different qualities. Good/ Very Fine. TO EXAMINE.
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874 | Lots and collections

Very curious set of 305 Spanish banknotes issued during the Reign of Alfonso XIII and the Second Republic on dates between 1925 and 1937, values of 1 Peseta, 25 Pesetas, 50 Pesetas and 100 Pesetas, in different states of conservation and amounts. TO EXAMINE.

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875 | Lots and collections

Beautiful set of 326 Bank of Spain banknotes from various periods and in various qualities and quantities, many copies in very good condition and interesting. To examine.
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876 | Lots and collections

A beautiful set of Bank of Spain notes, consisting of a nice collection from the rest of the collection, to which is added a set of notes from the Civil War, of which there are repetitions and in different qualities. TO EXAMINE.
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877 | Lots and collections

Interesting set of Bills of Exchange, mainly from the first decades of the 20th century, valued with the different corresponding Fiscal State Stamps (Money Order, Mobile, Invoices and Receipts, Foralidades, etc.), some of them drawn abroad and collected in Spanish banks with the rates of each country, includes a "PROTEST" for non-payment and some unused exchange document. TO EXAMINE.
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