Online Banknotes Auction #50

Wednesday, 5 May 2021 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

Results for la category: "Euro Bank Notes"

605 | Euro Bank Notes

Proof of the FNMT ticket issued in 2010. Not listed. Uncirculated.
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606 | Euro Bank Notes

Proof of the FNMT ticket issued in 2010 with all the original preparation. Not listed, it has a vertical undulation, we understand that of origin. Almost Uncirculated.
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607 | Euro Bank Notes

5 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series U (France). (Edifil 2017: 486). Uncirculated.
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608 | Euro Bank Notes

5 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 486). Uncirculated.
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609 | Euro Bank Notes

10 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series T (Ireland). (Edifil 2017: 486A). Uncirculated.
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610 | Euro Bank Notes

10 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 486). Uncirculated.
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611 | Euro Bank Notes

20 euros. January 1, 2002. Draghi Signature. Series L (Finland). (Edifil 2017: 488B). Good Extremely Fine.
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612 | Euro Bank Notes

20 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 488). Uncirculated.
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613 | Euro Bank Notes

20 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 488A). Uncirculated.
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614 | Euro Bank Notes

50 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 489). Uncirculated.
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615 | Euro Bank Notes

50 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 489A). Uncirculated.
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616 | Euro Bank Notes

50 euros. January 1, 2002. Draghi Signature. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 489B). Uncirculated.
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617 | Euro Bank Notes

100 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 490). Uncirculated.
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618 | Euro Bank Notes

100 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Serie S (Italy). (Edifil 2017: 490A). Uncirculated.
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619 | Euro Bank Notes

100 euros. January 1, 2002. Draghi Signature. Series X (Germany). (Edifil 2017: 490B). Good Extremely Fine.
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620 | Euro Bank Notes

200 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 491). Uncirculated.
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621 | Euro Bank Notes

200 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series X (Germany). (Edifil 2017: 491). Uncirculated.
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622 | Euro Bank Notes

500 euros. January 1, 2002. Signature Duisenberg. Series V (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 492). Almost Uncirculated.
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623 | Euro Bank Notes

500 euros. January 1, 2002. Trichet signature. Series X (Germany). (Edifil 2017: 492A). Uncirculated.
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624 | Euro Bank Notes

5 euros. May 2, 2013. Draghi signature. VA series (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 493). Uncirculated.
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625 | Euro Bank Notes

20 euros. November 25, 2015. Draghi Signature. Series SA (Italy). (Edifil 2017: 495). Uncirculated.
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626 | Euro Bank Notes

10 euros. September 23, 2014. Draghi Signature. VA series (Spain). (Edifil 2017: 494). Uncirculated.
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627 | Euro Bank Notes

50 euros. April 4, 2014. Draghi signature. Uncirculated Series (Italy). (Edifil 2017: 496). Uncirculated.
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628 | Euro Bank Notes

100 euros. (2019ca). Draghi signature. VA series (Spain). Not listed in Edifil. Uncirculated.
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629 | Euro Bank Notes

200 euros. (2019ca). Draghi signature. UC Series (France). Not listed in Edifil. Uncirculated.
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