1089 | Medals

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English CARLOS IV (1788-1808). Proclamation in Guanajuato. (Ae. 52.20g / 47mm). December 25, 1790. Guanajuato. Engraver: GA Gil. (H 142; Vives 124 metal variation). Anv: Bust of Carlos IV with jacket, shirt with jabot, band, mantle and collar of the fleece, around legend: CARLOS IIII KING OF SPAIN AND EMPEROR OF THE YND. Rev: Oval Escudo crowned on the shelf, with decorated cardboard and garlands of wide ribbons, inside, Faith standing on mountains, holding chalice with the Sacred Form shining and cross, around legend: IT WAS PROCLAMED BY THE NOBLE CITY OF GUANAXUATO IN 25 DECEMBER 1790. Extremely Fine. Beautiful and rare specimen.

Online Coin Auction #49

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 | 16:00

Lot 1089

Starting price 200€