1131 | Medals

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English FERNANDO VI (1746-1759). Proclamation in Barcelona. (Ar. 5.15g / 27mm). 1746. Module of 2 Reales. Engraver: I. Valls. (You Vives 669). Anv: Bust of Ferdinand VI with breastplate, band and fleece collar, around legend: FERDINAND REX CATH VI CAST III ARAG / PROCLAM BARCIN 1746. Rev: Mercury on the left with petaso and caduceus, helps Cupid to unite the two with a bow crowns worn by the kings of Castile and Aragon, above the legend: AMORE REVINCIT. Good Very Fine. Limited.

Online Coin Auction #49

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 | 16:00

Lot 1131

Starting price 100€