1118 | Medals

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English CARLOS IV (1788-1808). Proclamation in Sevilla. (Ar. 23.78g / 35mm). 1789. Engraver: F. Gordillo. (Vives 98; RAH 386). Anv: Semifrontal bust of Carlos IV laureate with jacket, shirt with frill, band, cloak and the cross of the Holy Spirit, around the legend: CAROL IV DG HISP ET IND REX. Rev: San Fernando crowned with armor, mantle, sword and cruciferous globe, between San Isidoro and San Leandro both with miter and staff, above legend: PROC SPQ HISPAL 1789, in exergue: NO-8-DO. Very Fine. Cleaned.

Online Coin Auction #49

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 | 16:00

Lot 1118

Starting price 100€