1111 | Medals

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English CARLOS IV (1788-1808). Proclamation in Murcia. (Ar. 22.01g / 39mm). 1789. Engraver: M. Peleguer y Tossar. (H-76; VQ 13130). Ob: Laureate bust of Carlos IV with breastplate, band, mantle and collar of the fleece, around legend: CAROLVS IV DG HISPANIARVM REX, under the bust: MDCCLXXXIX. Rev: Escudo with a crowned heart shape, with fleur de lis and rampant lion on the left inside, on the edge: PRISCAS NOVISIMAE EXALTAT ET AMOR, six crowns surrounding the shield, around legend: FIDELIS MVRCIA PRO SE SVO QVE REGE PROCLAMAT. Good Very Fine. Cleaned. Nice tone. Strange.

Online Coin Auction #49

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 | 16:00

Lot 1111

Starting price 175€