655 | Spanish Bank Notes

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English Impressive set of 10 banknotes of 1000 Pesetas issued on September 17, 1971, with series V and including all solid 6-digit numbers of said series (numbers with the 6 equal digits), in addition to ticket number V1000000. (Edifil 2017: 474b). Original sizing. Extraordinarily rare set. UNC/ UNC.

Note: In the FNMT, a block of 100 bills was called a "mazo" (16 x10x1cm), ten "mazos" (1000 bills) was called a "package" (16x10x10cm), ten "packages" (10,000 bills) were called "packet" (16x20x50cm), to manage this fantastic group of correlatives, one would have to handle a hundred packets or what is the same 1,000,000 banknotes or exactly 1.6 cubic meters of banknotes or the equivalent of one billion pesetas of the time , obviously something unattainable for an employee without the authorization of a high official of the FNMT

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Thursday, 11 March 2021 | 16:00

Lot 655

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