Online Coins Auction #46

Wednesday, 17 February 2021 | Madrid, 16:00 CET

1 | Celtiberian coins

ACCI (Guadix, Granada). Dupondio. (Ae. 22.63g / 36mm). 14-36 AD Anv: Naked head of Tiberius right, around: TI. CAESAR. AVGVSTVS. Rev: Heads faced by Gérmanico and Druso, between them: II. VIR., Around: GERMANICO. ET. DRVSO. CAES. CIGA (FAB-37). VF. Retouched.
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2 | Celtiberian coins

ARATICOS (Arándiga, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 9.86g / 24mm). 120-80 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind the Iberian letter A, in front of the crescent. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend without line: ARATiCoS. (FAB-67). VF. Contemporary patina.
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3 | Celtiberian coins

AREICORATICOS (Agreda, Soria). As. (Ae. 21.23g / 30mm). 150-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, front Iberian letters SOS and back point. Rev: Horseman with chlamid on the right, below Iberian legend: AREICoRATiCoS. (FAB-84). Cartwheel countermark on obverse. VF. Contemporary patina.
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4 | Celtiberian coins

ARSE-SAGUNTUM (Sagunto, Valencia). As. (Ae. 24.87g / 32mm). 50-20 BC Anv: Gallead head of Rome to the right, around Iberian legend: ICoRBeLES BaLCaCaLDuR. Rev: Bow to right, above Victoria, to the right caduceus and below Iberian legend: ARSE. (FAB-2076). VF. Retouched.
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5 | Celtiberian coins

ALAUN (Alagón, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 14.93g / 28mm). 120-80 BC Anv: Male head to the right, around three dolphins. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, around Iberian legend: ALAUN. (FAB-62). VF. Retouched.
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6 | Celtiberian coins

BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.20g / 30mm). 30-20 BC Anv: Head of Augustus to the right, in front of BILBILIS. Rev: Rider with lance to the right, under ITALICA without line. (FAB-270). XF. Partially retouched. Scarce.
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7 | Celtiberian coins

BURSAU (Borja, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.70g / 27mm). 120-80 BC Anv: Bearded head to the right, behind the Iberian letter Bu, in front of the dolphin. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: BuRSAU. (FAB- 300). VF. Retouched. Limited.

Along with Turiasu and Arekorata it was one of the main cities of the Lusones, one of the four into which Celtiberia was divided according to Strabo, and according to Pliny it was the stipendiary city of Caesaraugusta. In any case we are talking about a city of Celtiberian origin that coined a scarce numerary and with little development in time (centered, practically in its entirety, between the middle and end of the second century BC) always in copper and with units of spear horsemen, and rooms. The main type of the obverse, both of the units and the halves, corresponds to a male head, bearded or beardless, decorated with torcs as a symbol of status or dotted necklaces. The obversees are completed with a dolphin in front of the head and the epigraphic sign Bu behind, the initial of the toponym of the mint. On the back of the units is the spear rider with a Montefortino helmet. They are generally coins little varied in terms of typology and iconography but of extraordinary historical and numismatic value.
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8 | Celtiberian coins

CAESARAUGUSTA (Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.58g / 29mm). Anv: Head of Caligula laureate on the left, around legend: G. CAESAR. AVG. GERMANICVS. IMP. Rev: Yunta to the right, above: CCA, around legend: LICINIANUS. ET. GERMANIC. II. VIR. (FAB-390). VF. Scarce as well.
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9 | Celtiberian coins

CAESARAUGUSTA (Zaragoza). Dupondio. (Ae. 25.09g / 35mm). 37-14 AD Anv: Radiated head of Augustus to the left, around legend: DIVVS. AVGVSTVS. PATER. R. Rev: Fúlmen, between CCA, around legend: SCIPIONE. ET. MONTANO. II. VIR. (FAB-382). F. Retouched. Very rare.
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10 | Celtiberian coins

CAISCATA (Cascante, Navarra). As. (Ae. 13.95g / 28mm). 14-36 AD Anv: Laureate head of Tiberius right, around: TI. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVGVSTVS. Rev: Bull to the right, above: MVNICIP, below: CASCANTVM, with N and T intertwined. (FAB-690). XF. Nice green patina.
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11 | Celtiberian coins

CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). 1/4 Tracing. (Ae. 2.17g / 14mm). 220-215 BC Anv: Head of Tanit. Rev: Helmet. (FAB-521). AU.
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12 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaén). As. (Ae. 27.17g / 33mm). 180 BC Anv: Diademic male head on the right. Rev: Sphinx on the right with star and Iberian letter Co in front, below Iberian legend: CaSTeLE. (FAB-697). AU. Retouched.
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13 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaén). As. (Ae. 20.10g / 31mm). 180 BC Bv: Laureate male head on the right, around: SACAL ISCER. Rev: Sphinx on the right, front legend: CAST, bottom: SOCED. (FAB-709). VF. Scarce.
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14 | Celtiberian coins

CELIN (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia). As. (Ae. 10.94g / 25mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind dolphin, in front of palm. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: CeLIN. (FAB-767). VF. Retouched. Rare.
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15 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 17.32g / 30mm). 120-50 BC Anv: Male head to right with mantle and fibula, around three dolphins. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: CeLSE. (FAB-771). VF. Retouched.
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16 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 7.81g / 23mm). 120-50 BC Anv: Male head to the right, around three dolphins. Rev: Horse to the right, above crescent, below Iberian legend: CeLSE. (FAB-782). VF. Contemporary patina.
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17 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 4.66g / 20mm). 120-50 BC Anv: Male head to the right, around three dolphins. Rev: Horse to the right, above crescent, below Iberian legend: CeLSE. (FAB-782). F.
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18 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.61g / 16mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to right, arrowhead behind. Rev: Dolphin on the right, two points above, below Iberian legend: CeSE. (FAB-2345). F.
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19 | Celtiberian coins

COLONIA ROMULA (Seville). Dupondio. (Ae. 25.55g / 36mm). 14-36 AD Anv: Radiated head of Augustus to right, front fulmen, around: PERM. DIVI. AVG. CABBAGE. ROM. Rev: Livia's head to the left, below globe, above crescent, around: IVLIA. AVGVSTA. GENETRIX. ORBIS. (FAB-2014). VF. Retouched.
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20 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 9.29g / 23mm). 120-80 BC Anv: Male bust to the right without a beard, in front of the dolphin, behind the Iberian legend: CaRBiCa. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, Iberian legend: CoNTeBaCoM. (FAB-846). AU. Contemporary patina. Nice specimen.

Prolific mint as far as emissions are concerned, highlighting the minting of both denarii and copper, even of Iberian metric in the middle of the 2nd century BC. victory palm (which has generated an interesting debate since this feature is distinctive of more northern mints). The obverse always presents a beardless or bearded male bust, which is something unusual since mints tend to choose one type or another, this alternative use not being too frequent in the currency of this period. This fact, together with the variety of spelling and other stylistic elements, leads us to think that they were very prolonged emissions in time.
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21 | Celtiberian coins

CUELIOCOS (Upper Ebro area). As. (Ae. 12.03g / 24mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Bearded male head to the right, behind dolphin, in front of dolphin and Iberian letter Cu. Rev: Rider with palm, below Iberian legend: CuELIOCoS. (FAB-867). F. Rare.

Although even today there are serious doubts about its exact location, it seems certain that we are facing a Celtiberian settlement of undoubted Basque influence. After a first issue of coppers with units, half and quarters of a metric between 14 and 16 grams, there is a second one composed of only units and that follow the theoretical pattern of 12 grams typical of the middle of the second century BC. palm of victory, a clearly identifying feature that places it in the northern area of Celtiberia.
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22 | Celtiberian coins

DAMANIU (Area of Aragon). As. (Ae. 9.25g / 26mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind the Iberian letter Da, in front of two dolphins. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: DaMANIU. (FAB-889). XF. Very scarce as well.
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23 | Celtiberian coins

EBUSUS (Ibiza, Balearic Islands). 1/4 Tracing. (Ae. 3.28g / 18mm). 300-200 BC Anv: Bes with kilt holding hammer and snake. Rev: Bull charging left. (FAB-923). XF. Nice little specimen as well.
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24 | Celtiberian coins

ESO (Isona, Lleida). As. (Ae. 7.64g / 25mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind the Iberian letter Ce, in front of two dolphins. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: ESO. (FAB-1291). VF. Nice specimen, scarce like that. Green patina.
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25 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Sesterce. (Ae. 37.61g / 38mm). 27 BC-AD 14 Anv: Head of Agrippa on the right, in front of the legend: AGRIPPA. Rev: Ship spur on the left, around legend: PATRONVS. ET. PARENS. MVNICIPI. (FAB-1363). F. Very rare.

Coin that commemorates Agrippa's naval triumphs in his capacity as Praefectus Classis during his consulate in 36 BC. In this series the character is represented only by his head, in profile and with a laurel wreath on the obverse; on the back there is an acrostolium, with different legends. The series would be dated between 36 BC, surely very close to this date, and 12 BC (year of the death of Marco Vipsanio Agrippa).
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26 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Sesterce. (Ae. 42.91g / 38mm). 27 BC-14 AD Anv: Head of Hercules to the left, behind nails. Rev: Knife, symbol and ax, around internal reading legend: BALBVS PONT. (FAB-1364). F. Retouched. Rare.
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27 | Celtiberian coins

ICALCUNSCEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 7.96g / 22mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind CN, in front of Q. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield to the left, below Iberian legend: ICaLCuNSCeN. (FAB-1418). XF. Retouched. Scarce as well.
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28 | Celtiberian coins

ICALSUSCEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). Denarius. (Ar. 3.62g / 19mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right. Rev: Rider with buckler and chlamys leading a second horse to the left, below Iberian legend: ICaLCuSCeN. (FAB-1396). AU. Spectacular rare specimen in this quality.

The iconography of the Icalcuscen coinage is based on the image of the male face (in almost all cases on the right) on the obverse, and with the representation on the reverse of the rider with two horses, or the spear rider, but always carrying the round shield that facilitates the identification of the coins of this mint. Regarding the name of the mint, expressed in southern Iberian characters, it appears in three forms that are coincident: IKALENSKEN, IKALESKEN or IKALES. A separate mention is the correctness or not of the name of this piece as denarius. While many scholars oppose such a denomination, the truth is that they are already coins minted under Roman rule and that they are a direct consequence of the financial and fiscal interest of the Roman administration itself.
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29 | Celtiberian coins

ILDURO (Mataró, Barcelona). As. (Ae. 14,19g / 30mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Diademic male head to the right, behind the ear. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: ILDuRO. (FAB-1438). XF. Contemporary patina. Nice specimen, scarce in this quality.

At the end of the first third of the second century BC, the copper emissions stand out and have the particularity of marking the obverse with an ear. On the obverse and depending on whether you look to the right or left, the male head, we can establish a specific dating (we know, for example, that the figure looking left belongs to a third issue dated at the end of the 2nd century BC). The reverse sides are, however, always coincident: spear rider.
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30 | Celtiberian coins

ILIPENSE (Alcalá del Río, Seville). As. (Ae. 16.12g / 31mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Shad on the right, above crescent, below between two lines legend: ILIPENSE, below A. Rev: Spike. (FAB-1532). F. Contemporary patina.
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31 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTASALIRBAN (Lleida). Denarius. (Ar. 3.61g / 19mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Rider with palm and cloak on the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTaSALIRBaN. (FAB-1455). VF. Cleaned oxidations. Rare.

The Iltirta currency is one of the most widely distributed throughout the peninsula. Indo-European in character, the first appearance in the history of this people dates back to 219 BC with the march of Hannibal against Rome crossing the Ebro. Later they appear as an ally of the Carthaginians. From the numismatic point of view, after the issuance of the Emporitan imitation drachmas and the Massolite imitation dividers, Ilerda began minting within the Roman organization using the Iberian legend ILTIRTA, with a first issuance of a bronze coin with type de lobo and the metrology used in Tarraco-Cese. During the second century BC there was an important change going to minting only coins with the type of the rider, but when the time of the Sertorian wars (80-72 BC) came under the influence of Cese, and using the type of the wolf and the low weight of those emissions. Finally he ends up minting crude, low-weight issues, always with the wolf type.

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32 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 17.89g / 28mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Horseman with palm and cloak on the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1465). VF.
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33 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 15.23g / 30mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Horseman with palm and cloak on the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1465). VF.
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34 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 12.74g / 26mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Horseman with palm and cloak on the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1465). XF. Nice specimen.
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35 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 9.62g / 25mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Horseman with palm and cloak on the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1465). VF.
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36 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). Semis. (Ae. 7.96g / 25mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Horse on the right, above crescent, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1466). AU.
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37 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lleida). As. (Ae. 8.06g / 23mm). 200-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right. Rev: wolf walking to the right, above Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. (FAB-1475). XF.
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38 | Celtiberian coins

ILTERACA (South of the peninsula). As. (Ae. 19.71g / 30mm). 80-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, before Iberian legend: ILTeRACa. Rev: Wolf on the right, above palm, below Iberian legend ILTeRACa. (FAB-1564). VF. Retouched reverse. Very rare specimen.

Although the exact location is unknown, it seems proven that it must have been located near Ilberir and that it received an important influence from Castulo. From the numismatic point of view we find a piece of special rarity that shows the name of the city both on the front and on the back, something really unusual, and where the figure of a wolf and palm also stand out. There are two different emissions for this city being, in addition to the duality of the place name or not, the weight the key and differentiating element between them.
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39 | Celtiberian coins

ITALICA (Santiponce, Seville). Dupondio. (Ae. 27.28g / 36mm). 27 BC-AD 14 Anv: Radiated head of Augustus to the left, front fulmen, around: PERM. AVG. DIVVS. AVGVSTVS. PATER. Rev: Livia seated left, around: MVN. ITALICA. IVLIA. AVGVSTVS. (FAB-1591). VF. Retouched. Very rare.
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40 | Celtiberian coins

LAGINE (Area of Aragon). As. (Ae. 9.67g / 24mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins on the right. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: LAGiNE. (FAB-1655). XF. Contemporary patina.
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41 | Celtiberian coins

LAIESCEN (Barcelona). Semis. (Ae. 10.57g / 25mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right. Rev: Horse to the right, above Laurea, below Iberian legend: LAIESCeN. (FAB-1662). VF. Retouched. Limited.
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42 | Celtiberian coins

LUCO AUGUSTI (Lugo). As. (Ae. 9.59g / 25mm). 27 BC-14 AD Anv: Naked head of Augustus on the left, behind caduceus, in front of palm, around: IMP. AVG. DIVI. F. Rev: Front casing without flange. (FAB-1706). VF. Limited.
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43 | Celtiberian coins

OBULCO (Porcuna, Jaén). Dupondio. (Ae. 48.10g / 39mm). 220-20 BC Anv: Female head to the right inside crown, crescent in front and legend: OBVLCO. Rev: Plow to the right, under spike, yoke and Iberian legend: IBuLCa. (FAB-1778). F. Retouched. Very rare.
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44 | Celtiberian coins

OBULCO (Porcuna, Jaén). Dupondio. (Ae. 25.50g / 34mm). 220-20 BC Anv: Female head to the right inside laurea, crescent in front and legend: OBVLCO. Rev: Plow to the right, under the spike and Iberian leyeda to the left in two lines: SIUBoLAI / ORCaIL. (FAB-1779). VF.
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45 | Celtiberian coins

OMTICES (Area of Navarra, Aragon). As. (Ae. 10.40g / 26mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head bearded to the right, front plowed, rear ear. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, behind triquela, below Iberian legend: OMTiCeS. (FAB-1888). VF. Retouched reverse. Rare.

Somewhere in Navarra or Alto Aragón we place this mint in which the representation of a plow in front of or behind the male head on the obverse, makes us place it within the influence of the bascones and more specifically in its easternmost area. Its exact location is one of the great enigmas of this mint (the existence of a town called Oncins in the province of Huesca, could derive its current denomination from the tribal name of this mint) that emitted few copper emissions and also with little representation of specimens. Only light metric units are known and therefore, framed in a very specific chronological framework: the beginning of the 1st century BC.
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46 | Celtiberian coins

OSONUBA (Faro, Portugal). As. (Ae. 30.55g / 33mm). 50 BC Annv: Nave to the left. Rev: Two tunas on the left, between the two legend: OSVNBA. (FAB-1962). VF. Very rare and very beautiful specimen.

Located in Faro, capital of the Portuguese Algarve, the mints of this Turdetan city and border with Tartesos that we know are of an extraordinary rarity and are only verified when the city belonged to the Ulterior, in a pre-imperial moment. They present their coins, a ship and on the opposite side the toponym between two tunas (this site had one of its main industries in the salting of fish) There are also small lead tesserae, with a fish and underneath, sometimes, the word Bear .
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47 | Celtiberian coins

SAITI (Xátiva, Valencia). As. (Ae. 28.78g / 33mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, behind scepter. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: SAITi. (FAB-2097). VF. Retouched.

Its location south of Júcar frames it within the Contestania and with certain cultural and social similarities with edetanos and bastetanos. Numismatically speaking, it is a mint that mints a great variety of types and units, from a primitive didracma to a common copper coin with a head on the front and a horseman with a palm on the back. It is common, for the aces, the gradual decrease in weight over the years; Thus we go from some first pieces that are around 31 grams, about 205 BC to units of 28 grams about 150 BC until reaching 20 grams in the middle of the 1st century BC.
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48 | Celtiberian coins

SAMALA (Area of Aragon). As. (Ae. 7.83g / 23mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right between two dolphins. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: SAMALA. (FAB-2111). XF. Contemporary patina. Very rare.
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49 | Celtiberian coins

SECAISA (Area of Aragon). As. (Ae. 20.79g / 32mm). 120-20 BC Anv: Male head to the right, in front of the dolphin, behind Iberian letters: SE. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: SECaISA. (FAB-2121). XF. Contemporary patina.
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50 | Celtiberian coins

SECOBIRICES (Saelices, Cuenca). Semis. (Ae. 4.65g / 19mm). 120-30 BC Anv: Galley female head, in front of dolphin, behind Iberian letter S. Rev: Lion on the right, above crescent, below Iberian legend: SECoBiRICeS. (FAB-2180). VF. Limited.
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