25 | Celtiberian coins

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English GADES (Cádiz). Sesterce. (Ae. 37.61g / 38mm). 27 BC-AD 14 Anv: Head of Agrippa on the right, in front of the legend: AGRIPPA. Rev: Ship spur on the left, around legend: PATRONVS. ET. PARENS. MVNICIPI. (FAB-1363). F. Very rare.

Coin that commemorates Agrippa's naval triumphs in his capacity as Praefectus Classis during his consulate in 36 BC. In this series the character is represented only by his head, in profile and with a laurel wreath on the obverse; on the back there is an acrostolium, with different legends. The series would be dated between 36 BC, surely very close to this date, and 12 BC (year of the death of Marco Vipsanio Agrippa).

Online Coins Auction #46

Wednesday, 17 February 2021 | 16:00

Lot 25

Starting price 400€