463 | Spanish Bank Notes

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English EQUATORIAL GUINEA. (1979ca). Set of photographs-drawings-negative-projects of a notaphilic vignette for the project of a Guinean banknote made at the FNMT in Madrid. Rare and interesting set.

King Bioko: From Mölambo, the first known Bubi king and prior to the taking of the island by the Spanish, to Malabo, with whom the figure of the king disappeared from the Guinean political scene, the successive local kings witnessed a quasi mystical role and reduced more to symbolic than effective aspects. An aspect that, however, we cannot underestimate because if something these dynasties symbolize is that of the indigenous struggle against the European metropolises, in this case Spain. With the independence of Equatorial Guinea it became clear that the presence of this dynasty was not a trivial matter in the recent history of the country. Malabo and Bioko, both sons of King Möókata, today name the capital and the island where it is located.

Online Banknotes Auction #42

Thursday, 17 December 2020 | 16:00

Lot 463

Starting price 150€